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English-German translation for: fillet
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Dictionary English German: fillet

Translation 1 - 55 of 55

English German
NOUN   a fillet | fillets
VERB  to fillet | filleted | filleted ... 
SYNO   to filet | to fillet | fillet ... 
gastr. to fillet sth. [fish]
etw.Akk. entgräten [Fisch]
gastr. to fillet
to fillet[mit einem schmalen Dekorband umbinden]
archi. fillet
Leiste {f}
gastr. fillet
Filet {n}
tech. fillet [Am.]
Kehle {f}
archi. fillet
Kannelüre {f}
tech. fillet [Am.]
Innenradius {m}
tech. fillet [shape]
Hohlkehle {f}
fillet [headband]
Haarband {n}
tech. fillet [shape]
Auskehlung {f}
gastr. fillet
Lachs {m} [Bestandteil des Kotelettstrangs; Kernmuskel des Rückens von Schlachttieren]
filletPlatte {f} [bei Profilen]
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. boned filletLendenstück {n} ohne Knochen
gastr. breast filletBrustfilet {n}
fish gastr. cod filletKabeljaufilet {n}
comp. tech. edge filletKantenverrundung {f}
fillet brazedAuftragslötung {f}
tech. fillet brazingBandlöten {n}
fillet knifeFiletiermesser {n}
gastr. tools fillet knifeFiliermesser {n}
gastr. fillet roastFiletbraten {m}
engin. fillet weldKehlnaht {f}
engin. fillet weldKehlschweißnaht {f}
fillet weldingKehlnahtschweißung {f}
tech. fillet welds [in plate]Kehlnähte {pl} [Blech]
gastr. fish filletFischfilet {n}
gastr. lamb filletLammlachs {m}
gastr. pork filletSchweinefilet {n}
gastr. roast filletFiletbraten {m}
gastr. salmon filletLachsfilet {n}
tech. sealing filletAbdichtungsleiste {f}
gastr. smoked fillet [esp. of fish]Räucherfilet {n} [bes. vom Fisch]
gastr. swai filletPangasiusfilet {n}
3 Words: Nouns
gastr. chicken breast filletHähnchenbrustfilet {n}
gastr. chicken breast filletHühnerbrustfilet {n}
tech. concave (fillet) weldHohlnaht {f} [Schweißen]
engin. tech. double fillet weldDoppelkehlnaht {f}
gastr. fillet of beefRinderfilet {n}
gastr. fillet of duckEntenfilet {n}
gastr. fillet of porkSchweinslende {f}
fish fillet knifeFischfiletiermesser {n}
fish fillet knifeFischfiliermesser {n}
engin. tech. inner fillet weldInnenkehlnaht {f}
engin. outer fillet weldAußenkehlnaht {f}
gastr. pike-perch filletZanderfilet {n}
engin. side fillet weldFlankenkehlnaht {f}
engin. single-fillet weldeinseitige Kehlnaht {f}
4 Words: Nouns
gastr. filet / fillet of plaiceSchollenfilet {n}
gastr. fillet of duck breastEntenbrustfilet {n}
engin. flat face fillet weldFlachkehlnaht {f}
gastr. medaillon of pork filletSchweinefiletmedaillon {n}
engin. multi-run fillet weldmehrlagige Kehlnaht {f}
5+ Words: Nouns
fillet between wing and fuselageAuskehlung {f} zwischen Flügel und Rumpf
gastr. smoked, rolled fillet of hamLachsschinken {m}
» See 3 more translations for fillet within comments
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A 2009-04-08: rack - fillet - rump ?
A 2008-11-08: 3/16" fillet weld = 3/16-Zoll breite Kehlnaht = 4,76 mm breite Kehlnaht
Q 2008-11-08: 3/16” fillet weld
A 2008-10-30: roast fillet of beef
Q 2008-10-23: prime fillet (fish)
A 2008-10-10: If I had to wear a fillet in public, it would certainly give me a headache.
A 2008-10-10: Other words for +Kopfreif+ > fillet, headband
A 2008-02-15: a white wine is served with the pike-perch fillet because it is dry and it...
A 2008-01-23: fiLLet
A 2008-01-23: (whole) grilled veal saddle / grilled fillet of veal
A 2007-10-24: local free-range beef fillet
A 2007-09-11: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/define.asp?key=28834&dict=CALD fillet (U...
A 2007-09-11: Spelling of 'fillet' http://www.onelook.com/?w=fillet&ls=a
A 2007-08-06: Another word for 'headband' is 'fillet'
A 2007-01-24: sorry, forgot to mention it can be plural, so "fillet(s) of beef"
A 2007-01-24: fillet of beef (plus garnish)
A 2007-01-14: fillet
Q 2007-01-14: fillet
A 2007-01-04: to carve/to cut up fillet of beef
A 2006-11-16: I guess for fish, you use fillet with two l

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