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English-German translation for: financing
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Dictionary English German: financing

Translation 1 - 50 of 201  >>

English German
NOUN   a financing | financings
VERB  to finance | financed | financed
financing | finances
SYNO   financing | funding
financing {adj} {pres-p}
Finanzierung {f}
2 Words: Others
self-financing {adj}selbstfinanzierend
2 Words: Verbs
to provide financingFinanzierung bereitstellen
2 Words: Nouns
abortion financingAbtreibungsfinanzierung {f}
econ. fin. acquisition financingAkquisitionsfinanzierung {f}
advance financingVorfinanzierung {f}
agricultural financingAgrarfinanzierung {f}
auto-financingSelbstfinanzierung {f}
backdoor financingheimliche Finanzierung {f}
bank financingBankfinanzierung {f}
bank financingFinanzierung {f} durch eine Bank
fin. bridge financingBrückenfinanzierung {f}
fin. bridge financingÜberbrückungsfinanzierung {f}
fin. bridge financingÜberbrückungskredit {m}
fin. bridge financingZwischenfinanzierung {f} [Überbrückung]
telecom. carrier financingCarrier-Finanzierung {f}
fin. co-financingKofinanzierung {f}
co-financingMitfinanzierung {f}
community financingGemeindefinanzierung {f}
fin. compensatory financingAusgleichsfinanzierung {f}
constr. fin. construction financingBaufinanzierung {f}
fin. credit financingKreditfinanzierung {f}
cross-financingQuerfinanzierung {f}
fin. cross-financingÜberkreuzfinanzierung {f}
customer financingKundenfinanzierung {f}
debt financingFremdfinanzierung {f}
acc. fin. stocks debt financingFremdkapital {n} <FK>
direct financingDirektfinanzierung {f}
educ. education financingBildungsfinanzierung {f}
pol. election financingWahlkampffinanzierung {f}
econ. fin. equity financingEigenfinanzierung {f} [Eigenkapitalfinanzierung]
fin. equity financingEigenkapitalfinanzierung {f}
expansion financingErweiterungsfinanzierung {f}
expansion financingWachstumsfinanzierung {f}
export financingExportfinanzierung {f}
econ. fin. external financingFremdfinanzierung {f}
fee financingGebührenfinanzierung {f}
film fin. film financingFilmfinanzierung {f}
fin. financing activities {pl}Finanzierungstätigkeit {f}
econ. fin. financing agreement <FA>Finanzierungsvereinbarung {f} <FV>
fin. financing amountFinanzierungssumme {f}
fin. financing armFinanzierungsarm {m}
financing authorisation [Br.]Verpflichtungsermächtigung {f}
fin. financing baseFinanzierungsbasis {f}
financing companyFinanzierungsgesellschaft {f}
fin. financing conceptFinanzierungskonzept {n}
fin. financing conditionsFinanzierungsbedingungen {pl}
fin. financing costsFinanzierungskosten {pl}
financing decisionsdie Finanzierung betreffende Entscheidungen {pl}
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A 2014-11-11: affecting liquidity and financing
A 2014-01-28: securitized monetary claims against a financing company \ return on capit...
Q 2013-02-07: Existiert eine Übersetzung für "Financing Statement"?
Q 2013-01-14: terrorist financing
A 2012-11-12: After the financing of the Hotel Maxim …
A 2011-08-13: Literally it means that they proportionally contribute more to financing s...
A 2011-06-09: Do you also provide financing possibilities?
A 2010-03-31: LINX http://www.dict.cc/?s=non-recourse+financing
Q 2009-12-10: third party usability of assets? single tenant financing?
A 2009-07-06: financing round
A 2009-07-06: Participate/take part in (this) round of financing
A 2009-06-25: Surely the detailed documents will stand you in good stead with your your ...
A 2009-03-10: Financing in line with [actual] costs incurred
A 2008-11-14: could be "procurement of financing" in this context
A 2008-10-23: sustainable financing policy
A 2008-10-23: Based on the financing policy established for the long term
A 2008-09-03: The founders want to keep informed about possible types of financing. They...
A 2008-07-21: What about: Cross-financing of salary compensation for persons in military...
A 2008-01-31: ah...I wondered...finance, financial, financing.....
A 2008-01-31: financing portfolio - just like in German!

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