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Dictionary English German: flour

Translation 1 - 50 of 170  >>

English German
NOUN   a flour | flours
VERB  to flour | floured | floured ... 
gastr. to flour sth. [cover with flour]
etw.Akk. bemehlen
gastr. spec. to flour sth.
etw.Akk. farinieren [bemehlen]
gastr. to flour sth.
etw.Akk. mehlen [ugs.]
gastr. to flour sth.
etw.Akk. mehlieren [in Mehl wenden, mit Mehl umhüllen]
gastr. to flour sth.etw.Akk. mit Mehl bestäuben
gastr. flour
Mehl {n}
2 Words: Others
flour-like {adj}mehlartig
2 Words: Verbs
to flour-bomb sb.jdn. mit einer Mehlbombe attackieren
to flour-bomb sb.jdn. mit einer Mehlbombe bewerfen
gastr. to incorporate flourMehl einarbeiten
gastr. to sift flourMehl sieben
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. almond flourMandelkleie {f}
gastr. almond flourMandelmehl {n}
gastr. almond flour {sg}gemahlene Mandeln {pl}
gastr. amaranth flourAmaranthmehl {n} [Rsv.]
gastr. amaranth flourAmarantmehl {n}
gastr. baking flourBackmehl {n}
gastr. barley flourGerstenmehl {n}
gastr. bean flourBohnenmehl {n}
FoodInd. gastr. besan (flour) [gram flour]Kichererbsenmehl {n}
bone flourKnochenmehl {n}
gastr. bread flourBrotmehl {n}
gastr. breadmaking flourBrotmehl {n}
FoodInd. brown flour [dark, brownish wheat flour]Ruchmehl {n} [schweiz.] [alemannisch]
gastr. buckwheat flourBuchweizenmehl {n}
gastr. buckwheat flourHeidenmehl {n} [österr.]
gastr. cake flourglattes Mehl {n}
gastr. carob flourJohannisbrotmehl {n}
FoodInd. cereal flourGetreidemehl {n}
gastr. chestnut flourKastanienmehl {n}
FoodInd. gastr. chickpea flourKichererbsenmehl {n}
gastr. corn flourMaismehl {n}
gastr. corn flour [Br.]Speisestärke {f}
fish flourFischmehl {n}
flour abrasiveSchleifpulver {n}
med. flour allergyBäckerallergie {f}
med. flour allergyMehlallergie {f}
flour bagMehlsack {m}
tech. flour boxMehlstreumaschine {f}
tech. flour dredgerMehlstreumaschine {f}
flour dustMehlstaub {m}
flour goldFlittergold {n}
flour goldStaubgold {n}
FoodInd. jobs flour merchantMelber {m} [österr.] [bayer.] [veraltet] [Mehlhändler]
comm. FoodInd. jobs flour merchant [also: flour-merchant]Mehlhändler {m}
tech. flour millGetreidemühle {f}
flour millKornmühle {f}
ind. flour millMehlmühle {f}
flour pasteKleister {m}
flour pasteMehlkleister {m}
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A 2020-07-28: I agree with Windfall, most recipes would say +grease and flour the tin (BE),+
A 2013-05-20: middle flour
Q 2013-05-20: middle flour
A 2012-03-30: Fine flour remains suspended in liquid feed mixes
Q 2011-06-25: seasoned flour
Q 2011-02-11: self-raising flour
A 2010-11-15: For me, an Omelette has no flour, it's just made of eggs.
A 2010-10-19: hydrolyzed wholemeal rye flour
A 2010-09-03: More V4 mistakes: http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8...
A 2010-08-23: mustard seed flour
Q 2010-04-29: gram pulse flour
A 2010-04-29: Maybe a typo "gram flour noodles" - Nudeln aus Kichererbsenmehl?
A 2010-04-15: Sounds to me like "rock flour"
A 2010-01-30: Did the UK win two world wars for British flour to be the same as German?
A 2010-01-30: measuring flour
A 2010-01-30: flour
Q 2010-01-30: all-purpose flour
A 2009-10-29: modified flour starch / modified amylum
Q 2009-08-15: cooking with one hand in the flour jar?
A 2008-12-22: Übliche Schreibweise: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%2...

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