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English-German translation for: flowers
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Dictionary English German: flowers

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NOUN   a flower | flowers
VERB  to flower | flowered | flowered
flowering | flowers
bot. flowers
Blumen {pl}
flowers {pl} [floral decoration]Blumenschmuck {m}
2 Words: Others
with flowers {adv}mit Blüten
2 Words: Verbs
to arrange flowersBlumen anordnen
to arrange flowersBlumen arrangieren
bot. to classify flowersBlumen bestimmen
to cull flowers [archaic] [pick flowers]Blumen pflücken
to cut flowersBlumen schneiden
hort. to deadhead (flowers)verwelkte Blüten von einer Pflanze entfernen
to gather flowersBlumen pflücken
to pick flowersBlumen pflücken
to pluck flowers [dated or literary]Blumen pflücken
to scatter flowersBlumen streuen
to send flowersBlumen schicken
to send sb. flowersjdm. einen Blumengruß senden
to strew flowersBlumen streuen
hort. to water flowersBlumen gießen
2 Words: Nouns
bot. alpine flowersBergblumen {pl}
bot. alternate flowers {pl}disperse Verzweigung {f}
artificial flowersKunstblumen {pl}
artificial flowerskünstliche Blumen {pl}
med. Bach flowersBachblüten {pl}
bot. blackberry flowersBrombeerblüten {pl}
bridal flowers {pl}Brautstrauß {m}
casket flowers [Am.]Sargblumen {pl}
bot. clover flowersKleeblüten {pl}
bot. clycinal flowersKelchblüten {pl}
coffin flowersSargblumen {pl}
hort. cut flowersSchnittblumen {pl}
cutting flowersPflücken {n} von Blumen
bot. dead flowersverwelkte Blumen {pl}
bot. desert flowersWüstenblumen {pl}
gastr. edible flowersEssblüten {pl}
hort. everlasting flowersStrohblumen {pl}
bot. faded flowersverwelkte Blumen {pl}
bot. field flowersFeldblumen {pl}
field flowersWiesenblumen {pl}
funeral flowersTrauerblumen {pl}
bot. hort. garden flowersGartenblumen {pl}
bot. garlic flowersKnoblauchblüten {pl}
agr. pharm. hay flowers [mixture of seeds, flowers, and grasses, sieved from hay and used for medical purposes]Heublumen {pl}
bot. olive flowersOlivenblüten {pl}
bot. opposite flowers {pl}dekussierte Verzweigung {f}
hort. potted flowersBlumentöpfe {pl} [ugs.] [(blühende) Topfpflanzen]
scattered flowers [on china, wallpaper, fabrics, etc.]Streublümchen {pl} [auf Porzellan, Tapeten, Stoffen usw.]
silk flowersSeidenblumen {pl}
bot. spring flowersFrühlingsblumen {pl}
chem. sulfur flowers [Am.]Schwefelblume {f} [Sulfur sublimatum]
chem. sulfur flowers [Am.] [Sulfur sublimatum]Schwefelblüte {f}
chem. sulphur flowers [Br.] [Sulfur sublimatum]Schwefelblume {f}
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A 2021-11-07: Putting candles on graves isn't a tradition in the UK, people tend to put ...
Q 2019-08-07: to string flowers / to tie flower
Q 2018-03-09: Flowers (z.B.) make me sneeze.
Q 2018-02-22: Cold wind has bitten my flowers?
Q 2015-06-01: name of the syrup made from elderberry FLOWERS
A 2014-06-05: It means that the rose petals (I assume, rather than whole rose buds or fl...
A 2013-06-26: And where do the brides come in who don't wear a veil but a hat, a sort of...
A 2013-04-22: move mouse back and forth, left and right, especially over the flowers are...
Q 2012-05-27: Flowers
A 2011-12-08: Standard phrase in U.S. obituaries is "In lieu of flowers,..."
Q 2011-11-27: to lay a rose / flowers
A 2011-11-21: Thank you Joanne, Saluton and wandle - I owe you a drink or a bouquet of f...
A 2010-07-14: Paper Flowers
A 2010-07-13: To my utmost surprise they are called "paper flowers"...
A 2010-06-29: Say it with flowers...
A 2010-03-16: flowers
A 2010-03-13: ...ornamental beds, which were edged lavishly with flowers and on which......
A 2010-03-05: when handing over some flowers thank them for inviting you and tell them y...
A 2009-09-03: as a saying I'd rather say: Diversity of flowers makes the garden.
A 2009-07-21: 'I hope that you got my flowers.'

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