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English-German translation for: finite
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Dictionary English German: finite

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ADJ   finite | more finite | most finite
ADJ  finit | - | -
finiter | finite | finites
finite {adj}
finite {adj}
acad. ling. finite {adj}
to finite
2 Words: Others
math. finite-dimensional {adj}endlich-dimensional
math. pro-finite {adj}proendlich
math. sigma-finite {adj} <σ-finite>sigma-endlich <σ-endlich>
2 Words: Nouns
finite amountbegrenzte Menge {f}
finite automatonZustandsautomat {m}
math. finite differencefinite Differenz {f}
finite elementsfinite Elemente {pl}
math. finite fieldendlicher Körper {m}
math. finite geometryendliche Geometrie {f}
math. spec. finite graphendlicher Graph {m}
math. finite groupendliche Gruppe {f}
finite integerendliche Zahl {f}
math. finite mathematics [treated as sg.]finite Mathematik {f}
finite numberendliche Zahl {f}
math. finite orderendliche Ordnung {f}
math. finite representabilityendliche Präsentierbarkeit {f}
finite resourcebegrenzte Ressource {f}
finite resourceendliche Ressource {f}
math. finite sequenceendliche Folge {f}
math. finite seriesendliche Reihe {f}
math. finite setendliche Menge {f}
math. finite subcoverendliche Teilüberdeckung {f}
ling. finite verbFinitum {n}
3 Words: Nouns
math. phys. (finite) difference methodDifferenzenverfahren {n}
math. approximately finite algebra <AF algebra>AF-Algebra {f}
comp. deterministic finite automaton <DFA>deterministischer endlicher Automat {m} <DEA>
math. finite continued fractionendlicher Kettenbruch {m}
finite difference method <FDM>Finite-Differenz-Methode {f} <FDM>
comp. math. acad. finite difference schemeFinite-Differenzen-Verfahren {n}
engin. QM finite element analysis <FEA>Finite-Elemente-Analyse {f} <FEA>
finite element method <FEM>Finite-Elemente-Methode {f} <FEM>
math. finite element method <FEM>Methode {f} der finiten Elemente <FEM>
engin. math. tech. finite element package [engineering analysis software]Finite-Elemente-Paket {n}
math. finite group theoryendliche Gruppentheorie {f}
math. finite projective plane <FPP>endliche projektive Ebene {f}
math. finite simplicial complexendlicher Simplizialkomplex {m}
comp. finite state automatonendlicher Automat {m}
comp. tech. finite state machine <FSM>Zustandsmaschine {f}
comp. finite state machine <FSM>endlicher Automat {m} <EA>
comp. finite state transducer <FST>endlicher Transduktor {m} <ET>
math. finite-volume method <FVM>Finite-Volumen-Verfahren {n}
ling. non-finite clausesatzwertige Konstruktion {f}
comp. nondeterministic finite automaton <NFA>nichtdeterministischer endlicher Automat {m} <NEA>
math. pro-finite groupproendliche Gruppe {f}
math. σ-finite measureσ-endliches Maß {n}
4 Words: Nouns
engin. tech. finite element analysis model <FEA model>Finite-Elemente-Methode-Modell {n} <FEM-Modell>
electr. finite impulse response <FIR> filterFilter {m} mit endlicher Impulsantwort [fachspr. meist {n}]
electr. finite impulse response filter <FIR filter>FIR-Filter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]
ecol. finite nature of resourcesEndlichkeit {f} der Ressourcen
engin. tech. finite-life fatigue strengthZeitfestigkeit {f} [Wöhlerkurve]
5+ Words: Nouns
math. (Birkhoff's) fundamental theorem for finite distributive latticesDarstellungssatz {m} von Birkhoff
math. (main) theorem about finite Abelian groupsHauptsatz {m} über endlich erzeugte abelsche Gruppen
math. approximately finite dimensional C*-algebra <AF C*-algebra>AF-C*-Algebra {f}
comp. non-deterministic finite state transducer <NDFST>nichtdeterministischer / nicht-deterministischer endlicher Transduktor {m} <NET>
math. representation theory of finite groupsDarstellungstheorie {f} endlicher Gruppen
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A 2013-05-29: As it is, the original idea at once comprises all the crucial elements, th...
A 2012-01-02: Höre Dir an: finite automaton UND finite state automaton
A 2011-09-13: Finite resources
A 2009-06-25: I recently used "finite form" in an Italian trans,
A 2008-07-14: finite
Q 2007-11-07: finite
Q 2004-09-06: Finite element mesh
A 2004-02-05: finite difference method
Q 2004-02-05: Finite-Differenz-Methode

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