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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: fees charged
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: fees charged

Translation 1 - 26 of 26

law legal charges [fees charged]Rechtskosten {pl}
Partial Matches
fin. charges [fees, dues]Gebühren {pl}
fin. dues [fees, charge]Gebühren {pl}
fin. remission [of fees]Gebührenbefreiung {f}
admin. increase in charges [fees]Gebührenerhöhung {f}
electric {adj} [very tense, emotionally charged]spannungsgeladen
premium [charged by a bank]Bankagio {n}
fin. to commute [fees, taxes]ablösen [Gebühren, Steuerschulden]
fin. charges [fees]Taxen {pl} [Gebühren] [bes. schweiz.]
fin. payment [esp. of fees]Erlag {m} [österr.] [Entrichtung]
econ. fin. fee collection [also: collection of fees]Gebühreneinzug {m}
MedTech. phys. acceleration path [e.g. of charged particles]Beschleunigungsstrecke {f}
free of charge {adj} [postpos.] [of fees]taxfrei [gebührenfrei]
[body charged with the provision of public infrastructure]Erschließungsträger {m}
cranage [fees paid for use of the crane]Krangeld {n}
application for exemption from [e.g. fees]Befreiungsantrag {m} [z. B. Gebührenbefreiungsantrag]
[authority charged with the reallocation and consolidation of agricultural land holdings]Flurbereinigungsbehörde {f}
interest pro and contra [interest charged and paid] [unusual]Soll- und Habenzinsen {pl}
law culprit [one accused of or charged with a crime]Inquisit {m} [veraltet] [Beschuldigter, Angekagter]
comm. fin. output tax [VAT charged to the customer]Ausgangssteuer {f} [MwSt., die dem Kunden belastet wird]
comm. fin. input tax [VAT charged by the vendor]Eingangssteuer {f} [MwSt., die vom Verkäufer erhoben wird]
med. medical {adj} [e.g. bill, fees, office, profession]Arzt- [z. B. Rechnung, Gebühren, Praxis, Beruf]
[Body charged with carrying out redevelopment, redevelopment agency.]Sanierungsträger {m}
journ. pol. lying press [pej.] [abusive term applied when the press takes opposite positions on emotionally charged issues]Lügenpresse {f} [pej.]
application for exemption from sth. [e.g. fees or obligations]Antrag {m} auf Befreiung von etw.Dat. [z. B. Gebühren oder Verpflichtungen]
fin. to charge one's credit card [e.g. the hotel charged my credit card]seine Kreditkarte belasten [z. B. das Hotel hat meine Kreditkarte belastet]
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A 2009-05-14: The mediaeval popes abolished tuition fees charged by academic teachers an...
A 2008-07-17: remuneration is more salary...building...fees...might get away with fees charged

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