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English-German translation for: fear
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Dictionary English German: fear

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NOUN1   fear | -
NOUN2   a fear | fears
VERB  to fear | feared | feared ... 
SYNO   to dread | to fear | fear ... 
to fear sb./sth.
jdn./etw. fürchten
to fear sth.
etw.Akk. befürchten
to fear
zittern [Angst haben]
to fear sth.
etw.Akk. besorgen [geh.] [veraltend] [befürchten]
to fear sb./sth.sichAkk. vor jdm./etw. fürchten
to fear sb./sth.vor jdm./etw. Angst haben
fear [of sb./sth.]
Angst {f} [vor jdm./etw.] [Befürchtung, stärker: Furcht]
fear [of sb./sth.]
Furcht {f} [vor jdm./etw.]
Befürchtung {f}
Schreck {m}
Sorge {f} [Angst]
fear {sg}
Ängste {pl} [insgesamt]
Bangnis {f} [geh.]
Spundus {m} [bayer.] [österr.] [ugs.]
med. the fear [coll.]Delirium tremens {n}
2 Words: Others
bibl. Fear not ... [King James Version]Fürchtet euch nicht! [Luther]
Fear not!Keine Angst!
fear-driven {adj}angstgesteuert
med. psych. fear-evoking {adj}Angst auslösend
fear-laden {adj}angstbesetzt
from fear {adv}aus Angst
in fear {adv}voll Furcht
Never fear!Keine Angst!
No fear!Keine Bange!
No fear! [Br.] [coll.]Keine Chance! [ugs.]
No fear! [Br.] [coll.] [meant to reassure]Keine Angst! [soll beruhigen]
through fear {adv}aus Angst
with fear {adv}angsterfüllt
with fear {adv}vor Angst
with fear {adv}vor Furcht
with fear {adv}vor Schreck
with fear {adv}vor Schrecken
without fear {adv}angstfrei
without fear {adj}ohne Furcht
2 Words: Verbs
to arouse fearFurcht erregen
to banish fearFurcht vertreiben
to dissipate feardie Furcht zerstreuen
to fan fearAngst schüren
to fear (that) ...besorgen, dass ... [geh.] [veraltend] [befürchten]
to fear deathAngst vor dem Tod haben
to fear forbangen um
to fear for sb./sth.um jdn./etw. fürchten
to fear for sb./sth.um jdn./etw. zittern
to fear for sb./sth.um jdn./etw. besorgt sein
to fear sb.'s angerjds. Zorn fürchten
to overcome fearÄngste besiegen
to radiate fearAngst verbreiten
to radiate fearFurcht verbreiten
to spread fearFurcht verbreiten
2 Words: Nouns
abject fearjämmerliche Furcht {f}
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A 2023-08-03: An irrational fear of politics or politicians.
A 2019-05-04: Angst / fear is my most faithful / loyal / my truest companion.
A 2019-01-11: The thing is that leavers and remainers keep blaming each other +ad nausea...
Q 2019-01-11: Project fear
A 2017-08-30: +blinded by fear / love+ — some evidence
A 2017-08-30: blinded by fear
A 2017-08-30: blinded by fear
Q 2017-08-30: blind of / blind with / blinded by fear
A 2017-08-20: Looks like a misprint / typo for +invaded with fear+
Q 2017-08-20: vaded with fear
A 2017-08-18: maybe: Jack untamed : Days of fear
A 2015-12-14: "For fear THAT" ist *nicht* dasselbe we "for fear OF".
A 2015-01-22: fear-ridden
Q 2015-01-22: fear-ridden
A 2014-12-26: Fear is fine or desirable.
A 2014-11-05: I don't know the song but I assume it should be +where angels fear to tread.+
Q 2014-11-05: We are the angels' fear to tread.
A 2013-11-12: No fear
A 2013-10-06: Don't fear the thief, fear the police!
A 2013-05-23: "Facing the fear that the truth, I discovered"

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