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English-German translation for: flint glass
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Dictionary English German: flint glass

Translation 1 - 50 of 1035  >>

SYNO   flint glass | optical flint
optics flint glassFlintglas {n}
Partial Matches
flintFlint {m}
flintKiesel {m}
archaeo. (flint) knappingFeuersteinbearbeitung {f}
archaeo. hunting weapons flint arrowheadSilexpfeilspitze {f} [auch: Silex-Pfeilspitze]
archaeo. tools flint axeFeuersteinbeil {n}
archaeo. tools flint axeSteinbeil {n}
archaeo. tools flint bladeFeuersteinklinge {f}
geol. mining flint clayFlintton {m}
archaeo. flint industrySilexindustrie {f}
archaeo. flint knappingFlintknapping {n}
archaeo. mining flint mineFeuersteinbergwerk {n}
archaeo. mining flint miningFeuersteinbergbau {m}
mineral. Helgoland flintHelgoländer Feuerstein {m}
mineral. Helgoland flintHelgoländer Flint {m}
constr. knapped flintgespaltener Flintstein {m}
mineral. red flintroter Feuerstein {m}
flint [in lighter]Zündstein {m} [im Feuerzeug]
geol. mineral. flint [SiO2 + n H2O]Feuerstein {m} [Opal, teilw. in Chalcedon umgewandelt]
archaeo. flint artifact [Am.]Feuersteinartefakt {n}
flint ignition [lighter]Steinzündung {f} [Feuerzeug]
med. Austin Flint murmurAustin-Flint-Geräusch {n}
geogr. Flint [Welsh: Y Fflint]Flint {n} [in Wales]
archaeo. flint artefact [esp. Br.]Feuersteinartefakt {n}
flint-wheel ignition [lighter]Reibradzündung {f} [Feuerzeug]
archaeo. to contrive tools from flintWerkzeuge aus Feuerstein herstellen
idiom a heart of flintein Herz {n} aus Stein
film F In Like Flint [Gordon Douglas]Derek FlintHart wie Feuerstein
film F Our Man Flint [Daniel Mann]Derek Flint schickt seine Leiche
to have a heart like flint [idiom]ein Herz aus Stein haben [Redewendung]
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
constr. flint-lime brick [also: flintlime brick] [contains a substantial proportion of crushed flint]Kalksandstein {m}
orn. T
glass {adj}gläsern
glass {adj}verglast
glass {adj} [attr.]aus Glas [nachgestellt]
glass {adj} [attr.]Glas-
glass [substance]Glas {n} [Material]
behind glass {adv}hinter Glas
behind glass {adv}unter Glas
transp. Glass - Fragile!Glas - zerbrechlich!
tech. glass-clear {adj}glasklar
material glass-containing {adj}glashaltig
glass-covered {adj}glasüberdacht
archi. glass-enclosed {adj}glasumschlossen
glass-roofed {adj}glasüberdacht
under glass {adv}unter Glas
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