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Dictionary English German: fiction

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NOUN1   a fiction [something that is invented, imagined or untrue] | fictions
NOUN2   fiction [type of literature] | -
SYNO   fable | fabrication | fiction
fiction1 [something invented or imagined]
Erfindung {f} [Fiktion, Hirngespinst]
lit. fiction2 [novels]
Romanliteratur {f}
lit. fiction2 [narrative prose]
Erzählliteratur {f}
Dichtung {f} [Erdichtetes, Fiktion] [selten auch: literarische Prosawerke]
fiction1 [something invented or imagined]
Fiktion {f} [geh.] [Erfindung, Fantasiegebilde]
Erdichtung {f}
lit. fanfic [coll.] [short for: fan fiction]Fan-Fiction {f}
fiction1 reine Annahme {f} [Fiktion]
fiction1 [made-up story]erfundene Geschichte {f}
2 Words: Others
publ. non-fiction {adj} [attr.]Sachbuch-
comics film lit. science-fictional {adj}Science-Fiction- <Sci-Fi, SciFi, SF> [z. B. SF-Roman, Sci-Fi-Roman]
2 Words: Nouns
lit. crime fictionKriminalliteratur {f}
lit. crime fiction {sg}Krimis {pl} [als Gattung]
lit. detective fictionKriminalliteratur {f}
lit. fan fictionFan-Fiction {f}
lit. publ. fiction books {pl}Belletristik {f}
lit. flash fictionFlash Fiction {f}
lit. formula fictionTrivialliteratur {f}
lit. Gothic fictionSchauerliteratur {f}
lit. historical fictionhistorischer Roman {m} [Genre]
interactive fictionAbenteuerspiel {n}
law legal fictionRechtsfiktion {f}
lit. light fictionUnterhaltungsliteratur {f}
lit. light fictiontriviale Literatur {f}
lit. light fiction [pej.]Trivialliteratur {f}
lit. military fiction [war novel]Militärroman {m}
lit. noir fictionRoman noir {m}
lit. non-fictionSachliteratur {f}
publ. non-fiction {sg}Sachbücher {pl} [als Gattung]
lit. popular fictionUnterhaltungsliteratur {f}
lit. pulp fictionGroschenliteratur {f}
lit. pulp fictionSchundliteratur {f}
lit. pulp fiction {sg}Groschenhefte {pl}
pure fictionreine Erdichtung {f}
pure fictionreine Erfindung {f}
lit. realistic fictionrealistische Fiktion {f}
science fictionSciencefiction {f} [Rsv.]
science fictionScience Fiction {f} [inoffizielle, aber sehr verbreitete Schreibweise]
science fiction <Scifi, Sci Fi, SF>Sciencefiction {f} <Sci-Fi, SciFi, SF>
science fiction <Scifi, Sci Fi, SF>Science-Fiction {f} <Sci-Fi, SciFi, SF>
lit. speculative fictionFantastik {f} [Genre]
lit. speculative fictionPhantastik {f}
lit. spy fictionder Spionageroman {m} [Genre]
3 Words: Verbs
to sound like fictionsich wie eine erfundene Geschichte anhören
3 Words: Nouns
lit. (poetry and) fictionBelletristik {f}
lit. publ. books {pl} of fictionBelletristik {f}
facts and fictionDichtung und Wahrheit
law fiction of lawRechtsfiktion {f}
jobs lit. non-fiction authorSachbuchautor {m}
lit. non-fiction author [female]Sachbuchautorin {f}
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Q 2022-12-20: Das Fiction-F
A 2022-11-01: Documents cast history. Fiction infiltrates the present.
A 2022-10-31: Fictional history and historical fiction have more in common than many wou...
A 2022-10-31: history is told by documents, the present may be fiction.
Q 2021-11-04: Science Fiction
Q 2020-12-24: reality is stranger than fiction
Q 2019-05-19: Betrifft alle Einträge mit F (Fiction: Names and Titles in Literature, Fil...
A 2019-02-18: Also Fiction?
Q 2018-02-08: proof-reading of Science Fiction novel
A 2017-11-16: I agree, Windfall. "romantic fiction" didn't come to my mind.
A 2017-11-10: Greeble = Komplexe Oberflächenstruktur (fiktiv, Science-Fiction)
Q 2016-12-29: GL 11--Names and titles of works of fiction
A 2016-04-28: You are right, Catesse. The book is a science fiction, though.
Q 2016-04-04: Translation problem fiction
A 2015-12-04: Bereits Buch Nummer 6 dieser Serie / Science fiction
Q 2015-09-13: Waldläufer (Science fiction)
Q 2015-07-27: Scinece fiction
A 2014-10-18: Fiction?
Q 2014-09-08: Blast Door(s) in science fiction (spaceships)
Q 2014-07-07: plausible fiction

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