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Dictionary English German: fog

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NOUN1   fog | -
NOUN2   a fog | fogs
VERB  to fog | fogged | fogged ... 
SYNO   daze | fog | haze | fog | fogginess ... 
to fog
to fog
to fog [fig.] [bewilder]
to fogin Nebel hüllen
meteo. fog <f>
Nebel {m}
photo. fog
Grauschleier {m}
fogDaak {m} [nordd.]
2 Words: Others
fog-shrouded {adj}nebelverhangen
meteo. patchy fog [e.g.: Patchy fog is possible in low-lying areas.]stellenweise Nebel [z. B.: In Tieflagen ist stellenweise Nebel möglich.]
2 Words: Verbs
photo. to fog (up)einen Schleier bekommen
to fog (up) [window, mirror, glasses]beschlagen [Fenster, Spiegel, Brille]
to fog over [Am.] [window, mirror]beschlagen [Fenster, Spiegel]
to fog sb./sth. injdn./etw. einnebeln
to fog up [Am.](sich) beschlagen [Glas, Brille]
2 Words: Nouns
MedTech. (fog) density [EUR 17538]Schleier {m} [EUR 17538]
meteo. advection fogAdvektionsnebel {m}
anti-fogAnti-Beschlag {m}
meteo. autumn fogHerbstnebel {m}
MedTech. photo. base fog <B+F, b&f> [base plus fog]Grundschleier {m}
med. brain fogBenommenheit {f} [Unfähigkeit, klar zu denken]
med. brain fogBrain Fog {m} [kognitive Dysfunktion: Gedächtnisverlust usw.]
brain fog [fig.] [from alcohol or medications]Benebelung {f} [fig.]
cigarette fogdichter Zigarettenrauch {m}
meteo. coastal fogKüstennebel {m}
meteo. December fogDezembernebel {m}
dense fogSuppe {f} [ugs. für Nebel]
meteo. dense fogdichter Nebel {m}
meteo. evaporation fogVerdunstungsnebel {m}
meteo. fog bankNebelbank {f}
naut. fog bellNebelglocke {f}
meteo. fog boundaryNebelgrenze {f}
meteo. fog bowNebelbogen {m}
tech. fog coolerNebelkühler {m}
meteo. fog coverNebeldecke {f}
meteo. phys. fog densityNebeldichte {f}
meteo. fog detectorNebeldetektor {m}
meteo. fog detectorNebelmelder {m}
meteo. fog detectorNebelmessgerät {n}
meteo. fog devilNebelteufel {m} [Kleintrombe]
meteo. fog dissipationNebelauflösung {f}
ind. meteo. acad. fog distributionNebelverteilung {f}
film tech. fog filterNebeleffektfilter {m}
film tech. fog filterNebelfilter {m}
ecol. for. geogr. fog forestNebelwald {m}
meteo. fog formationNebelbildung {f}
naut. fog gunNebelkanone {f}
automot. fog lampNebellampe {f} [Nebelschlussleuchte]
automot. fog lampNebelleuchte {f}
automot. fog lampNebelscheinwerfer {m}
automot. fog lamp [Br.]Nebellicht {n}
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A 2020-11-30: Fog stratus conditions, high fog conditions
A 2016-09-25: In (the) fog
A 2016-09-24: Theoretically, yes; of the two,I prefer +in fog.+
Q 2014-03-21: the fog had lifted
Q 2013-08-08: to fog a mirror
A 2013-05-03: http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/in+a+fog
A 2012-11-26: Agree with +persistent fog+
A 2012-11-26: sluggish traffic, tenacious fog
A 2012-07-02: Thanks a lot, that helped to clear the fog in my mind.. :))
A 2011-12-06: Cooling the air beyond this point +results+ in water vapour condensing to ...
A 2011-09-29: I think the fog is clearing
Q 2011-09-29: Lost in the fog (again)
Q 2011-05-18: Petty (?) Fog
A 2011-04-18: my brain temporarily in a fog
A 2009-07-06: For anyone interested in that era of history, I recommend the inteview wit...
Q 2009-04-15: Another word for "Fog"
A 2009-03-17: Hat wohl etwas mit +Trübung+ zu tun: νεφέλη , ἡ, ( [νέφος] ) / nephéle > c...
A 2008-12-14: London Fog
A 2008-08-17: ". . . can be felt in limited visibility" would include night, fog, turne...
Q 2008-01-02: Autoshow Detroit, Subaru Forester, Begriff "Front fascia-mounted fog lamps...

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