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English-German translation for: famous
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Dictionary English German: famous

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ADJ   famous | more famous | most famous
SYNO   celebrated | famed | famous ... 
famous {adj}
famous {adj}
bekannt [berühmt]
famous {adj}
famous {adj}
famous {adj}
famous {adj}
2 Words: Others
more famous {adj}berühmter
most famous {adj}bekannteste
most famous {adj}berühmteste
once-famous {adj} [attr.]einstmals berühmt
world-famous {adj}weltbekannt
world-famous {adj}weltberühmt
world-famous {adj}von Weltrang [nachgestellt]
2 Words: Verbs
to become famousberühmt werden
to become famousBerühmtheit erlangen
2 Words: Nouns
famous artistKünstler {m} von Ruf
famous landmarkberühmtes Wahrzeichen {n}
mus. famous musicianberühmter Musiker {m}
famous peopleBerühmtheiten {pl}
famous personBerühmtheit {f} [berühmte Persönlichkeit]
famous program [Am.]bekanntes Programm {n}
3 Words: Others
Famous last words! [idiom]Wer's glaubt, wird selig! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
Famous last words! [idiom]Das wollen wir (doch) erst mal sehen! [ugs.]
3 Words: Verbs
to be famous for sth.für etw.Akk. berühmt sein
to be famous for sth.wegen etw. [meist Gen., auch Dat.] berühmt sein
3 Words: Nouns
famous imperial spasberühmte kaiserliche Badeorte {pl}
famous last words {pl} [idiom][eine unglaubhafte Beteuerung]
equest. famous Lippizaner horsesberühmte Lipizzanerhengste {pl}
once famous maneinstmals berühmter Mann {m}
4 Words: Others
famous the world over {adj}weltbekannt
famous the world over {adj}weltberühmt
famous the world over [coll.]in der ganzen Welt berühmt [ugs.]
4 Words: Verbs
to bear a famous nameeinen berühmten Namen haben
4 Words: Nouns
most famous travel businessbedeutendster Reiseveranstalter {m}
myth. the (famous) Gordian knotder (berühmte) Gordische Knoten {m}
5+ Words: Others
They are famous for their quality.Sie sind berühmt für ihre Qualität.
What did he become famous for?Wodurch wurde er berühmt?
5+ Words: Verbs
to be famous for talking bullshit [coll.]als Quatschbirne bekannt sein [ugs.]
5+ Words: Nouns
offspring of the rich and famousPromi-Spross {m} [ugs.] [leicht pej.] [leicht hum.]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F (The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous) Moll Flanders [Daniel Defoe]Moll Flanders
lit. F (The Life, Adventures and Piracies of the Famous) Captain Singleton [Daniel Defoe]Kapitän Singleton
film F Almost Famous [Cameron Crowe]Almost FamousFast berühmt
RadioTV F Famous 5: On the CaseFünf Freunde für alle Fälle
lit. RadioTV F The Famous Five [books: Enid Blyton]Fünf Freunde
art F Famous Women Dinner Service [Vanessa Bell, Duncan Grant]Tafelservice berühmter Frauen
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A 2021-01-10: Famous last words as a phrase is usually used with this meaning:
Q 2021-01-09: famous last words
A 2019-02-18: What you say reminds me of a famous quote:
A 2017-09-03: Bristol is one of the most famous ...
A 2016-06-24: Yes, a famous case.
A 2016-01-21: Anna Russell, in her famous introduction to the Ring cycle, says it wrong,...
A 2015-06-17: "... OD und Collins betonen das Süße .... " vielleicht wegen den "famous...
A 2015-02-25: It's also a famous (British) television programme :-)
A 2014-11-25: https://www.google.de/#q=%22is+a+famous+historical+figure%22+site:uk
A 2014-11-25: https://www.google.de/#q=%22King+Arthur+is+a+famous+*+character%22
A 2014-06-23: A famous comment by Gary Lineker, after losing to Germany on penalties in ...
A 2014-03-19: Also is one of those famous flavoring particles
A 2013-11-18: Well known would be ok, but I prefer famous in these sentences or even renowned.
A 2013-10-14: The current most (in-)famous wearer of that name says "BAY-ner".... I gue...
A 2013-10-02: The famous Luther quote is usually given with "helfe."
A 2013-06-27: Thanks for the info. Apparently, he's famous in the corporate world.
A 2013-06-23: Yes, the famous Southern States ("the Confederacy") general (1824-1863).
A 2013-05-18: It was quite a famous quote in a Marx Brothers movie, too. I believe it wa...
A 2013-04-09: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1380065/The-handbag-terrorised-m...
A 2012-10-29: "Starbuck" was also the (short) name of a famous breeding bull.

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