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Dictionary English German: firing

Translation 1 - 50 of 143  >>

English German
NOUN   a firing | firings
VERB  to fire | fired | fired
firing | fires
SYNO   discharge | firing | firing off ... 
firing {adj}
firing {adj}Brenn-
jobs firing
Entlassung {f} [Angestellte]
Zündung {f}
mil. firing
Abschuss {m}
Heizung {f}
Zünden {n}
Schussabgabe {f}
Feuern {n}
Brand {m} [von Keramik]
firingBeschickung {f} [von Kessel]
firingFeuerung {f}
2 Words: Others
firing at {adj}beschießend
firing off {adj}abfeuernd
tech. grate-firing {adj}Rostfeuerungs-
2 Words: Nouns
weapons (firing) chamberPatronenkammer {f}
mil. (firing) rangeSchussbereich {m}
tech. biscuit firing [pottery]Biskuitbrand {m}
bisque firingRohbrand {m} [von Keramik]
bisque firingSchrühbrand {m}
bisque firingSchrühen {n}
bush firingBrennen {n} im offenen Feuer
coal firingBefeuerung {f} mit Kohle
tech. coke firingKoksfeuerung {f}
equest. zool. cross-firing [leg interference]diagonales Einhauen {n} [Gangfehler]
cyclone firingZyklonfeuerung {f} [Dampfkessel]
tech. dry firingTrockenfeuerung {f}
dent. final firingGlanzbrand {m} [Keramikarbeiten]
weapons firing angleSchusswinkel {m}
electr. tech. firing angleZündwinkel {m}
firing apparatusZündmaschine {f} [Sprengtechnik]
mil. firing battery [of artillery]Gefechtsbatterie {f}
firing boxZündkasten {m}
weapons firing burstFeuerstoß {m}
firing commandFeuerbefehl {m}
firing controlFeuerungsregelung {f}
firing cupSchießbecher {m}
firing curveBrennkurve {f}
hunting firing distanceSchussentfernung {f}
dent. firing furnaceBrennofen {m}
firing installationFeuerstätte {f} [Ofen, Heizkessel etc.]
firing installationFeuerungsanlage {f}
tech. weapons firing lever [of weapon]Abfeuerungshebel {m} [einer Waffe]
firing lineFeuerlinie {f}
firing lineSchützenlinie {f}
firing line [position from which fire is delivered]Schießlinie {f}
firing linesSchützenlinien {pl}
mil. weapons firing mechanismAbschussvorrichtung {f}
dent. firing muffleBrennmuffel {f}
mil. firing orderSchießbefehl {m}
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A 2012-12-09: firing plant NOT fire plant (SORRY for this) --- fuel burning appliance be...
Q 2012-05-31: firing (im medizinisch-physiologischen Kontext)
Q 2012-03-29: Average firing costs of ## weeks of salary
Q 2011-08-11: a blank-firing weapon which had been converted
A 2010-11-19: I like "Format." You're firing on all eight cylinders today. :-)
Q 2010-11-09: hiring and firing system
Q 2010-05-27: firing pattern
Q 2010-05-20: Text über Baumaschinen (koreanisches Englisch!), "blank firing" kennt das ...
Q 2010-04-12: firing pattern
A 2010-02-09: Rechtsanschlag / Linksanschlag > right-handed firing / left-handed firing.
Q 2009-12-18: Vertragsübersetzung, weitere Fragen: "firing" = entlassen? "benefits" = Zu...
A 2009-12-03: firing floor / deflectors
Q 2009-12-02: firing floor / deflectors
A 2009-12-02: retaliatory termination. Also: 'retaliatory firing', but few BE hits.
A 2009-11-13: pan firing
Q 2009-10-06: firing pattern
A 2009-09-26: @bella -- see ma? he's firing at me in latin already!
A 2009-03-02: Right. Found something: Embrasures, firing loopholes
A 2009-01-22: regulation on firing plants #397102 Surely a +fireplace+ would be subjec...
A 2009-01-22: Feuerstättenverordnung > regulation on firing plants

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