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English-German translation for: fence
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Dictionary English German: fence

Translation 1 - 50 of 192  >>

English German
NOUN   a fence | fences
VERB  to fence | fenced | fenced ... 
SYNO   to fence | to fence in | to palisade ... 
to fence
sports to fence
to fence sth. [surround with a fence]
etw. einzäunen
to fence [student corps]
pauken [Korpsstudenten]
to fence [with words, arguments]die Klingen kreuzen [fig.] [streiten, debattieren]
to fence sth. [coll.] [sell stolen goods]mit etw.Dat. hehlen
Zaun {m}
law fence [coll.] [seller of stolen goods]
Hehler {m}
Einzäunung {f}
Gatter {n} [Zaun, z. B. einer Pferdekoppel]
Hindernis {n}
tech. fence
Anschlag {m} [an Werkzeugen]
tech. tools fence
Führung {f} [an Werkzeugen]
Umfriedung {f}
2 Words: Verbs
agr. to fence (in)einhegen
to fence (in)verzäunen
to fence (off)abschranken
to fence ineinfassen [mit Zaun]
to fence ineinzäunen
to fence inumfrieden [mit Zaun]
to fence inumzäunen
to fence offabsperren
to fence offmit einem Zaun abtrennen
to fence off sth.etw.Akk. abzäunen
to fence sb./sth. outjdn./etw. auszäunen [durch einen Zaun aussperren, absondern]
to fence sth. inetw.Akk. einfrieden [mit Zaun]
to fence sth. inetw. vergattern [etw. mit einem Gatter umgeben, einzäunen]
to fence sth. offetw.Akk. abzäunen
to fence sth. offetw. abgittern
to ring-fenceumzäunen
2 Words: Nouns
constr. back fencehinterer Zaun {m}
bamboo fenceBambuszaun {m}
board fenceBretterzaun {m}
board fenceLattenzaun {m}
constr. hort. board fencePlankenzaun {m} [Zaun aus dicken Brettern]
border fenceGrenzzaun {m}
boundary fenceEinfriedungszaun {m}
cactus fenceKaktuszaun {m}
catch fenceFangzaun {m}
agr. cattle fenceViehzaun {m} [um Rinderweide]
conclusion fenceEinzäunung {f}
cord fenceKordelzaun {m}
cyclone fenceMaschendrahtzaun {m}
Dingo Fence [Aus.]Dingozaun {m} [auch: Hundezaun] [5320 km langer Schutzzaun in Australien]
electric fenceElektrozaun {m}
mil. electric fenceKontaktzaun {m}
enclosure fenceEinfriedungszaun {m}
agr. feed fenceFressgitter {n}
fence constructionZaunbau {m}
fence doorGartenzauntür {f}
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A 2019-06-20: (fence) stile
A 2019-01-27: wilddurchgängiger Zaun > fence allowing game / wildlife to pass
A 2017-06-07: fence electrode
Q 2017-06-07: fence electrode
A 2016-09-12: (Fence) rail
Q 2016-09-11: Zaunriegel, hello, I am looking for part of a garden fence, the wooden hor...
Q 2016-09-11: Zaunriegel, Hello, I am not looking for the botanic category, but part of ...
A 2015-09-30: Just scale the fence ...
A 2015-09-21: Proteus' suggestion is the better one, of course, if the fence-straddling ...
Q 2015-09-21: Straddling the fence is painful.
A 2012-12-06: It's not a complete fireguard, just the little 'fence' that goes around th...
A 2012-06-05: Informal - talking with a neighbour over the garden fence, for example.
A 2011-01-10: On the fence
A 2010-05-05: "split-rail fence" in Wikipedia: Bezug?
A 2010-05-05: cf Wikipedia "split-rail fence"
Q 2009-10-16: to get so. off the fence
Q 2009-09-24: over the nearest fence
A 2009-03-22: maybe: to fence one's feelings off/in (je nach Standpunkt), oder: to ringfence
A 2008-10-03: perhaps: 'throw your heart over the fence' (comes from horse-sports)
A 2008-06-30: Well, the idiom 'sitting on the fence'

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