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English-German translation for: fauler
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Dictionary English German: fauler

Translation 1 - 35 of 35

ADJ  faul | fauler | am faulsten
fauler | faule | faules
faulster | faulste | faulstes
NOUN   der Faule/ein Fauler | die Faulen
lazier {adj}
more rotten {adj}fauler
2 Words: Nouns
rotten applefauler Apfel {m}
bad seed [fig.] [a person who is seen as being congenitally disposed to wrongdoing and likely to be a bad influence]fauler Apfel {m} [fig.]
pestilential vapours {pl} [Br.]fauler Gestank {m}
electr. telecom. lazy Henry <lazy H, Lazy-H> [antenna type]Fauler Heinrich {m} [auch: Lazy-H] [Antennentyp]
sluggish boyfauler Junge {m}
dosserfauler Kerl {m}
lazybones [usually treated as sg.] [dated] [coll.] [a lazy person]fauler Knochen {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [bes. eine männliche Person]
selloutfauler Kompromiss {m}
rotten compromisefauler Kompromiss {m}
fin. bad loanfauler Kredit {m} [ugs.]
slackass [esp. Am.] [vulg.]fauler Krüppel {m} [ugs.] [derb] [fauler Kerl]
comm. idiom phony customerfauler Kunde {m}
comm. idiom ugly customerfauler Kunde {m}
fin. dirty pricefauler Kurs {m}
lazy bugger [esp. Br.] [coll.] [pej. or hum.]fauler Sack {m} [ugs.] [pej. oder hum.]
lazy bum [esp. Am.] [coll.] [pej.]fauler Sack {m} [ugs.] [salopp] [pej.]
lazy sod [Br.] [sl.] [pej.]fauler Sack {m} [ugs.] [salopp] [pej.]
fin. bad check [Am.]fauler Scheck {m}
fin. bad cheque [Br.]fauler Scheck {m}
fin. bum check [Am.] [coll.]fauler Scheck {m} [ugs.]
bad jokefauler Scherz {m}
lazybonesfauler Strick {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
con trickfauler Trick {m}
dirty trickfauler Trick {m}
mean trickfauler Trick {m}
fin. bad billfauler Wechsel {m}
fin. query billfauler Wechsel {m}
sick joke [fig.]fauler Witz {m}
dent. decayed toothfauler Zahn {m}
humbugfauler Zauber {m}
hanky-panky [coll.]fauler Zauber {m}
monkey businessfauler Zauber {m}
mumbo-jumbofauler Zauber {m}
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A 2021-08-11: (juristischer) fauler Zauber
A 2017-12-26: Beware of the connotation +Fauler Zauber / humbug+
A 2016-04-20: Meines Erachtens ist dieser "Elefant im Raum" usw. eine neudeutsche Lehnüb...
A 2015-02-19: Fauler Sack!
A 2012-11-23: fauler Trick
A 2010-11-16: fauler Schüler!
A 2010-03-13: Martins Vorschlag erinnert an: Antibaby, fauler Zauber - Spüli hält die Be...
Q 2009-06-03: macht usn fauler und bequemer
A 2008-06-30: Fauler Sack
A 2008-03-22: "Schwing deinen fetten Arsch in die Schule, fauler Sack!"
A 2006-01-22: fauler Apfel > bad apple

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Zuletzt gesucht
Ähnliche Begriffe
faule Papiere
faule Praktiken
• Fauler
fauler Apfel
fauler Gestank
Fauler Heinrich
fauler Junge
fauler Kerl
fauler Knochen
fauler Kompromiss
fauler Kredit
fauler Krüppel
fauler Kunde

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