| English | German | |
– | |
| mineral. faujasite-Na [(Na,Ca,Mg)5(Si,Al)12O24·15H2O] | Faujasit-Na {m} | |
Partial Matches |
| na-na [baby talk] | Omama {f} [Babysprache] | |
| med. sodium-potassium pump <Na-K pump, Na/K pump> | Na-K-Pumpe {f} | |
| mineral. faujasite-Ca [(Ca,Na,Mg)5(Si,Al)12O24·15H2O] | Faujasit-Ca {m} | |
| mineral. faujasite-Mg [(Mg,Na,K,Ca)5(Si,Al)12O24·15H2O] | Faujasit-Mg {m} | |
| geogr. Namibia <.na> | Namibia {n} | |
| electr. unit nanoampere <nA> | Nanoampere {n} <nA> | |
| chem. sodium <Na> | Natrium {n} <Na> | |
| phys. unit Nahme number <Na> | Nahme-Zahl {f} <Na> | |
| psych. negative affect <NA> | negativer Affekt {m} <NA> | |
| psych. negative affectivity <NA> | negative Affektivität {f} <NA> | |
| geogr. hist. North Australia <NA> | Nordaustralien {n} | |
| optics numerical aperture <NA> | numerische Apertur {f} <NA, n.A.> | |
| ling. Na-Dene languages | Na-Dené-Sprachen {pl} | |
| gastr. sinigang na baboy | Sinigang {f} na Baboy | |
| myth. Tír na nÓg | Tír na nÓg {n} | |
| biochem. noradrenaline <NA> [norepinephrine] [C8H11NO3] | Noradrenalin {n} | |
| biochem. epithelial Na channel <ENaC> | epithelialer Na-Kanal {m} [auch engl. Abk.: eNaC] | |
| geogr. pol. Republic of Namibia <.na> | Republik {f} Namibia | |
| phys. voltage-gated Na+ conductance | spannungsgesteuerte Na+-Leitfähigkeit {f} | |
| chem. natrium <Na> [archaic, rare] [sodium] | Natrium {n} <Na> | |
| network analyser [Br.] <NA, NWA> | Netzwerkanalysator {m} | |
| network analyzer [Am.] <NA, NWA> | Netzwerkanalysator {m} | |
| med. neuropathic arthropathy <NA> [Arthropathia neuropathica] | Charcot-Gelenk {n} | |
| med. neuropathic arthropathy <NA> [Arthropathia neuropathica] | neurogene Arthropathie {f} | |
| geogr. Biak-na-Bato-National Park | Biak-na-Bato-Nationalpark {m} | |
| hist. pol. Republic of Biak-na-Bato | Republik {f} von Biak-na-Bato | |
| mineral. alum-(Na) [NaAl(SO4)2·12H2O] | Alum-(Na) {m} | |
| mineral. gmelinite-Na [Na4(Si8Al4)O24·11H2O] | Gmelinit-Na {m} | |
| mineral. mazzite-Na [Na8(Si28Al8)O72·30H2O] | Mazzit-Na {m} | |
| mineral. dachiardite-Na [Na4(Si20,Al4)O48·13H2O] | Dachiardit-Na {m} | |
| mineral. ferrierite-Na [(Na,K)5(Si31Al5)O72·18H2O] | Ferrierit-Na {m} | |
| mineral. heulandite-Na [(Na,Ca)6(Si,Al)36O72·24H2O] | Heulandit-Na {m} | |
| mineral. ivanyukite-Na [Na2 [Ti4O2(OH)2(SiO4)3]·6H2O] | Ivanyukit-Na {m} | |
| mineral. lévyne-Na [(Na,Ca)5(Si,Al)18O36·18H2O] | Lévyn-Na {m} | |
| mineral. paulingite-Na [(Na2,K2,Ca,Ba)5 [Al10Si35O90] · 45H2O] | Paulingit-Na {m} | |
| mineral. stilbite-Na [(Na,Ca)9(Si,Al)36O72·28H2O] | Stilbit-Na {m} | |
| mineral. chabasite-Na [(Na,K,Ca)2(Si,Al)6O12·6H2O] | Chabasit-Na {m} | |
| mineral. erionite-Na [(Na,K,Ca)8(Si,Al)36O72·28H2O] | Erionit-Na {m} | |
| anat. med. Nomina Anatomica <NA> [book of official international nomenclature for anatomy] | Nomina anatomica {f} <NA> | |
| mineral. phillipsite-Na [(Na,K,Ca)2(Si,Al)8O16·6H2O] | Phillipsit-Na {m} | |
| mineral. clinoptilolite-Na [(Na,K,Ca)2-3(Si,Al)18O36·11H2O] | Klinoptilolith-Na {m} | |
| bot. T | | |
| bot. T | | |
| bot. T | | |
| biol. sodium-calcium exchanger <NCX, Na+/Ca2+ exchanger> | Natrium-Calcium-Austauscher {m} <NCX> | |
| mineral. gjerdingenite-Na [K2Na2(Nb,Ti)4 [(OH,O)2|Si4O12]2·5H2O] | Gjerdingenit-Na {m} | |
| mineral. meurigite-Na [[Na(H2O)2.5] [Fe8(PO4)6(OH)7(H2O)4]] | Meurigit-Na {m} | |
| mineral. paratsepinite-Na [(Na,Sr,K,Ca)7(Ti,Nb)8 [Si4O12]4(O,OH)8·nH2On~8] | Paratsepinit-Na {m} | |
| not applicable {adj} <N/A, n/a, N.A., NA> | entfällt [in Formularen] | |
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