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English-German translation for: far-away
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Dictionary English German: far away

Translation 1 - 28 of 28

English German
SEE ALSO  faraway
far away {adv}weitab
far away {adv}weit weg
far-away {adj}entlegen
far-away {adj}fern
far-away {adj}weit entfernt
far-away {adj} [dreamy]verträumt
far-away {adj} [dreamy]versonnen
far away (from) {adv}fernab ([+Gen.] / von [+Dat.]) [geh.]
far away fromweit weg von
far away from sb./sth. {adv}fernab von jdm./etw. [geh.]
from far away {adv}fernher [geh.]
from far away {adv}weither [geh.]
from far away {adv}von ferne
from far away {adv}aus weiter Ferne
It's far away.Es ist weit entfernt.
(by) far and away {adv}bei weitem
as far away as ... {adv}bis nach ...
He lives far away.Er wohnt weit weg.
somewhere far, far awayirgendwo weit weg
quote Dear God, make me a bird, so I can fly far - far far away from here. [Forrest Gump]Lieber Gott, mach aus mir einen Vogel, damit ich wegfliegen kann. Weit weit weg ...
idiom far and away the bestbei weitem das beste
I don't live far away from the city.Ich lebe nicht weit weg vom Stadtzentrum.
over the hills and far away {adv} [fig.]über alle Berge [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to be far and away superior to sth.um Klassen besser als etw. sein
far and away the best [person]mit Abstand der Beste {m}
lit. F A Small Person Far Away [Judith Kerr]Eine Art Familientreffen
film F Far and Away [Ron Howard]In einem fernen Land
film F Far Far Away [Shrek]Weit Weit Weg [Shrek]
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A 2017-02-06: ... too far away from GB to be able to judge the situation ...
Q 2015-06-02: you keep on moving far away
A 2014-06-02: In a universe, long ago and far, far away :-)
A 2013-06-25: But +that+ day is still so far away.
A 2013-01-08: Never far away? Always near?
A 2011-06-19: Spiel mit 'deep' inside and deep down = far away.
Q 2011-06-11: Dubuque = somewhere far far away almost at the end of the world
A 2010-09-24: but that's rather far away from the required "a coat like apron"
A 2010-07-14: @ MichaelK: Oh yes! Far away from any garage, I ALWAYS managed to get the ...
A 2010-07-01: sounds like some hemingwayesque line --- or "Over the Hills and Far Away" ...
A 2009-10-27: :-) Thanks for your effort farham, but I think it's too far away from the ...
A 2009-07-06: I know Bad Kreuznach a bit, there's no Bruscheid. Do you mean Bruschied ne...
A 2009-06-10: How far away from land is offene Ozean?
A 2009-01-29: from far away
A 2008-11-03: ... from as far away as...
Q 2008-11-03: from as far away
A 2008-09-25: Being far away from home, it looks like he has to grow up
A 2008-09-25: when far away from home he has to become self-reliant, I think.
A 2008-09-01: Or: Once upon a time, in a future far away.
A 2008-07-29: Morning Esmeralda ;-) You know.. if we did not live so far away from each...

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