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Dictionary English German: fighting

Translation 1 - 50 of 184  >>

English German
NOUN   a fighting | fightings
VERB  to fight | fought | fought/foughten [archaic]
fighting | fights
SYNO   combat | fight | fighting | scrap ... 
fighting {adj} {pres-p}
fighting {adj} {pres-p}
fighting {adj} [attr.] [e.g. behaviour, bull, dog, experience, mood, morale]
Kampf- [z. B. Verhalten, Stier, Hund, Erfahrung, Stimmung, Moral]
fighting {adj}
fighting {adj} [attr.] [militant]kämpferisch
Kämpfen {n}
mil. fighting
Gefecht {n}
mil. fighting {sg}
Gefechte {pl}
mil. fighting {sg}
Kampfhandlungen {pl}
Kampfgeschehen {n}
2 Words: Others
mil. sports fighting fit {adj}kampffähig
fighting fit {adj} [coll.] [pred.]topfit [ugs.]
mil. fighting fit {adj} [in top shape] [i,e, a soldier]voll einsatzbereit
fighting out {adj}ausfechtend
fighting withim Gefecht mit
2 Words: Verbs
to avoid fightingdem Kampf aus dem Wege gehen
to stop fightingden Kampf einstellen
to stop fightingdie Kämpfe einstellen
2 Words: Nouns
animal fighting [blood sport]Tierkampf {m}
bayonet fightingBajonettfechten {n}
bayonet fightingKampf {m} mit dem Bajonett
biol. comment fightingKommentkampf {m}
crime fightingKriminalitätsbekämpfung {f}
crime fightingVerbrechensbekämpfung {f}
crime fightingKampf {m} gegen (die) Kriminalität
dagger fightingDolchkampf {m}
desert fightingWüstenkampf {m}
mil. ferocious fighting {sg}erbitterte Kämpfe {pl}
fierce fightingerbitterter Kampf {m}
mil. fierce fighting {sg}erbitterte Kämpfe {pl}
mil. fierce fighting {sg}heftige Kämpfe {pl}
mil. psych. zool. fighting behavior [Am.]Kampfverhalten {n}
mil. psych. zool. fighting behaviour [Br.]Kampfverhalten {n}
comm. market. fighting brandKampfmarke {f}
fighting bullKampfstier {m}
mil. fighting capacityKampfkraft {f}
fighting chanceAußenseiterchance {f}
orn. fighting cockKampfhahn {m}
mil. spec. fighting communityKampfgemeinschaft {f}
automot. mil. fighting compartmentKampfraum {m} [das Innere eines militärischen Fahrzeuges]
fighting corruptionKorruptionsbekämpfung {f}
law fighting crimeVerbrechensbekämpfung {f}
zool. fighting dogKampfhund {m}
mil. fighting efficiencyKriegstüchtigkeit {f}
mil. fighting experienceKampferfahrung {f}
mil. fighting forcesStreitkräfte {pl}
games fighting gameKampfspiel {n}
comp. games fighting gamePrügelspiel {n} [ugs.]
econ. fin. fighting inflationInflationsbekämpfung {f}
sports fighting machine [coll.] [said for persons]Kampfmaschine {f} [ugs.]
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A 2023-11-07: Let's have fun fighting back.
A 2022-05-06: he still believed to be fighting for ...
A 2021-12-06: mettle, fighting spirit
A 2021-02-10: after battling everything out, after fighting all the battles
A 2016-06-14: Stimmt, das ist Ultimate Fighting. Aber was ist mit "hit pass"?
A 2015-06-21: https://www.google.co.uk/#q=%22key+guard%22+%22sword+fighting%22+%22%22+
A 2015-05-25: I'm currently fighting against automatic hyphenation …
A 2014-11-15: übrigens: kampfbereit - game on fighting
A 2014-10-06: his sole fighter mentality / his penchant for hand-to-hand fighting
A 2012-09-27: Unless it is a fighting game, twist means
Q 2012-04-09: fighting shape
A 2012-02-06: Fighting
Q 2012-01-10: Still Fighting The Civil War
A 2011-03-27: @ Bacca, I fear you're fighting a losing battle with this one
A 2011-03-22: fighting/conquering statt fight/conquer
A 2011-03-18: fighting a losing battle
Q 2011-02-05: fighting chance - Außenseiterchance - Beleg?
A 2010-12-05: Maybe: those who are keen on the fighting spirit of underdogs (plural!)
Q 2010-12-03: Is the Empire fighting back?
A 2010-06-22: fighting the symptoms

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fighting bull
fighting capacity
fighting chance
fighting cock
fighting community
fighting compartment

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