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English-German translation for: figure sth. out
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Dictionary English German: figure sth out

Translation 1 - 50 of 46686  >>

Keywords contained
to figure out sth.etw.Akk. ergründen
to figure out sth.sichDat. etw.Akk. zusammenreimen [ugs.]
to figure out sth.sichDat. über etw.Akk. klar werden
to figure out sth.sichDat. über etw.Akk. klarwerden
to figure sth. outetw.Akk. ergründen
to figure sth. outetw.Akk. herausbekommen [ugs.]
to figure sth. outetw.Akk. herauskriegen [ugs.]
to figure sth. outetw.Akk. rausfinden [ugs.]
to figure sth. outetw.Akk. rauskriegen [ugs.]
to figure sth. outetw. durchschauen
to figure out sth. [ascertain]etw.Akk. herausfinden
to figure sth. out for oneselfsichDat. etw.Akk. an den zehn Fingern abklavieren [ugs.] [veraltet]
to try to figure sth. outan etw.Dat. herumrätseln [ugs.]
Partial Matches
to figure out [assess]veranschlagen
to figure out [understand]verstehen
to figure out sb.aus jdm. schlau werden
to figure it outdahinterkommen [ugs.]
I'll figure it out.Ich lasse mir was einfallen.
to figure out a plan [coll.]einen Plan ausknobeln [ugs.]
to figure out [work out by arithmetic]ausrechnen
I can't figure it out.Ich werde daraus nicht schlau.
to shape a figure out of clayeine Figur aus Lehm formen
It's difficult to figure out whether ...Es ist schwer zu sagen, ob ...
to not be able to figure sb. outaus jdm. nicht klug werden
I can't figure out where we've met before.Ich weiß nicht, wo wir uns schon mal gesehen haben.
to figure sth. [symbolically]etw. symbolisch darstellen
to figure into sth.bei etw. eine Rolle spielen
to figure sth. [Am.] [calculate]etw. berechnen [schätzen]
to figure sth. [Am.] [calculate]etw. kalkulieren
to figure on sth. [Am.]mit etw.Dat. rechnen
to figure sth. to oneselfsichDat. etw. vorstellen
to figure (sth.) [Am.] [coll.] [assume](etw.) annehmen [vermuten]
to figure sb./sth. [represent pictorally]jdn./etw. darstellen [bildlich]
to figure sb. for sth. [Am.]jdn. für etw. halten
to put a figure on sth.etw. konkret in Zahlen angeben
to figure sth. [be a symbol of]etw. versinnbildlichen
math. Hofstadter Figure-Figure sequenceHofstadters Figur-Figur-Folge {f}
to figure sb./sth. [Am.] [coll.] [picture mentally]sichDat. jdn./etw. vorstellen
to figure sb. as / for sth. [Am.] [coll.]jdn. als etw. ansehen
math. eight-sided figure <8-sided figure>Achteck {n}
math. eleven-sided figure <11-sided figure>Elfeck {n}
math. five-sided figure <5-sided figure>Fünfeck {n}
math. four-sided figure <4-sided figure>Viereck {n}
math. nine-sided figure <9-sided figure>Neuneck {n}
math. seven-sided figure <7-sided figure>Siebeneck {n}
math. six-sided figure <6-sided figure>Sechseck {n}
math. ten-sided figure <10-sided figure>Zehneck {n}
math. three-sided figure <3-sided figure>Dreieck {n}
math. twelve-sided figure <12-sided figure>Zwölfeck {n}
to claw one's way through sth. / out of sth.sichAkk. aus etw.Akk. herauswühlen
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