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English-German translation for: factors
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Dictionary English German: factors

Translation 1 - 70 of 70

English German
NOUN   a factor | factors
VERB  to factor | factored | factored
factoring | factors
Faktoren {pl}
2 Words: Nouns
biol. abiotic factorsabiotische Faktoren {pl}
appraisal factorsBeurteilungskriterien {pl}
basic factors [also in CRM]Basisfaktoren {pl} [auch bei Kundenbeziehungsmanagement]
biol. psych. behavioral factors [Am.]Verhaltensfaktoren {pl}
biol. psych. behaviour factors [Br.]Verhaltensfaktoren {pl}
biol. psych. behavioural factors [Br.]Verhaltensfaktoren {pl}
biol. biotic factorsbiotische Faktoren {pl}
concomitant factorsgleichzeitig bestehende Faktoren {pl}
confounding factorsStörfaktoren {pl}
determining factorsRahmenbedingungen {pl}
detrimental factorsnachteilige Faktoren {pl}
psych. driving factorsAntriebsfaktoren {pl}
econ. economic factorsWirtschaftsfaktoren {pl}
econ. economic factorswirtschaftliche Faktoren {pl}
biol. ecol. environmental factorsUmweltfaktoren {pl}
excitement factors [also in customer relations management]Begeisterungsfaktoren {pl} [auch bei Kundenbeziehungsmanagement]
MedTech. exposure factors [EUR 17538] [settings of tube voltage, tube current and exposure time]Aufnahmeparameter {pl} [EUR 17538]
external factorsäußere Faktoren {pl}
spec. extraneous factorsAußenfaktoren {pl}
sociol. family factorsFamilienfaktoren {pl}
biochem. genetic factorsGenfaktoren {pl}
biol. genetic factorsgenetische Faktoren {pl}
biol. growth factorsWachstumfaktoren {pl}
biol. growth factorsWachstumsfaktoren {pl}
hereditary factorsErbanlagen {pl}
tech. imbalance factorsUnwuchtfaktoren {pl}
important factorswichtige Faktoren {pl}
important factorswichtige Orientierungsgrößen {pl}
med. QM tech. influencing factorsEinflussfaktoren {pl}
influencing factorsEinflussparameter {pl}
motivating factorsTriebfedern {pl} [treibende Kraft]
negative factorsbelastende Faktoren {pl}
market. QM penalty factorsPenalty-Faktoren {pl}
performance factors [also in CRM]Leistungsfaktoren {pl} [auch bei Kundenbeziehungsmanagement]
med. physician factors <PF>arztseitige Faktoren {pl}
production factorsProduktionsfaktoren {pl}
econ. productive factorsProduktionsfaktoren {pl}
psychological factorspsychologische Faktoren {pl}
market. QM reward factorsReward-Faktoren {pl} [Zusatzdienstleistungen, die vom Kunden nicht erwartet wurden; Begeitsterungsfaktoren]
risk factorsRisikofaktoren {pl}
chem. soluble factorslösliche Faktoren {pl}
biol. transcription factors <TFs>Transkriptionsfaktoren {pl} <TF>
variant factorsabweichende Faktoren {pl}
various factorsverschiedenartige Faktoren {pl}
3 Words: Nouns
med. coronary risk factorskoronare Risikofaktoren {pl}
critical success factors <CSF>kritische Erfolgsfaktoren {pl}
factors of productionProduktionsfaktoren {pl}
factors of safetySicherheitsfaktoren {pl}
econ. psych. acad. human factors scienceArbeitswissenschaft {f}
econ. psych. acad. human factors technologies {pl}Arbeitswissenschaft {f}
human factors technologyAnthropotechnik {f}
nonoccupational risk factorsaußerberufliche Risikofaktoren {pl}
biochem. nucleotide exchange factors <NEFs>Nukleotidaustauschfaktoren {pl}
primary energy factorsPrimärenergiefaktoren {pl}
med. psychosocial risk factorspsychosoziale Risikofaktoren {pl}
table of factorsFaktorentabelle {f}
4 Words: Others
sociol. due to environmental factors {adv}milieubedingt
sociol. due to environmental factors {adj} [postpos.]milieubedingt
4 Words: Nouns
comm. analysis of location factorsStandortanalyse {f}
biochem. guanine nucleotide exchange factors <GNEFs>Guanin-Nukleotid-Austauschfaktoren {pl}
insulin-like growth factors <IGFs>insulinähnliche Wachstumsfaktoren {pl}
med. lung cancer risk factorsRisikofaktoren {pl} für Lungenkrebs
5+ Words: Others
med. When there are certain risk factors, ...Bei entsprechendem Risikoprofil ...
5+ Words: Verbs
to take into account all factorsalle Faktoren berücksichtigen
5+ Words: Nouns
psych. behavioural syndromes associated with physiological disturbances and physical factors [F50-F59] [Br.]Verhaltensauffälligkeiten {pl} mit körperlichen Störungen und Faktoren
med. factors influencing health status and contact with health services [Z00-Z99]Faktoren {pl}, die den Gesundheitszustand beeinflussen und zur Inanspruchnahme des Gesundheitswesens führen
factors influencing the calculation of exposureEinflussparameter {pl} bei der Expositionsermittlung
econ. hard and soft location factorsharte und weiche Standortfaktoren {pl}
med. risk factors for lung cancerRisikofaktoren {pl} für Lungenkrebs
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A 2022-06-15: Hmm. What about "key influencing factors" ?
A 2021-12-22: Thus, the hypothesis of affective factors leading to a better IVR performa...
A 2021-12-22: Thus, the hypothesis of a higher performance of IVR in the affective facto...
A 2019-01-13: Quite right, it was +one+ of the contributing factors rather than a key factor.
A 2017-06-11: 4 +(grounds)+ Factors forming a basis for action or the justification for ...
A 2015-06-15: human rights may be a factor to be balanced against other factors
Q 2015-03-17: factors in action
Q 2014-08-19: The influencing factors on the quality of the roller bearing seat processing
A 2013-10-09: factors
Q 2013-06-13: nested structure of conative and cognitive factors …
Q 2012-07-27: "condition index of the independent variables" and "variance inflation factors"
Q 2012-04-06: sensory factors
Q 2012-02-24: the dominant factors
Q 2012-02-01: utilization factors
A 2011-09-06: Several factors facilitated the cultivation of a variety of different grains.
A 2011-07-24: The two factors mentioned seem to be parallel.
A 2011-06-19: Viribus unitis: berechenbare Gegengrößen > assessable countervailing factors
A 2011-02-24: not more than a few factors suggest:
A 2010-07-31: I assume this is still your Dutch writer. It should really be - These fact...
Q 2010-04-01: What are the most important factors when shopping for hobby goods online?

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