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English-German translation for: failures
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Dictionary English German: failures

Translation 1 - 31 of 31

English German
NOUN   a failure | failures
Ausfälle {pl}
Zusammenbrüche {pl}
Versäumnisse {pl}
failures {pl}
Erfolglosigkeit {f}
failures {pl}
Ausschuss {m}
2 Words: Nouns
agr. crop failuresErnteausfälle {pl}
late failuresVerschleißausfälle {pl}
late failuresspäte Ausfälle {pl}
random failureszufällige Ausfälle {pl}
med. tech. secondary failuresFolgeschäden {pl}
comp. tech. systems failuresSystemausfälle {pl}
comp. tech. systems failures {pl}Systemversagen {n}
tech. wearout failuresSpätausfälle {pl} [Verschleißausfälle]
tech. wearout failuresVerschleißausfälle {pl}
3 Words: Nouns
engin. QM common cause failures {pl} <CCFs> [risk analysis]gemeinsam verursachte Ausfälle {pl} <GVA> [Fehlerbaumanalyse, DIN 25424]
engin. QM common cause failures {pl} <CCFs> [risk analysis]Versagen {n} aufgrund gemeinsamer Ursache
engin. QM common cause failures <CCFs> [risk analysis]Ausfälle {pl} aufgrund gemeinsamer Ursache
engin. QM common mode failures <CMFs> [also: <CMF>] [risk management]gleichartige Ausfälle {pl}
stat. tech. failures {pl} per hour [1/λ; failure rate]Ausfall {m} pro Zeiteinheit [1/Zeit; Ausfallrate]
rate of failuresAusfallquote {f}
QM tech. time between failures <TBF>Ausfallabstand {m}
tech. vulnerability to failuresStöranfälligkeit {f}
tech. wearout-type failuresVerschleißausfälle {pl}
4 Words: Nouns
ind. tech. mean time between failuresmittlere störungsfreie Zeit {f}
ind. tech. mean time between failuresmittlerer Abstand {m} zwischen Störungen
ind. tech. mean time between failures <MTBF>mittlere Ausfallzeit {f} [eines Gerätes] <MTBF>
QM tech. mean time between failures <MTBF>mittlerer Ausfallabstand {m}
QM tech. mean time between failures <MTBF>mittlere fehlerfreie Betriebszeit {f}
ind. QM tech. mean time between failures <MTBF>mittlere Betriebsdauer {f} zwischen zwei Ausfällen [Fehlermanagement]
tolerable rate of failureszulässige Ausfallquote {f}
5+ Words: Nouns
comm. tech. mean time between two failures <MTBF>durchschnittliche Zeit {f} zwischen zwei Ausfällen
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Q 2018-03-27: trasnlation for failures in german
A 2017-03-12: Two failures to observe GL. Paul!
Q 2014-11-26: when market failures are unlikely to affect the operation
Q 2011-10-11: Zahnmedizin: cohesive failures
A 2010-11-26: failures ...
A 2010-10-14: People like you will sooner or later make your country, I hope, a better p...
A 2008-07-14: malfunction = operating troubles/failures.
A 2008-04-18: Eher: Durchbrennen http://www.ece.vt.edu/news/ar04/failures.html
A 2008-01-29: 'subject to failures or mechanical breakage, which are replaced in correct...
Q 2007-07-02: recruitment failures
A 2006-07-16: failures / breakdowns / malfunctions
Q 2005-05-10: by swimming in my own pain and failures

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