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English-German translation for: falling
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Dictionary English German: falling

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VERB  to fall | fell | fallen
falling | falls
SYNO   dropping | falling
falling {adj} {pres-p}
falling {adj}
falling {adj} {pres-p}
falling {adj}
falling {adj} {pres-p}
falling {adj}herabfallend
falling {adj}stürzend [fallend]
Abfall {m}
2 Words: Others
falling apart {adj}auseinanderfallend
falling apartauseinander fallend [alt]
falling asleepeinschlafend
falling backzurückfallend
falling downumfallend
falling ill {adj}erkrankend
falling off {adj}abfallend
falling tozufallend
freely falling {adj}frei fallend
2 Words: Verbs
to be fallingan Wert abnehmen
2 Words: Nouns
falling accidentSturzunfall {m}
falling apartAuseinanderfallen {n}
falling apartZerfall {m}
falling asleepEinschlafen {n}
relig. spec. falling awayAbfall {m} [vom Glauben]
falling backwardsRückwärtsfall {m}
falling birthrateGeburtenrückgang {m}
falling debris {sg}herabfallende Trümmer {pl}
falling demandnachlassende Nachfrage {f}
electr. falling edgeAbfallflanke {f}
constr. falling edgeAbsturzkante {f}
electr. falling edgeRückflanke {f}
electr. falling edgeabfallende Flanke {f}
electr. falling edgefallende Flanke {f}
meteo. falling glass [weather glass, barometer]fallendes Barometer {n} [österr., schweiz. auch {m}]
falling hazard [EN 292, obsolete]Absturzgefährdung {f} [EN 292, veraltet]
med. falling illErkrankung {f} [Vorgang]
falling leavesfallende Blätter {pl}
stocks falling marketMarkt {m} mit fallenden Kursen
phys. tech. falling motionFallbewegung {f}
falling nighthereinbrechende Dunkelheit {f}
falling objectFallobjekt {n}
naut. falling offAbfallen {n}
falling offHerabfallen {n}
relig. falling off [belief]Abfall {m}
biol. med. falling phaseAbfallsphase {f}
falling pricefallender Preis {m}
falling pricenachgebender Kurs {m}
falling pricesabnehmende Preise {pl}
falling pricesfallende Preise {pl}
falling rockSteinschlag {m} [frei fallende Steine, Felsen]
falling rocks {pl}Steinschlag {m} [frei fallende Steine, Felsen]
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A 2018-11-07: Absturzkante = falling slab edge
A 2018-09-26: No +falling in+ anymore, cf. 1.3.0 Squad Drill
A 2015-11-23: She pressed herself (back) against the wall as if she were on a high build...
Q 2015-10-26: Is Europe excluding Russia falling behind Brazil, India, Indonesia or Sout...
A 2013-03-01: HA! I'm not falling for that!
A 2013-01-10: softly falling fabrics
Q 2012-05-10: falling throught the cracks of (versus) function in society
A 2012-02-23: like falling through the social/welfare net .....
A 2012-02-22: Wäre das (16:05) nicht eher ... +falling on the same date?+
A 2012-02-22: Hört sich irgendwie logischer an mit "falling ON the same time," aber dann...
A 2011-12-04: After falling off a tree, one would also say: "Ouch/damn! I've just hurt m...
Q 2011-11-06: falling forward
A 2011-11-04: I would imagine that posts are the bits you put through the holes in your ...
A 2011-10-08: Imagine one falling out of an airplane and landing on your belly! :-)
Q 2011-09-05: falling backwards or damage
A 2011-05-14: "Shinny" is old Southern slang for "liquor;" "tight" is still current for ...
A 2010-06-15: "violently falling in love" is what Romeo and Juliet do
A 2010-06-15: I do agree that *sich verknallen* lives on a very different level than *fa...
A 2010-06-15: Agree with Joanne: it describes the *moment* of falling overwhelmingly in ...
A 2010-05-18: falling below the * band

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