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English-German translation for: fish
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Dictionary English German: fish

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NOUN1   a fish | fish/fishes [species]
NOUN2   fish [flesh of fish as food] | -
VERB  to fish | fished | fished ... 
fish gastr. fish {adj} [attr.]
to fish
fish to fish [to angle]
to fish sth. [fig.] [to retrieve sth.]
etw. angeln [ugs.] [fig.]
fish gastr. zool. fish
Fisch {m}
fish zool. T
Fische {pl}
naut. fish
Schalungskantel {n} [am Mast]
games fish [weak chess player]
Patzer {m} [schwacher Schachspieler]
gastr. chipper [Irish] [coll.]Fish-und-Chips-Bude {f} [ugs.]
chippie [Br.] [coll.]Fish-and-Chips-Laden {m}
gastr. chippy [Br.] [coll.]Fish-und-Chips-Bude {f} [ugs.]
2 Words: Others
zool. fish-eating {adj}fischfressend
zool. fish-feeding {adj}fischfressend
fish-like {adj}fischähnlich
fish fish-like {adj}fischartig
FoodInd. fish-processing {adj}fischverarbeitend
Unverified Go fish! [idiom]Zieh eine Karte! [Redewendung]
2 Words: Verbs
fish to chum fish [lure with usually rancid fish parts and blood]Fische anfüttern [mit Köder anlocken]
fish to fish sth. dry [a pond, etc.]etw.Akk. abfischen [(einen Teich etc.) leer fischen]
to fish sth. outetw.Akk. auffischen [z. B. Schiffbrüchige]
to fish sth. out [coll.]etw.Akk. herauskramen [ugs.]
to fish upauffischen [Gegenstand]
to fly-fishfliegenfischen
gastr. to gill fish [gut fish]Fische ausnehmen
to harvest (fish)(Fisch) fangen
2 Words: Nouns
(fish) coop [basket for catching fish]Fischkorb {m} [zum Fischfang]
fish (fish) gleaning [fishing method in shallow coastal waters or in habitats exposed during low tide, etc.]Fischnachlese {f}
fish tools (fish) priest [mallet used to kill fish caught when angling][kleiner Hammer zum Töten gefangener Fische]
fish adult fishAdultfisch {m}
fish adult fishadulter Fisch {m}
fish aquarium fishAquarienfisch {m}
fish aquarium fishAquariumfisch {m}
fish bait fishKöderfisch {m}
fish bony fishKnochenfisch {m}
gastr. bony fishFisch {m} mit vielen Gräten
fish bottom fishGrundfisch {m}
FoodInd. gastr. canned fishDosenfisch {m}
FoodInd. gastr. canned fish {sg}Fischkonserven {pl}
fish cave fishHöhlenfisch {m}
fish cavernicolous fishHöhlenfisch {m} [in Höhlen lebender Fisch]
fish cavernicolous fishhöhlenbewohnender Fisch {m}
FoodInd. gastr. fish coal fish [Pollachius virens]Seelachs {m} [Bezeichnung der Fischindustrie]
gastr. coarse fish [esp. Br.] [a freshwater fish other than a salmonid]Grobfisch {m} [alle Fische, die nicht zu den Salmoniden gehören]
fish coral fish {sg}Korallenfisch {m}
fish demersal fishBodenfisch {m}
gastr. dried fishTrockenfisch {m}
gastr. edible fishSpeisefisch {m}
FoodInd. fatty fishFettfisch {m}
fish female fishFischweibchen {n} [ugs. für: Rogner]
gastr. filleted fishFischfilet {n}
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A 2023-02-18: Annulment in the religious context is a different kettle of fish.
A 2022-11-07: Kuck mal hier... fish passage, migratable usw
Q 2020-01-17: thanks for all the fish
A 2019-05-27: number of fish
A 2018-11-09: The phrase "neither fish nor fowl" = "weder Fisch noch Fleish"
A 2017-09-16: Nur nebenbei: Fish and Chips - A classic fry up, ...
A 2016-04-19: chippie is also a fish-and-chip shop ...
Q 2016-02-09: Two fish in a tank. One says: "How do you drive this thing?
A 2015-12-28: Yes, as far as fish and meat are concerned,
A 2015-11-27: Do fish learn that in school?
A 2015-11-16: Das erinnert an eine jiddische Delikatesse: gefilte fish
Q 2015-11-16: fill the fish with your holiday words. Hausaufgaben
A 2015-09-27: Poor fish.
Q 2015-09-13: flaky fish
A 2015-07-14: Angeln/fischen, to angle/to fish
A 2015-07-06: Only fish
Q 2015-01-16: *feeding frenzy* - the vicious, orgiastic feeding compulsion that befall...
A 2015-01-02: Correction: kettle +of fish+ altogether
A 2014-11-29: Fish? Mice? What--?
Q 2014-04-27: so. wants the fish

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