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English-German translation for: fasten seat belt signs
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: fasten seat belt signs

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NOUN   a fasten seat belt sign | fasten seat belt signs
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aviat. fasten seat belt signAnschnallzeichen {n}
to fasten one's seat beltsichAkk. angurten
to fasten one's seat beltsichAkk. anschnallen
TrVocab. Please fasten your seat belt.Bitte Sicherheitsgurt anlegen.
med. seat belt signs [marks left by the seat belt after an accident]Gurtmarken {pl} [bes. Abschürfungen nach Verkehrsunfällen]
Fasten your seat belts, please!Bitte anschnallen!
automot. seat beltSicherheitsgurt {m}
automot. seat beltSitzgurt {m}
automot. (seat) belt pretensionerGurtstraffer {m}
automot. inertia seat beltAutomatikgurt {m}
lap seat beltBeckengurt {m}
automot. FireResc tools seat belt cutterGurtmesser {n}
automot. seat belt mountingGurtverankerung {f}
automot. seat belt positionerGurtführung {f}
automot. seat-belt adjusterSicherheitsgurtversteller {m}
automot. seat-belt guideSicherheitsgurtführung {f}
seat-belt tensionerGurtstraffer {m}
seat-belt tensionerGurtstrammer {m}
seat-belt tightenerGurtstraffer {m}
seat-belt tightenerGurtstrammer {m}
automot. seat beltGurt {m} [ugs.] [Sitzgurt]
med. seat-belt fractureSicherheitsgurt-Fraktur {f}
transp. mandatory seat belt wearingAnschnallpflicht {f}
automot. seat belt warning buzzerGurtwarnsignal {n}
automot. seat belt warning lightGurtwarnanzeige {f}
seat-belt tightening systemGurtstraffer {m}
seat-belt tightening systemGurtstrammer {m}
automot. traffic three-point seat beltDreipunktgurt {m}
automot. car seat beltAutogurt {m} [Auto-Sicherheitsgurt]
automot. seat belt retractorAufrollvorrichtung {f} [für Gurte]
to wear a seat beltangegurtet sein
self-tightening seat belt retractorGurtstraffer {m}
self-tightening seat belt retractorGurtstrammer {m}
requirement to wear a seat beltGurtenpflicht {f}
requirement to wear a seat beltGurtpflicht {f}
med. focal central nervous system signs <focal CNS signs>fokal-neurologische Ausfälle {pl}
automot. front end alternator drive belt <FEAD belt>Keilrippenriemen {m}
geogr. across the belt {adv} [across the Danish strait]über den Belt
geogr. Frost Belt [also: frostbelt, Frostbelt; Snow Belt / U.S.]Snow Belt {m} [Frostgürtel, USA]
geogr. Great BeltGroßer Belt {m}
geogr. Little BeltKleiner Belt {m}
relig. Lenten {adj}Fasten-
to fastfasten
tech. to fastenanschlagen
abstinenceFasten {n}
fastFasten {n}
fastingFasten {n}
relig. Lent {sg}Fasten {pl}
intermittent fastingintermittierendes Fasten {n}
to starve [go without food]fasten
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