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| |
 | fake {adj} | 1120 falsch [gefälscht, unecht] |  |
 | fake {adj} | 387 gefälscht |  |
 | fake {adj} [artificial] | 223 künstlich |  |
 | fake {adj} | 90 Kunst- [künstlich, Ersatz-] |  |
 | fake {adj} | 29 nachgemacht |  |
 | fake {adj} | 7 fingiert |  |
Verbs |
 | to fake [feign, sham] | 979 vortäuschen |  |
 | to fake [counterfeit, imitate] | 228 fälschen |  |
 | to fake [imitate] | 134 nachahmen |  |
 | to fake sth. [pretend, feign] | 64 etw. markieren [ugs.] [so tun als ob] |  |
 | to fake sth. [fabricate, make up] | 53 etw. türken [ugs.] |  |
 | to fake | 43 imitieren |  |
 | to fake | 41 vorschwindeln |  |
 | to fake | 20 faken [ugs.] |  |
 | to fake [to make fake copies of sth.] | 18 nachmachen |  |
 | mus. theatre to fake [music, stage dialogue etc.] | 13 improvisieren |  |
 | to fake | so tun, als ob |  |
Nouns |
 | fake | 211 Fälschung {f} [Gegenstand] |  |
 | fake | 99 Imitation {f} |  |
 | fake [person feigning illness] | 93 Simulant {m} |  |
 | fake | 73 Attrappe {f} |  |
 | fake [impostor] | 64 Hochstapler {m} |  |
 | fake | 43 Schwindel {m} |  |
 | fake | 27 Vortäuschung {f} |  |
 | fake [shammer] | 18 Schwindler {m} |  |
 | fake [imitation] | 17 Nachahmung {f} |  |
 | fake | 10 Fake {m} {n} [ugs.] |  |
 | fake [female feigning illness] | 8 Simulantin {f} |  |
 | fake | 5 Falsifikat {n} [geh.] |  |
 | audio comp. film deepfake | Deep Fake {m} {n} [Rsv.] |  |
 | fake | Talmi {n} [Fälschung, Nachahmung] |  |
 | cosmet. neol. fauxhawk | Fake-Iro {m} [ugs.] [falscher Irokesenschnitt] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to fake up | nachahmen |  |
 | to fake-call | einen Täuschungsanruf tätigen |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | film (fake) shemp | [Filmdarsteller, dessen Gesicht im Film nicht zu sehen oder schwer zu erkennen ist] |  |
 | fake bake [Am.] [sl.] | Münzmallorca {n} [Solarium] [Jugendspr.] |  |
 | fake beard | falscher Bart {m} |  |
 | film theatre fake blood | Kunstblut {n} |  |
 | fake bomb | Bombenattrappe {f} |  |
 | telecom. fake call | Scheinanruf {m} |  |
 | pharm. fake condoms | gefälschte Kondome {pl} |  |
 | pol. fake democracy | Fassadendemokratie {f} |  |
 | pol. fake democracy | Scheindemokratie {f} |  |
 | fake doctor | falscher Arzt {m} [Hochstapler] |  |
 | film RadioTV fake documentary | Pseudo-Dokumentarfilm {m} |  |
 | libr. fake entry [in an encyclopedia] | U-Boot {n} [fingierter Lexikonartikel] |  |
 | fake fingernails [coll.] | künstliche Fingernägel {pl} |  |
 | FoodInd. fake food | Fake Food {n} [Shokuhin-Sanpuru: Nahrungsimitate; nachgemachte Nahrungsmittel aus Plastik oder Wachs] |  |
 | FoodInd. fake food [dummy] | Lebensmittelattrappe {f} |  |
 | FoodInd. fake food {sg} | Lebensmittelimitate {pl} |  |

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Forum A 2022-08-11: maybe: a fake / arrogated authority hoax ? A 2019-12-01: The warning about fake news appears on both of the above links here. A 2018-10-12: Wahrscheinlich handelt es sich um ein klassisches Beispiel für "Fake News". ;-) A 2018-05-02: Kein Fake, Sasso. Er ist wirklich fit wie ein Turnschuh. A 2017-12-08: Fake news? Q 2017-04-25: Purchase high quality fake and real passports,id cards,driver license on... Q 2017-03-20: From today's 'Independent' : "pedalling fake news" - while riding a bike, ... A 2016-05-16: He starts chatting with a girl who he always thought was fake. Q 2016-05-16: [...] of whom he thought was fake A 2016-04-29: I ordered one of everything. With a fake credit card. Let's see what happens ;-) Q 2016-01-25: Buy fake passport,driving license,ID cards,marriage certificates, visa,dip... Q 2015-06-04: Fake-ID.de - holograms, worldwide delivery for only € 29.98 - experiences? A 2015-05-20: +existing facts+ may refer to +real facts+ as distinguished from fake or i... Q 2014-10-23: Buy real and fake passports, driver's licenses, ID cards, stamps,birth cer... Q 2014-10-14: Beste Qualität Fake-IDs und Passport, Visa, Führerschein, ID-Karten, Heir... A 2013-07-28: cover identity, fake identity, undercover identity ; cover behind the cover ? A 2013-06-22: stripped soils, pre-ripe harvesting, "fake" ripening A 2012-07-23: You haven't seen the fake bank emails yet. Q 2011-08-02: Fake it till you make it A 2011-01-12: Anybody who took Latin at school must feel +agenda / data / media & singul...
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