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Dictionary English German: filled

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VERB  to fill | filled | filled ... 
filled {adj} {past-p}
filled {adj} {past-p}
filled {adj} {past-p}
constr. filled {adj} {past-p} [cracks, holes]
sb./sth. filled
jd./etw. füllte
filled {adj} {past-p}
dent. filled {adj} {past-p} [tooth]plombiert [Zahn]
2 Words: Others
adventure-filled {adj}abenteuerlich [reich an Abenteuern]
adventure-filled {adj}reich an Abenteuern [nachgestellt]
air-filled {adj}luftgefüllt
med. blood-filled {adj}blutgefüllt
constr. concrete-filled {adj}betongefüllt
expletive-filled {adj}unflätig [geh.]
filled in {past-p}ausgefüllt
tech. filled in {adj} {past-p}verfüllt
tech. filled in {adj} {past-p}verschmiert [verfüllt]
constr. filled in {adj} [also: filled-in]ausgefacht [Fachwerkkonstruktion]
filled out {past-p}ausgefüllt
filled up {past-p}aufgefüllt
filled-out {adj}ausgefüllt
fluid-filled {adj}flüssigkeitsgefüllt
tech. gas-filled {adj}gasgefüllt
gold-filled {adj}goldgefüllt
spec. gold-filled {adj} [also: gold filled] [gold filled with base metal]gold-filled [auch: Gold-filled] [wörtlich: gefülltes Gold] [Gold mit unedlem Metallkern]
half-filled {adj} {past-p}halbgefüllt
hate-filled {adj}hasserfüllt
hate-filled {adj}haßerfüllt [alt]
hate-filled {adj}voller Hass [nachgestellt]
helium-filled {adj}heliumgefüllt
joy-filled {adj}freudvoll [Festtag]
light-filled {adj}lichtdurchflutet
light-filled {adj}lichterfüllt
liquid-filled {adj}flüssigkeitsgefüllt
liquid-filled {adj}flüssig gefüllt
milk-filled {adj}milchgefüllt
tech. oil-filled {adj}ölgefüllt
bot. pith-filled {adj}markgefüllt
pre-filled {adj} {past-p} [e.g. form]vorausgefüllt [z. B. Formular]
med. pus-filled {adj}eitrig
rage-filled {adj} [e.g. eyes]zornfunkelnd [z. B. Augen]
smoke-filled {adj}verqualmt
smoke-filled {adj}verräuchert
smoke-filled {adj} [room etc.]rauchgeschwängert [geh.] [Zimmer etc.]
sun-filled {adj}sonnendurchflutet
tear-filled {adj} [eyes]tränenfeucht
tension-filled {adj}spannungsreich
water-filled {adj}wassergefüllt
well-filled {adj}gut gefüllt
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. filled chocolatesPralinees {pl} [österr., schweiz.]
gastr. filled chocolatesPralinen {pl}
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Q 2019-07-20: aflutter > filled with or marked by the presence of fluttering things > ro...
Q 2018-08-28: gold-filled
Q 2018-05-10: nerve-filled
A 2017-01-25: Most or all of the state. At least a few resorvoirs are filled now.
Q 2016-06-17: market + filled?
A 2015-06-01: Technical usage - agree with MichaelK - perhaps +containers to be filled+
A 2015-04-14: word order: All important job openings are filled purposefully from within...
A 2015-04-14: All important job openings are purposefully filled from within the company
Q 2015-03-20: Want to be filled in on Lord Nelson's last voyage?
Q 2014-12-17: abundance of fun-filled activities.
Q 2013-11-21: "full of" vs. "filled with"
A 2013-10-03: A tobacco portion to be filled or stuffed into a cigarette stuffing device
A 2013-09-04: it will take time ...... won't be filled quick .... etc.
A 2012-09-02: filled with hope, almost bursting with hope?
A 2012-08-11: must be filled (in), must have a value, s.th. must have been entered into them
A 2012-06-07: filled bread roll
A 2012-05-10: the setting should ensure that the receptacle is filled with atmosphere
A 2012-01-03: Literally +corner of the pillow+ ; Polsterzipf > Austrian pocket of dough ...
A 2011-11-19: When will the position be filled / As from when will the position be filled.
A 2011-10-02: Perhaps: "...like a heavenly shrine filled with down."

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