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English-German translation for: firmly
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Dictionary English German: firmly

Translation 1 - 55 of 55

English German
SYNO   firmly | hard | securely | firm ... 
firmly {adv}
fest [kräftig]
firmly {adv}
firmly {adv}
firmly {adv} [forcefully]
firmly {adv}
firmly {adv}
dezidiert [geh.] [bestimmt, entschieden]
firmly {adv} [with verbs of movement or effort]
feste [ugs.] [mit Verben der Bewegung oder Anstrengung]
2 Words: Others
engin. firmly bonded {adj}stoffschlüssig
firmly booked {adj} {past-p} [e.g. hotel room]fest gebucht [z. B. Hotelzimmer]
automot. firmly braked {adj} {past-p}festgebremst
firmly connected {adj} {past-p}fest verbunden
firmly decided {adj} {past-p}fest beschlossen
firmly determined {adj} {past-p}fest entschlossen
firmly established {adj} {past-p}fest verankert
firmly fixed {adj}fest angebracht
firmly fixed {adj} {past-p}fest verankert [fig.]
firmly joined {adj} {past-p}festgefügt [Rsv.]
firmly joined {adj} {past-p}fest gefügt
firmly mounted {adj}fest montiert
very firmly {adv}pickelhart [österr.] [südd.] [schweiz.]
2 Words: Verbs
to act firmlyresolut vorgehen
to close firmlyfest schließen
to establish firmlyfestigen
to firmly believe sth.etw. fest glauben
to fix firmlyfest verankern
to grasp firmlyzugreifen
to grasp firmlyzupacken
to grasp sb./sth. firmlyjdn./etw. fest umfassen
to open firmlyfest eröffnen
to reject sth. firmlyetw.Akk. entschieden ablehnen
to stick sth. (firmly)etw. festkleben
3 Words: Others
... and grasp firmly.... und fest fassen. [ugs.] [fest umfassen]
politely but firmly {adv}höflich aber bestimmt
tech. Tighten screws firmly.Schrauben fest anziehen.
3 Words: Verbs
to be firmly appliedfest angezogen sein [Handbremse etc.]
to be firmly establishedeine feste Größe sein
to be firmly fixedeinen festen Stand haben
to become firmly establishedsich verfestigen [erinnert werden]
to cling firmly to sth.fest an etw. klammern
3 Words: Nouns
firmly held belieffester Glaube {m}
4 Words: Others
I'm firmly convinced that ...Ich bin fest davon überzeugt, dass ...
4 Words: Verbs
to (firmly) intend to do sth.den Vorsatz haben, etw. zu tun
to have sth. firmly under controletw.Akk. fest in der Hand haben [Redewendung]
idiom to take sb. firmly in hand [fig.]jdn. tüchtig herannehmen
5+ Words: Others
firmly fixed on the ground [e.g. eyes]fest auf den Boden gerichtet [z. B. Augen]
His feet are firmly on the ground.Er steht mit beiden Füßen fest auf dem Boden. [Er ist sehr realistisch.]
I'm firmly / absolutely convinced of it.Ich bin felsenfest davon überzeugt.
automot. The handbrake is on firmly. [Br.]Die Handbremse ist fest angezogen.
with (one's) tongue planted firmly in (one's) cheek {adv} [idiom]ganz im Ernst [ironisch oder nicht ernsthaft]
with (one's) tongue planted firmly in (one's) cheek {adv} [idiom]voll im Ernst [ironisch oder nicht ernsthaft]
5+ Words: Verbs
to be firmly / absolutely convinced that ...der festen Überzeugung sein, dass ...
to have / keep things firmly in hand [idiom]die Zügel fest in der Hand haben / behalten [Redewendung]
to have / keep things firmly under controldie Zügel fest in der Hand haben / behalten [Redewendung]
to have both feet planted (firmly) on the ground [fig.]mit beiden Beinen (fest) auf dem Boden stehen [fig.]
to have things firmly under controldie Zügel fest in der Hand halten [Redewendung]
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Q 2018-04-23: eyes were trained firmly on sth.
A 2016-08-18: In the first one, you can put the device from above and it will firmly sta...
Q 2015-09-21: promptly vs. quickly; definitely vs. firmly
A 2015-05-28: From the classicist: She takes decisions prudently and firmly.
A 2013-04-09: The expression I suggested mirrors that German play on words. Normally, yo...
A 2013-04-08: I have both feet firmly planted in mid-air.
Q 2013-01-10: The US of A firmly in the grip of grippe? http://www.google.org/flutrends/...
A 2010-05-17: The target group could be more firmly approached.
A 2010-04-13: to argue firmly to an issue
A 2009-12-23: fill the gap firmly > den Abstand straff ausfüllen
Q 2009-12-23: to fill the gap FIRMLY
A 2008-05-23: Corpus Christi pumpkins must be part of a lively Catholorthodox tradition ...
A 2008-04-23: http://www.google.com/search?hl=de&rlz=1B2GGGL_deAT202AT202&q=%22eyes+firm...
A 2008-02-28: Some firmly hold fast their Catholic faith
A 2007-10-11: eyes (firmly) directed to the future
A 2007-10-11: with the/their eyes firmly focussed on the future
A 2006-10-23: "pressed firmly" für "angedrückt"... versteh leider nicht ganz, was du mit...
A 2006-10-23: ? pressed firmly
Q 2006-09-23: firmly in his gasp
A 2006-07-26: By now, several international leather-goods manufacturers have firmly conf...

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firmly decided
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firmly established
firmly fixed
firmly fixed on the ground

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