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English-German translation for: fenestration operation
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Dictionary English German: fenestration operation

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NOUN   a fenestration operation | fenestration operations
med. facet fenestration operationFacet-Fenestration-Operation {f} [Bandscheibenprolaps-Freilegung mit der Fensterungstechnik]
audio med. fenestration operationFensterungsoperation {f}
Partial Matches
med. fenestrationFenestration {f}
archi. fenestrationFensteranordnung {f}
med. fenestrationFensterung {f}
fenestrationFensterwerk {n}
dent. med. bone fenestrationKnochenfenestration {f}
med. heart valve fenestrationHerzklappenfensterung {f}
hist. Operation Cast Lead [2008–2009 Israel–Gaza conflict]Operation {f} Gegossenes Blei
med. successful operation on the open heartgelungene Operation {f} am offenen Herzen
med. to undergo an operationsich einer Operation unterziehen
mil. pol. counterterrorist operation <CTO>Anti-Terror-Operation {f}
med. exploratory operationOperation {f} zu diagnostischen Zwecken
electr. alternating current operation <AC operation>Wechselstrombetrieb {m}
electr. direct current operation <DC operation>Gleichstrombetrieb {m}
mil. black operation [fig.]verdeckte Operation {f}
med. breast-preserving operationbrusterhaltende Operation {f}
med. by-pass operationBypass-Operation {f}
mil. cross-border operationgrenzüberschreitende Operation {f}
med. gastric bypass operationMagenbypass-Operation {f}
life-saving operationlebensrettende Operation {f}
hist. mil. pol. United Nations Operation in the Congo <ONUC>Operation {f} der Vereinten Nationen im Kongo <ONUC>
med. Lane's operation [dated] [total colectomy]Lane'sche Operation {f} [veraltet] [totale Kolektomie]
med. abdominal operationabdominale Operation {f}
mil. amphibious operationamphibische Operation {f}
math. arithmetic operationarithmetische Operation {f}
comp. math. associative operationassoziative Operation {f}
med. capital operationschwere Operation {f}
mil. combined operationmultinationale Operation {f}
complete operationvollständige Operation {f}
conditional operationbedingte Operation {f}
connected operationangeschlossene Operation {f}
med. cosmetic operationkosmetische Operation {f}
mil. covert operationverdeckte Operation {f}
delicate operationheikle Operation {f}
illegal operationunzulässige Operation {f}
minor operationkleinere Operation {f}
rogue operationnichtautorisierte Operation {f}
law pol. sting operationverdeckte Operation {f}
med. surgical operationchirurgische Operation {f}
math. ternary operationternäre Operation {f}
med. Jaboulay's operation [eversion of sac] [urology]Jaboulay-Operation {f} [Urologie]
lit. F Operation Shylock. A Confession [Philip Roth]Operation Shylock. Ein Bekenntnis
idiom Operation successful, patient dead!Operation gelungen, Patient tot! [hum.]
med. Manchester operation [rarely Manchester's operation]Manchester-Operation {f}
fin. pol. Operation Twist [by the US Federal Reserve]Operation Twist {f} [Zinsinstrument der US-Notenbank]
comp. math. associative operationassociative Operation {f} [veraltete Rsv.]
med. Trendelenburg's operation [surgery]Trendelenburg-Operation {f}
undercover operationUndercover-Operation {f} [auch: Undercoveroperation]
mil. pol. Operation Enduring Freedom <OEF>Operation Enduring Freedom {f} <OEF> [wörtlich: Operation andauernde Freiheit]
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