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English-German translation for: favour
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Dictionary English German: favour

Translation 1 - 50 of 150  >>

English German
NOUN   a favour | favours
VERB  to favour | favoured | favoured ... 
SYNO   to favor | to favour | to favour ... 
to favour sb./sth. [Br.]
jdn./etw. bevorzugen
to favour [Br.]
to favour [Br.]
to favour sth. [Br.]
etw. vorziehen
to favour sb./sth. [Br.] [prefer; treat with partiality]
jdn./etw. favorisieren [geh.] [bevorzugen; begünstigen]
to favour sb. [Br.]
jdn. begünstigen
to favour sth. [Br.] [approve]
etw. gutheißen [z. B. Plan, Idee, Vorschlag]
to favour sb. [Br.] [coll. for: resemble]
jdm. ähneln
to favour [Br.] [approve]für gut halten [Plan, Idee, Vorschlag]
to favour [Br.] [think preferable]schwören auf [ugs.] [bevorzugen]
favour [Br.]
Gefallen {m}
favour [Br.]
Gunst {f}
favour [Br.]
Gefälligkeit {f}
favour [Br.]
Wohlwollen {n}
favour [Br.]
Gnade {f} [Gunst]
favour [Br.] [support]
Unterstützung {f} [Befürwortung]
favour [archaic] [aid, assistance]
Hilfestellung {f}
favour [Br.]
Huld {f} [veraltet, noch ironisch] [geh.]
favour [Br.]Liebesdienst {m} [geh.] [Gefallen]
2 Words: Others
in sb.'s favour {adv} [Br.]zu jds. Gunsten
2 Words: Verbs
to court sb.'s favour [Br.]um jds. Gunst buhlen [pej.] [geh.]
to favour sb. with sth. [Br.]jdn. mit etw.Dat. beglücken [geh. oder ugs. ironisch]
to find favour [Br.]auf Gegenliebe stoßen
to win sb.'s favour [Br.]jds. Gunst gewinnen
2 Words: Nouns
currying favour [Br.]Anbiederung {f}
return favour [Br.]Revanche {f} [Gegendienst, Gegenleistung]
special favour [Br.]besonderes Wohlwollen {n}
3 Words: Others
as a favour {adv} [Br.]als ein Gefallen
in favour of {prep} [Br.]für [zugunsten]
in favour of {prep} [Br.]zugunsten [+Gen., seltener +Dat.]
in favour of {prep} [Br.]zu Gunsten [+Gen.]
in favour of {prep} [Br.]zu Gunsten von [+Dat.]
in favour of sb./sth. {prep} [Br.]zugunsten von jdm./etw.
in one's favour [Br.]zugunsten von
out of favour {adv} [Br.]in Ungnade
3 Words: Verbs
to accept a favour [Br.]eine Gefälligkeit annehmen
to accord a favour [Br.]eine Gunst gewähren
to ask sb. a favour [Br.]jdn. um etwas bitten [um einen Gefallen]
to ask sb. a favour [Br.]jdn. um einen Gefallen bitten
to ask sb. a favour [Br.]von jdm. eine Gunst erbitten
to bask in sb.'s favour [Br.] [idiom]sichAkk. in jds. Gunst sonnen [Redewendung]
to bring into favour [Br.]in die Gunst bringen
to come into favour [Br.]geschätzt werden
to concede sb. a favour [Br.]jdm. eine Gunst gewähren
to curry favour (with sb.) [Br.] [idiom]sichAkk. (bei jdm.) einkratzen [salopp]
to curry favour (with sb.) [Br.] [idiom]sichAkk. (bei jdm.) einschmeicheln
to curry favour with sb. [Br.] [idiom]jdn. hofieren
to curry favour with sb. [Br.] [idiom]jdn. poussieren [veraltend] [hofieren, umwerben]
to curry favour with sb. [Br.] [idiom]sichAkk. bei jdm. anbiedern
to curry favour with sb. [Br.] [idiom]durch Schmeichelei versuchen, etw. von jdm. zu bekommen
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A 2019-05-30: One argument in favour of +for me+ does not exclude the arguments right be...
Q 2019-04-01: Ist 'favour' hier sinnvoll? Danke!
A 2017-02-06: Is a decision in favour of leaving the EU imaginable or is the contrary vo...
A 2015-09-02: Wilhelm II came out in favour of ... as the next step / as an initial measure
A 2015-02-15: strongly support / back / be in favour of .... , indeed.
A 2013-09-26: Even good will / special favour, to step into these shoes were quite out ...
A 2013-09-03: However, we expect that the provision will hardly be relevant if dispositi...
A 2013-04-01: Many experts think in this respect the odds are stacked in favour of books...
A 2013-03-21: I'm in favour of a "general" label.
A 2013-03-03: I'm in favour of providing evidence.
A 2013-02-11: I recommend myself to your favour (which has the advantage of being googleable)
A 2012-12-17: In BE, I would say that +I owe you a favour+ is the default phrase,
A 2012-12-17: Vorschlag für einen dict.cc-Eintrag: bei jdm etw gut haben > to be owed a ...
A 2012-12-17: I owe you a favour
A 2011-02-20: in favour / popular / common ...?!
A 2011-01-08: subject/category in favour ... ... will be difficult enough to suss out ...
A 2010-12-30: evtl. an interpretation in favour of the contract shall prevail (AE)
A 2010-08-15: could be 'in her favour' as well.
Q 2010-07-09: to declared a motion carried in favour of ...
A 2010-06-08: I'm in favour of keeping it.

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