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English-German translation for: findings
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Dictionary English German: findings

Translation 1 - 50 of 77  >>

English German
NOUN   a finding | findings
Ergebnisse {pl}
findings {pl}
Untersuchungsergebnis {n}
Befunde {pl}
findings {pl}
Ergebnis {n}
law findings {pl}
Feststellung {f}
findings {pl}
Befund {m}
Forschungsergebnisse {pl}
Resultate {pl}
findings {pl}
Resultat {n}
Funde {pl}
Fundstücke {pl}
acad. findings {pl}Befundlage {f}
2 Words: Others
dent. med. findings-oriented {adj}befundorientiert
2 Words: Nouns
adverse findingsunerwünschte Funde {pl}
med. arthroscopic findingsarthroskopische Befunde {pl}
QM audit findingsAuditfeststellungen {pl}
QM audit findings {pl} [e.g. as a report heading]Auditfeststellung {f} [z. B. als Überschrift]
med. auscultatory findings {pl}Auskultationsbefund {m}
autopsy findings {pl}Obduktionsbefund {m}
autopsy findings {pl}Sektionsbefund {m}
basic findingswesentliche Resultate {pl}
med. clinical findingsklinische Befunde {pl}
core findings [key findings]zentrale Ergebnisse {pl} [wesentliche Ergebnisse]
dent. dental findings {pl}Zahnbefund {m}
dent. dental findings {pl}zahnärztliche Befunderhebung {f}
archaeo. dig's findingsGrabungsbefunde {pl}
med. dubious findings {pl}zweifelhafter Befund {m}
med. MedTech. echocardiographic findings {pl}Echokardiographiebefund {m}
med. MedTech. electrocardiographic findings <ECG findings>elektrokardiographische Befunde {pl} <EKG-Befunde>
empirical findingsempirische Erkenntnisse {pl}
ergonomic findingsarbeitswissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse {pl}
tech. ergonomic findingsergonomische Erkenntnisse {pl}
archaeo. excavation findingsGrabungsbefunde {pl}
factual findings {pl}Tatbestand {m}
med. histological findings {pl}histologischer Befund {m}
dent. med. initial findings {pl}Anfangsbefund {m}
med. initial findings {pl}Erstbefund {m}
interim findings {pl}Zwischenergebnis {n} [Untersuchung]
laboratory findingsLaborbefunde {pl}
med. acad. laboratory findingsLaborergebnisse {pl}
med. acad. laboratory findingsLaborwerte {pl}
med. medical findings {pl} [collective physical and psychological occurrences of a patient]Befund {m}
med. normal findings {pl}unauffälliger Befund {m}
med. objective findingsobjektive Befunde {pl}
acad. overall findingsGesamtbefund {m}
med. palpation findings {pl}Tastbefund {m}
med. palpatory findings {pl}Tastbefund {m}
postmortem findings {pl}Sektionsbefund {m}
preliminary findingsbisherige Erkenntnisse {pl}
med. radicular findingsradikuläre Befunde {pl}
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A 2023-01-04: Als Überschrift vielleicht: Beach Findings
A 2020-07-14: They comprise theological chronologies that run crosswise to »empirical« f...
A 2019-01-17: great findings .. Many thanks to all
A 2017-11-06: Legal parlance differs in this respect: in principle, both factual and leg...
A 2013-12-22: findings of local customary law
A 2013-06-16: Vielleicht heißt das "an" nicht "and", sondern "in" ultrasonic findings
A 2013-03-17: preliminary (tentative) findings
A 2012-12-05: working group - A committee or group appointed to study and report on...
Q 2011-11-04: Anleitungs- bzw. Werbetext über selbstgemachte Schmuckstücke (Abgabe 13 Uh...
A 2011-08-11: I'm assuming one set of "new" findings in the preceding text. The findings...
A 2011-08-11: Doesn't make sense - logically, two kinds of findings cannot show the same...
Q 2010-06-12: followed up with potential findings.....
A 2009-10-30: inconspicuous findings
A 2009-10-30: normal findings
A 2009-02-26: to map / register archaeological findings ?
A 2008-11-28: scientific findings I'd say
A 2008-11-18: It was not about your suggestion, Laura, which makes perfect sense - it wa...
A 2008-09-10: findings
A 2008-07-08: hier: to collate (medical) findings
A 2008-06-10: ? objectionabled report on findings

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