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Dictionary English German: faith

Translation 1 - 50 of 264  >>

English German
NOUN   a faith | faiths
SYNO   faith | trust | religion ... 
faith [trust]
Vertrauen {n}
Glaube {m} [Vertrauen, religiöse Überzeugung, Konfession]
relig. faith
Religion {f}
Glauben {m} [seltener für: Glaube]
faith [loyalty]
Treue {f}
2 Words: Others
relig. faith-based {adj}glaubensbasiert
relig. faith-centered {adj} [Am.] [based exclusively on religious beliefs]glaubenszentriert
relig. faith-wise {adj}glaubensmäßig
law good faithbona fide [in gutem Glauben]
relig. inter-faith {adj}interreligiös
relig. inter-faith {adj}religionsübergreifend
relig. inter-faith {adj}zwischenreligiös
2 Words: Verbs
to lose faithden Glauben verlieren
to shake sb.'s faithjdn. in seinem Glauben erschüttern
2 Words: Nouns
assured faithgefestigter Glaube {m}
bad faithMisstrauen {n}
philos. bad faithUnaufrichtigkeit {f} [Phil.: mauvaise foi; Sartre]
law bad faith(bewusste) Böswilligkeit {f} [Arglist]
bad faithschlechter Glaube {m}
bad faith [intent to deceive]Arglist {f}
blind faithblinder Glaube {m}
blind faithblindes Vertrauen {n}
boundless faithuneingeschränkter Glaube {m}
relig. child's faithKinderglaube {m}
childhood faithKinderglaube {m}
relig. childlike faithKinderglaube {m}
relig. children's faithKinderglaube {m}
relig. Christian faithchristlicher Glaube {m}
conjugal faitheheliche Treue {f}
constant faithunerschütterlicher Glaube {m}
relig. deep faithtiefe Gläubigkeit {f}
relig. deep faithtiefer Glaube {m}
relig. ecclesiastical faithKirchenglaube {m}
faith (in)Glaube {m} (an)
relig. faith communityGlaubensgemeinschaft {f}
faith cureHeilung {f} durch Gesundbeten
relig. faith developmentGlaubensentwicklung {f}
relig. faith ethicGlaubensethik {f}
relig. faith experienceGlaubenserfahrung {f}
relig. faith groupGlaubensgemeinschaft {f}
relig. faith groupGlaubensgruppe {f}
relig. faith groupGlaubensgruppierung {f}
faith healerGesundbeter {m}
faith healerWunderheiler {m}
esot. faith healingGeistheilung {f}
faith healingGesundbeten {n}
relig. faith healingGesundbeterei {f} [pej.]
faith healingWunderheilung {f}
faith inVertrauen {n} in
faith in sth.Vertrauen {n} auf etw.
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A 2021-05-23: Cf. Lehnstreue > feudal faith
A 2021-05-22: For the time when the hymn was written, 'in thy father's faith' might work
Q 2020-03-07: objects of faith
Q 2018-04-16: seek an interest in your faith and prayers
A 2017-06-23: In faith and Testimony whereof > Zum Zeugnis dessen +(Bitte in dict.cc ein...
Q 2017-04-01: person of faith
Q 2017-01-21: Faith No More
A 2016-08-17: For all I know, a decision may be +informed+ or something (e.g. faith) may...
Q 2016-01-12: to step out in faith
Q 2015-12-07: Keep your faith
A 2015-08-06: they avowed their loyalty to / faith in ...
Q 2015-06-06: Vertragstext (Liefertermin Mo. 08.06.2015 bis 13 Uhr) - "disputes in good ...
A 2014-12-11: It is the nation that dwindles in unbelief. Lack of faith brings about shr...
A 2013-11-15: He is likely to have travelled to Rome in 1511, but making acquaintance wi...
A 2013-09-11: ...they can even stay/stick with/keep their own faith(,) if they have one.
A 2012-11-10: blinder Glaube = blind faith
A 2012-05-04: Why would somebody take such a faith away from the people,
Q 2011-11-03: respond in faith to the character and intention ...
A 2011-09-17: In the Catholic faith, "intention" implies desiring not only some good, bu...
A 2011-04-24: LINK doesn't work, so go to Google "utmost good faith" deutsch > books > page 5

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