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English-German translation for: features
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Dictionary English German: features

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NOUN   a feature | features
VERB  to feature | featured | featured
featuring | features
Eigenschaften {pl}
Merkmale {pl}
features {pl}
Ausstattung {f}
Besonderheiten {pl}
features [of sb.'s face, character]
Züge {pl} [Gesichtszüge, Charakterzüge]
Charakterzüge {pl}
comp. features
Funktionalitäten {pl}
features {pl} [in appliances etc.]
Ausstattung {f} [von Geräten usw.]
Fähigkeiten {pl}
featuresbesondere Eigenschaften {pl}
Unverified features {pl} [of sb.'s face]Gesichtsschnitt {m}
2 Words: Nouns
authenticity featuresEchtheitsmerkmale {pl}
psych. autistic featuresautistische Züge {pl}
electr. tech. basic featuresBasisfunktionen {pl} [auch: Basis-Funktionen]
electr. tech. basic featuresGrundfunktionen {pl}
body featuresKörpermerkmale {pl}
bold featureskühne Gesichtszüge {pl}
bonus features {pl}Bonusmaterial {n} [auf DVDs]
characteristic featuresBesonderheiten {pl}
chief featureswesentliche Merkmale {pl}
color features [Am.]Farbeigenschaften {pl}
colour features [Br.]Farbeigenschaften {pl}
comic featureskomische Züge {pl}
common featuresGemeinsamkeiten {pl}
constr. construction featuresBaumerkmale {pl}
comm. contractual featuresVertragsmerkmale {pl}
craggy features [face]markante Gesichtszüge {pl}
delicate featuresfeine Gesichtszüge {pl}
engin. design featuresKonstruktionsmerkmale {pl}
design featureskonstruktive Maßnahmen {pl}
distinctive featuresUnterscheidungsmerkmale {pl}
distinguishing featuresUnterscheidungsmerkmale {pl}
external featuresäußere Merkmale {pl}
anat. med. facial featuresGesichtsakren {pl}
biol. facial featuresGesichtszüge {pl}
jobs journ. features editorKulturredakteur {m}
jobs journ. features editor [female]Kulturredakteurin {f}
journ. features section [of a newspaper]Feuilleton {n}
features supplementUnterhaltungsbeilage {f}
features supplementsUnterhaltungsbeilagen {pl}
tech. geometrical features [coordinate measuring technique]Geometrieelemente {pl} [Koordinatenmesstechnik]
girlish featuresmädchenhafte Züge {pl} [Gesichtszüge]
econ. law guaranteed featureszugesicherte Eigenschaften {pl}
key featuresHauptmerkmale {pl}
main featuresGrundzüge {pl}
main featuresHauptmerkmale {pl}
main featureswesentliche Merkmale {pl}
miscellaneous featuressonstige Eigenschaften {pl}
psych. obsessive featureszwanghafte Züge {pl}
tech. pro featuresProfi-Features {pl}
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A 2022-02-10: premium / distinctive / exclusive features
A 2021-06-20: ... to be an enemy of a half-truth that mistakenly prides itself upon supe...
A 2021-03-01: many features of the film show the hand of the director
A 2019-04-16: That does not matter. Fact is that some people may find natural beauty fe...
Q 2018-03-03: enlarged facial features
Q 2015-11-23: programs & features
A 2015-01-14: Eine höchst aktuelle und wichtige Diskussion am Anfang eines neuen Dict.cc...
Q 2014-12-27: because of features such as being adjacent to a fire wall or ...
Q 2014-08-10: Bitte um Prüfung (Rechnungswesen) - "conversion features" und "senior notes"
A 2014-06-12: Any optional features requested during the rental period have to be paid f...
A 2013-09-23: I assumed the training would consist in explaining the features of the bus...
Q 2013-08-16: features
A 2013-08-08: it simply means "the very best in features / functionality / quality / etc."
A 2013-08-05: http://www.hrmagazine.co.uk/hro/features/1073564/leverage-learning-model-r...
Q 2013-07-24: why is it that it seems exceedingly difficult for me to describe people's ...
Q 2013-07-02: [a person's] relationship to salient features --> Beziehung zu hervortrete...
A 2013-04-29: The product features an excellent resistance to both scratches and chemicals
A 2013-03-14: @LuckyMan // Was für neue Features beinhaltet er?
A 2012-11-19: Product Features
A 2012-10-20: http://www.canoo.net/services/Controller?dispatch=inflection&input=ziehen&...

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