| English | German | |
| VetMed. feline urinary syndrome | Harnabsatzstörung {f} | |
Partial Matches |
| med. iliotibial band syndrome <ITBS, ITB syndrome> [runner's knee] | ilio-tibiales Bandsyndrom {n} <ITBS, ITB-Syndrom> [Läuferknie] | |
| med. iliotibial band syndrome <ITBS, ITB syndrome> [runner's knee] | Iliotibialbandsyndrom {n} <ITBS, ITB-Syndrom> [Läuferknie] | |
| med. anti-phospholipid (antibody) syndrome <APS, APLA syndrome> [Hughes syndrome] | Antiphospholipidantikörpersyndrom {n} <APS> [auch: Antiphospholipid-Antikörper-Syndrom, Antiphospholipidsyndrom, Antiphospholipid-Syndrom] | |
| med. Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome <OWR syndrome> [hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia] | Osler-Weber-Rendu-Syndrom {n} | |
| med. gay-related immune deficiency syndrome <GRID syndrome> [obs.] [AIDS] | GRID-Syndrom {n} [veraltet für: AIDS] | |
| VetMed. stillbirth, mummification, embryonic death, and infertility syndrome <SMEDI syndrome> | SMEDI-Syndrom {n} | |
| med. oligoasthenoteratozoospermia syndrome <OAT syndrome> [also: oligo-astheno-teratozoospermia] | OAT-Syndrom {n} | |
| med. abductor pollicis longus syndrome <APL syndrome> [Peritendinitis crepitans] | Bursitis {f} des Abductor pollicis longus [Intersektionssyndrom] | |
| med. Laurence-Moon-Bardet-Biedl syndrome <LMBBS, LMBB syndrome> | Laurence-Moon-Biedl-Bardet-Syndrom {n} <LMBBS, LMBB-Syndrom> | |
| med. vibration-induced white finger syndrome <VWFS, VWF syndrome> | vibrationsbedingtes vasospastisches Syndrom {n} <VVS> | |
| med. anterior interosseous nerve syndrome [Kiloh-Nevin syndrome] <AINS, AIN syndrome> | Nervus-interosseus-anterior-Syndrom {n} | |
| med. Cauchois-Eppinger-Frugoni syndrome <CEF syndrome> [dated] [portal vein thrombosis] | Cauchois-Eppinger-Frugoni-Syndrom {n} [veraltet] [Pfortaderthrombose] | |
| med. Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome <BHD syndrome> [also: Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome] | Birt-Hogg-Dubé-Syndrom {n} <BHD-Syndrom> [auch: Birt-Hogg-Dube-Syndrom] | |
| med. hand-arm vibration syndrome <HAVS, HAV syndrome> | Hand-Arm-Vibrationssyndrom {n} [vibrationsbedingtes vasospastisches Syndrom] | |
| med. posterior interosseous nerve syndrome <PINS, PIN syndrome> | Nervus-interosseus-posterior-Syndrom {n} | |
| VetMed. multiple congenital ocular anomalies syndrome <MCOA syndrome> | multiples kongenitales okuläres Anomalien-Syndrom {n} [auch: MCOA-Syndrom] | |
| feline {adj} | der Katze [nachgestellt] | |
| VetMed. zool. feline {adj} | Katzen- | |
| feline {adj} | katzenartig | |
| feline {adj} | katzenhaft | |
| zool. T | | |
| med. orofaciodigital syndrome <OFD syndrome> [type I] | oro-fazio-digitales Syndrom {n} <OFD-Syndrom> [Typ I] | |
| med. orofaciodigital syndrome <OFD syndrome> [type I] | orofaziodigitales Syndrom {n} <OFD-Syndrom> [Typ I] | |
| med. disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome <DIC syndrome> | Defibrinationssyndrom {n} [Verbrauchskoagulopathie] | |
| med. disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome <DIC syndrome> | DIC-Syndrom {n} [ugs.] | |
| med. keratitis-ichthyosis-deafness syndrome <KID syndrome> | Keratitis-Ichthyosis-Taubheitssyndrom {n} | |
| med. keratitis-ichthyosis-deafness syndrome <KID syndrome> | KID-Syndrom {n} [Keratitis-Ichthyosis-Taubheitssyndrom] | |
| med. von Hippel-Lindau syndrome <VHL syndrome> | Von-Hippel-Lindau-Syndrom {n} <VHL-Syndrom> | |
| med. Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome <WPW syndrome> | Wolff-Parkinson-White-Syndrom {n} <WPW-Syndrom> | |
| feline amenities {pl} | Katzenfreundlichkeit {f} | |
| VetMed. feline ataxia | feline Ataxie {f} | |
| VetMed. feline caries | Katzenkaries {f} [veraltet] [feline odontoklastische resorptive Läsionen] | |
| VetMed. feline cavity | Katzenkaries {f} [veraltet] | |
| zool. feline claw | Katzenkralle {f} | |
| VetMed. feline demodicosis | Demodikose {f} der Katze | |
| VetMed. feline dermatophytosis | Dermatophytose {f} der Katze | |
| VetMed. feline diabetes | Katzendiabetes {m} | |
| VetMed. feline distemper | Katzenstaupe {f} | |
| VetMed. feline distemper | Panleukopenie {f} | |
| zool. feline eyes | Katzenaugen {pl} | |
| VetMed. feline health | Katzengesundheit {f} | |
| VetMed. feline hyperthyroidism | feline Hyperthyreose {f} | |
| VetMed. feline panleukopenia | Panleukopenie {f} | |
| zool. feline predator | Raubkatze {f} | |
| VetMed. feline rhinitis | Katzenrhinitis {f} | |
| zool. feline skull | Katzenschädel {m} | |
| zool. feline species | Katzenart {f} | |
| zool. T | | |
| VetMed. feline calicivirus <FCV> | felines Calicivirus {n} | |
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