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English-German translation for: flute
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Dictionary English German: flute

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NOUN   a flute | flutes
VERB  to flute | fluted | fluted ... 
SYNO   champagne flute | flute | flute glass ... 
archi. to flute
to flute
flöten [säuseln]
cloth. to flute
to flute
flöten [ugs.] [mit hoher Stimme sprechen]
to flute
riffeln [Säule etc.]
to fluteauskehlen
cloth. to flutein Falten legen
to flute [archaic]kannelieren
mus. flute
Flöte {f}
mus. flute
Querflöte {f}
tech. flute [Am.]
Nut {f}
mus. flute [recorder]
Blockflöte {f} [18. Jh.]
archi. flute [column]
Rille {f} [Säule]
gastr. flute [tulip-shaped glass for wine or champagne]
Tulpenglas {n} [für Wein oder Sekt]
fluteKannelierung {f}
gastr. flute [also: flûte] [glass]Flöte {f} [Glas]
flute [cannelure]Riefe {f}
gastr. flute [esp. thin baguette]Flûte {n} {f}
archi. flute [vertical groove in a column]Kannelur {f} [senkrechte Rille am Säulenschaft]
archi. flute [vertical groove in a column]Kannelüre {f} [senkrechte Rille am Säulenschaft]
gastr. parisienne [Am.] [flute, flûte] [similar to a baguette]Flûte {n} {f} [besonders dünnes französisches Stangenweißbrot]
2 Words: Others
flute-like {adj} [also: flutelike]flötenähnlich [Ton, Instrument]
flute-like {adj} [also: flutelike]flötenartig [Ton, Instrument]
2 Words: Nouns
mus. alto fluteAltflöte {f}
archaeo. mus. ancient flutealte Flöte {f}
mus. bamboo fluteBambusflöte {f}
mus. band fluteQuerpfeife {f} [mit konischer Bohrung und Klappen]
mus. bass fluteBassflöte {f}
mus. bell diapason [organ stop]Flûte {f} à pavillon [Orgelregister]
archaeo. mus. bone fluteKnochenflöte {f}
mus. boxwood fluteFlöte {f} aus Buchsbaumholz
mus. C flute[moderne] Querflöte {f}
mus. C fluteFlöte {f} in C
mus. ceramic fluteTonflöte {f}
gastr. oenol. champagne fluteSchaumweinkelch {m}
gastr. oenol. champagne fluteSchaumweintulpe {f}
gastr. oenol. champagne fluteSektglas {n} [Sektflöte, Sektkelch]
gastr. champagne flute [also: champagne flûte]Champagnerflöte {f}
gastr. champagne flute [also: champagne flûte]Schaumweinflöte {f}
gastr. champagne flute [also: champagne flûte]Sektflöte {f}
gastr. champagne flute [also: champagne flûte]Sektkelch {m}
mus. children's fluteKinderflöte {f}
mus. claribel flute [organ stop]Offenflöte {f}
mus. concert fluteKonzertflöte {f}
mus. contrabass fluteKontrabassflöte {f}
mus. cross fluteQuerflöte {f}
mus. dolce fluteDulzflöte {f}
mus. duct fluteKernspaltflöte {f}
mus. duct fluteSpaltflöte {f}
mus. English flute [Br.]Blockflöte {f}
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A 2018-12-15: ? UK +lead+ flute / flautist / flutist etc. \ US +principal+ flute / flaut...
A 2010-04-11: flute/pipe - whistle
Q 2009-03-10: Has anybody seen Kenneth Branagh's "Magic Flute" movie version?
A 2008-04-18: I wouldn't know. So much in the German side of my brain has gone to play a...
A 2007-02-09: Then the magic flute is his

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