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English-German translation for: favourable
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Dictionary English German: favourable

Translation 1 - 74 of 74

English German
ADJ   favourable | more favourable | most favourable
SYNO   favorable | favourable | favourable ... 
favourable {adj} [Br.]
favourable {adj} [Br.]
favourable {adj} [Br.]
favourable {adj} [Br.]
gefällig <gefl.>
favourable {adj} [Br.] [well-disposed towards sb./sth.]
wohlgesonnen [ugs.] [wohlgesinnt]
favourable {adj} [Br.]
favourable {adj} [Br.]
favourable {adj} [Br.] [expert's opinion etc.]
befürwortend [Gutachten etc.]
favourable {adj} [Br.] [outcome]
glücklich [Ausgang]
2 Words: Others
highly favourable {adj} [Br.]ungemein günstig [Bedingungen, Vorzeichen etc.]
less favourable {adj} [Br.]ungünstiger
more favourable {adj} [Br.]günstiger
most favourable {adj} [Br.]günstigste
particularly favourable {adj} [Br.]besonders günstig
2 Words: Nouns
favourable auspices [Br.]glückverheißende Vorbedeutungen {pl}
favourable balance [Br.]Aktivbilanz {f}
favourable balance [Br.]günstige Bilanz {f}
favourable characteristics [Br.]günstige Eigenschaften {pl}
favourable climate [Br.]günstiges Klima {n}
favourable conditions [Br.]fördernde Bedingungen {pl}
favourable location [Br.]günstige Lage {f}
favourable moment [Br.]günstiger Augenblick {m}
favourable occasion [Br.]günstige Gelegenheit {f}
favourable opinion [Br.]Befürwortung {f}
favourable opportunity [Br.]günstige Gelegenheit {f}
favourable position [Br.]günstige Position {f}
favourable price [Br.]günstiger Kurs {m}
favourable price [Br.]günstiger Preis {m}
favourable reception [Br.]gefälliger Empfang {m}
favourable reception [Br.]wohlwollende Aufnahme {f}
favourable reply [Br.]günstige Antwort {f}
favourable result [Br.]günstiges Ergebnis {n}
favourable situation [Br.]günstige Lage {f}
favourable terms [Br.]günstige Bedingungen {pl}
favourable trend [Br.]günstige Entwicklung {f}
3 Words: Others
considerably more favourable {adj} [e.g. prices]erheblich günstiger [z. B. Preise]
favourable to women {adj} [esp. Br.]frauenfreundlich
on favourable terms {adv} [Br.]zu günstigen Bedingungen
significantly more favourable {adj} [Br.]erheblich günstiger
under favourable auspices {adv} [Br.]unter günstigen Auspizien [geh.]
under favourable conditions {adv} [Br.]unter günstigen Bedingungen
3 Words: Nouns
favourable credit terms [Br.]günstige Zinsbedingungen {pl}
favourable leasing rate [Br.]günstige Miete {f}
favourable local characteristics [Br.]günstige Standorteigenschaften {pl}
fin. favourable tax treatment [Br.]Steuervergünstigung {f}
favourable trade balance [Br.]aktive Handelsbilanz {f}
more favourable conditions [Br.]günstigere Bedingungen {pl}
more favourable conditions [Br.]günstigere Konditionen {pl}
more favourable terms [Br.]günstigere Bedingungen {pl}
econ. most favourable billing [Br.]Bestabrechnung {f}
most favourable price [Br.]günstigster Kurs {m}
most favourable terms [Br.]günstigste Bedingungen {pl}
4 Words: Others
at a favourable moment {adv} [Br.]in einem günstigen Moment
subject to favourable references [Br.]gute Referenzen vorausgesetzt
subject to favourable references {adj} [Br.]von positiven Referenzen abhängig
proverb The omens are favourable. [Br.]Die Zeichen stehen gut.
4 Words: Verbs
to give a favourable impression [Br.]einen positiven Eindruck erwecken
4 Words: Nouns
favourable balance of trade [Br.]aktive Handelsbilanz {f}
favourable conditions of payment [Br.]günstige Zahlungsbedingungen {pl}
5+ Words: Others
comm. at a more favourable price {adv} [Br.]zu einem günstigeren Preis
if your prices are favourable [Br.]wenn Ihre Preise günstig sind
in case of a favourable offer {adv} [Br.]im Falle eines günstigen Angebots / Angebotes
stat. in the most favourable third {adj} [Br.]im günstigsten Drittel
Make us a favourable offer! [Br.]Machen Sie uns ein günstiges Angebot!
Thanks to its favourable position ... [Br.]Dank seiner günstigen Lage ...
meteo. with / in favourable weather conditions {adv} [Br.]bei günstiger Witterung
5+ Words: Verbs
to bring sth. to a favourable conclusion [Br.]etw. zu einem guten Ende führen
to give a favourable opinion on sth. [Br.]etw.Akk. befürworten
to have a favourable effect on sth. [Br.]sich günstig auf etw. auswirken
to have a favourable effect on sth. [Br.]sich vorteilhaft auf etw. auswirken
idiom to manoeuvre oneself into a favourable position [Br.]sichDat. eine günstige Position verschaffen
to obtain a more favourable result [Br.]ein günstigeres Ergebnis erzielen
to take advantage of the favourable momentdie Gunst der Stunde nutzen [Redewendung]
to take advantage of the favourable situation [Br.]die Gunst der Stunde nutzen [Redewendung]
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A 2016-07-11: I'd say: "I need to buy at the most favourable price."
A 2012-07-02: I would say +if the weather conditions are favourable.+
A 2011-04-18: The omens are favourable.
A 2011-02-20: favourable conditions
A 2010-01-12: risk models that previously put too favourable a spin on matters
A 2009-01-02: As it is more specific, I'd stick with +conduct favourable to the interest...
A 2009-01-01: Favourable conduct towards the interests of the Länder is the maxim that g...
A 2008-11-18: maybe: having adverse or favourable effect on...
A 2008-10-27: favourable conditions are created for R&D
A 2008-10-10: The stars are favourable ?
A 2008-09-29: You can hold a person in high or low esteem.Appreciation is generally used...
A 2008-06-30: the industry looks favourable at / has no objections to ... if
A 2008-05-20: to take a favourable view of the company
A 2008-05-16: equally favourable treatment
A 2008-04-02: is still based on yesterday's favourable rate
A 2008-03-08: propitious = benevolent or favourable
A 2008-03-04: *not favourable* muß sich auf die Plotinhypothese beziehen, nicht auf Augustin
Q 2008-02-21: "Hopefully the response will be favourable/Hopefully it will result in pos...
A 2008-01-21: Lots of mistakes, I'm afraid - worst of all giving the vile pharmaceutical...
A 2006-11-01: Although the commercial climate is now less favourable, ...

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favourable moment

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