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English-German translation for: feline
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Dictionary English German: feline

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ADJ   feline | more feline | most feline
NOUN   a feline | felines
SYNO   felid | feline
feline {adj}
VetMed. zool. feline {adj}
feline {adj}
feline {adj}der Katze [nachgestellt]
zool. T
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
2 Words: Nouns
feline amenities {pl}Katzenfreundlichkeit {f}
VetMed. feline ataxiafeline Ataxie {f}
VetMed. feline calicivirus <FCV>felines Calicivirus {n}
VetMed. feline cariesKatzenkaries {f} [veraltet] [feline odontoklastische resorptive Läsionen]
VetMed. feline cavityKatzenkaries {f} [veraltet]
zool. feline clawKatzenkralle {f}
VetMed. feline demodicosisDemodikose {f} der Katze
VetMed. feline dermatophytosisDermatophytose {f} der Katze
VetMed. feline diabetesKatzendiabetes {m}
VetMed. feline distemperKatzenstaupe {f}
VetMed. feline distemperPanleukopenie {f}
zool. feline eyesKatzenaugen {pl}
VetMed. feline healthKatzengesundheit {f}
VetMed. feline hyperthyroidismfeline Hyperthyreose {f}
VetMed. feline leukaemia [Br.]Katzenleukämie {f}
VetMed. feline leukemia [Am.]Katzenleukämie {f}
VetMed. feline panleukopeniaPanleukopenie {f}
zool. feline predatorRaubkatze {f}
VetMed. feline rhinitisKatzenrhinitis {f}
zool. feline skullKatzenschädel {m}
zool. feline speciesKatzenart {f}
3 Words: Nouns
VetMed. feline immunodeficiency virus <FIV>feliner Immundefizienz-Virus {m} [ugs.]
VetMed. feline immunodeficiency virus <FIV>felines Immundefizienz-Virus {n}
VetMed. feline infectious enteritis <FIE>infektiöse Enteritis {f} der Katzen
VetMed. feline infectious peritonitis <FIP>feline infektiöse Peritonitis {f} <FIP>
VetMed. feline leukaemia virus [Br.]Katzenleukämievirus {n} [ugs. auch {m}]
VetMed. feline leukemia virus [Am.]Katzenleukämievirus {n} [ugs. auch {m}]
VetMed. feline leukemia virus <FeLV> [Am.]Feliner Leukosevirus {m} <FeLV> [nicht fachspr.] [auch: feliner Leukosevirus]
VetMed. feline leukemia virus <FeLV> [Am.]Felines Leukosevirus {n} <FeLV> [auch: felines Leukosevirus]
VetMed. feline panleukopenia virusfelines Parvovirus {n} [ugs. auch {m}]
VetMed. feline poxvirus infection {sg}Katzenpocken {pl} [Infektion, Krankheit]
myth. feline therianthropic creature [werecat]Ailuranthrop {m} [Werkatze]
myth. feline therianthropic creature [werecat]Katzenmensch {m} [Werkatze]
VetMed. feline urinary syndromeHarnabsatzstörung {f}
VetMed. feline viral rhinotracheitis <FVR>feline virale Rhinotracheitis {f}
myth. feline-specific therianthrope [ailuranthrope]Ailuranthrop {m}
4 Words: Nouns
VetMed. feline cervical line erosionKatzenkaries {f} [veraltet]
VetMed. feline herpesvirus (type) 1 <FHV-1>felines Herpesvirus-1 {n} <FeHV-1, FHV-1>
VetMed. feline odontoclastic resorptive lesion <FORL>feline odontoklastische resorptive Läsion {f} <FORL> [Erkrankung der Zähne bei Katzen]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
comics F Faline [Bambi] [Disney]Feline
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
zool. T
orn. T
zool. T
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Q 2015-11-03: feline muse
A 2011-02-25: A "treat" is always delightful and pleasant. My cats love their "Holistic ...
A 2008-12-02: how about 'feline ambulatory devices'? :-)
A 2007-05-15: oder feline ...?
A 2005-10-19: oder ein wortspiel mit "feline" ?

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feline demodicosis
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