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English-German translation for: favor
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Dictionary English German: favor

Translation 1 - 67 of 67

English German
NOUN   a favor | favors
VERB  to favor | favored | favored ... 
SYNO   to favor | to favour | to favour ... 
to favor [Am.]
to favor sb./sth. [Am.]
jdn./etw. vorziehen
to favor [Am.]
to favor sb./sth. [Am.]
jdn./etw. bevorzugen
to favor [Am.]
to favor sb./sth. [Am.]
jdn./etw. favorisieren
to favor sth. [Am.] [an injured limb]
etw. schonen [verletztes Bein etc.]
favor [Am.]
Gefallen {m}
favor [Am.]
Gefälligkeit {f}
favor [Am.]
Gunst {f}
favor [Am.]
Wohlwollen {n}
favor [Am.]
Huld {f} [veraltet, noch ironisch] [geh.]
favor [Am.]
Gnade {f} [Gunst]
favor [Am.]
Liebesdienst {m} [geh.] [Gefallen]
2 Words: Others
in sb.'s favor {adv} [Am.]zu jds. Gunsten
2 Words: Nouns
party favor [Am.][kleines Geschenk für einen Partygast]
public favor [Am.]Publikumsgunst {f}
3 Words: Others
in favor of {prep} [Am.]für [zugunsten]
in favor of {prep} [Am.]zugunsten [+Gen., seltener +Dat.]
in favor of sb./sth. [Am.]zugunsten von jdm./etw. [ugs.]
in one's favor [Am.]zugunsten von
out of favor {adv} [Am.]in Ungnade
3 Words: Verbs
to accept a favor [Am.]eine Gefälligkeit annehmen
to accord a favor [Am.]eine Gunst gewähren
to curry favor with sb. [Am.] [idiom]sichAkk. bei jdm. anbiedern
to curry favor with sb. [Am.] [idiom]durch Schmeichelei versuchen, etw. von jdm. zu bekommen
to curry favor with sb. [Am.] [idiom]sichAkk. bei jdm. lieb Kind machen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to do sb. a favor [Am.]jdm. einen Gefallen tun
to do sb. a favor [Am.]jdm. einen Liebesdienst erweisen [geh.]
to fall from favor [Am.] [idiom]in Ungnade fallen [Redewendung]
to owe sb. a favor [Am.]jdm. einen Gefallen schulden
to return the favor [Am.]sichAkk. revanchieren [mit einer Gegenleistung erkenntlich zeigen]
to return the favor [Am.]den Gefallen erwidern
to return the favor [Am.]die Gefälligkeit erwidern
to return the favor [Am.] [ironic] [to respond in a similar unfavorable way]ein Gleiches tun
3 Words: Nouns
favor at court [Am.]Hofgunst {f} [veraltet]
mark of favor [Am.]Gunstbezeigung {f}
votes in favor [Am.]Ja-Stimmen {pl}
4 Words: Others
without fear or favor {adj} [Am.]unvoreingenommen
4 Words: Verbs
to argue in favor of sb./sth. [Am.]sichAkk. für jdn./etw. aussprechen
to ask a favor of sb. [Am.]jdn. um eine Gunst bitten
to be in favor of sb./sth. [Am.]für jdn./etw. sein [zugunsten]
to be in favor of sth. [Am.]etw.Akk. befürworten
to be in favor with sb. [Am.]in jds. Gunst stehen
to decide in favor of sb./sth. [Am.]sichAkk. für jdn./etw. entscheiden
4 Words: Nouns
arguments in favor (of sth.) [Am.]Pro-Argumente {pl} (für etw.Akk.)
acc. balance in your favor [Am.]Saldo {m} zu Ihren Gunsten
vote in favor (of) [Am.]Jastimme {f}
5+ Words: Others
A point in his favor is that ... [Am.]Ein Punkt zu seinen Gunsten ist ...
Are you in favor of lower taxes? [Am.]Bist du für niedrigere Steuern?
Can I ask you a favor? [Am.]Kann ich dich um einen Gefallen bitten?
Could you do me a favor? [Am.]Könntest du mir einen Gefallen tun?
film quote He never asks a second favor when he's been refused the first. [The Godfather] [Am.]Er fragt nicht um einen zweiten Gefallen, wenn ihm der erste verweigert wird.
I have a favor to ask you [Am.]Ich habe eine Bitte an Sie.
I have a favor to ask you. [Am.]Ich habe eine Bitte an dich.
I'll return the favor one day. [Am.]Ich werde mich bei Gelegenheit mal revanchieren. [ugs.]
I'm out of favor with her. [Am.]Ich bin bei ihr unten durch. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
I've got a big favor [Am.] / favour to ask of you.Ich möchte dich um einen großen Gefallen bitten.
idiom I've got a big favor to ask of you. [Am.]Ich habe ein Attentat auf dich vor. [ugs.] [hum.]
5+ Words: Verbs
to be in favor of doing sth. [Am.]dafür sein, etw. zu tun
to be in favor of it [Am.]dafür sein
to be in favour / favor [Am.] of sb. doing sth.dafür sein, dass jd. etw. tut
to fall out of favor with sb. [Am.]bei jdm. in Ungnade fallen
to give up sth. in favor of sth. [Am.]auf etw. zugunsten von etw.Dat. verzichten
to speak out in favor of sth. [Am.]sichAkk. für etw.Akk. aussprechen
to turn the tide (in one's favor) [Am.] [idiom]das Blatt (zu seinen Gunsten) wenden [Redewendung]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F A Very Special Favor [Michael Gordon]Ein Appartement für drei
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Q 2020-10-21: "gravity ... working on our favor" >>> Präposition ok?
A 2018-12-10: Pls. have a look at Halmafelix' reasoning in favor of this entry:
A 2018-03-09: Party favor
A 2014-05-21: In favor of atemp's idea
A 2013-07-13: I'm not in favor of quick deletes, but:
A 2012-12-17: Vorschlag für einen dict.cc-Eintrag: bei jdm etw gut haben > to be owed a ...
Q 2012-12-06: I want to stack the deck in my favor
Q 2012-11-19: I will speak favor and success over my family and friends.
A 2012-11-07: For those who favor accusing questions: "Why do I have to say everything t...
A 2012-02-26: L has fallen out of favor.
Q 2011-06-22: Could you do me a favor?
Q 2011-04-26: Can I request this favor ??
A 2011-03-17: I favor both a separate button for comment only and subsequent notificatio...
A 2011-03-03: Agree with HBW. I've always heard it as a positive "returning a favor." (B...
A 2010-11-29: In this context, "scrapped in favor of" means to change
A 2010-11-12: I am in favor of a sideways approach, of the kind suggested by EL and Wandle:
Q 2010-10-15: continue to gain favor with clients
Q 2010-10-08: Please do me a favor!
Q 2010-09-08: Could you do me a favor?
Q 2010-05-13: Please do me a favor!

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