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English-German translation for: far
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Dictionary English German: far

Translation 1 - 50 of 497  >>

English German
ADJ   far | farther/further | farthest/furthest
SYNO   ALIR ... 
far {adj} {adv}
far {adj} {adv}
far {adv} [+comparative]
weitaus [+Komparativ]
2 Words: Others
by far {adv}weit
by far {adv}weitaus
by far {adv}bei weitem
by far {adv}mit Abstand
by far {adv}mit großem Abstand
fairly far {adv}ziemlich weit
far advanced [in development]weit fortgeschritten
far afield {adv}weit draußen
far afield {adv}weit entfernt
far afield {adv}weit weg
far aheadweit voraus
far apartweit auseinander [Orte]
far away {adv}weitab
far away {adv}weit weg
far behind {adv}weit hinten
far below {prep}weit unter [+Dat.]
far below {adv}in der Tiefe [tief unten]
far betterweit besser
far easier {adj}weitaus leichter
geogr. Far Eastern {adj}fernöstlich
far from {adv}fernab [+Gen.] / von [+Dat.] [geh.]
far fromweit von
far from {adv}weitab (von)
far from {adv} [not at all]keineswegs
far from sth. {adv} [in distance]abseits etw.Gen. [örtlich]
far gone {adj}heruntergekommen
far gone {adj} {past-p}weit fortgeschritten
far gone {adj} [coll.] [very drunk]stark betrunken
pol. far left {adj}linksaußen
far lessweit weniger
far moreweit mehr
far off {adv}weit entfernt
far off {adv}weit weg
far outweit entfernt
far out [coll.] [dated]super [ugs.]
far out {adj} [coll.] [dated] [very good]toll [ugs.]
far reaching {adj}tiefgreifend
far reaching {adj}weitreichend
far smaller {adj}weit geringer
far too {adv}allzu
far too {adv}viel zu
far-away {adj}entlegen
far-away {adj}fern
far-away {adj}weit entfernt
far-away {adj} [dreamy]verträumt
far-away {adj} [dreamy]versonnen
far-famed {adj}weit bekannt
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A 2023-04-08: Because people are far more likely to vote along with a change if the pers...
A 2022-12-19: As for the noun in contemporary Greek, its meaning is far removed from +ab...
A 2022-11-25: Sticklers for literal translation might go in for +nexus of interests+ whi...
A 2022-11-24: far-reaching / complex / elaborate questions
A 2022-07-09: my bad! Thanks so far
A 2021-10-15: Hilli is far less reliable than the Duden, which is also created by native...
A 2021-07-23: as far as it might be relevant , within its limitations
A 2021-03-24: You might do the same in German, callixte, with a score far better than th...
A 2020-10-02: +water feature+ is far too generalized
A 2020-09-06: "irgend" hier in der Bedeutung: soweit (überhaupt) möglich - as far as (...
A 2020-05-24: "How far have you read in the book?"
A 2020-02-10: Fern und dem innersten Wesen widerstrebend > Far from and repugnant to our...
A 2019-12-01: So far, this subject has ranged from enquiries to epic battles here: 295 posts!
A 2019-10-26: @ MichaelK: up to 5 or 10 45" records, I believe. 33" didn't work oder nob...
A 2019-10-22: No one so far has commented on the basic GL problem. I'd like to see Paul'...
A 2019-04-11: geflekt as past p. is fine as far as I can tell
Q 2019-03-24: He is not far from each one of us. Acts 17.27
A 2019-02-21: In BE, thrown on its own is ok and isn't short for anything as far as I know.
A 2018-12-05: +far+ distant ... Cf. +far / farther / farthest+ or +further / furthest+
A 2018-11-14: Thanks for the answers so far.

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