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English-German translation for: follicle-stimulating
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Dictionary English German: follicle stimulating

Translation 1 - 50 of 86  >>

med. follicle-stimulating {adj}follikelstimulierend
Keywords contained
med. follicle stimulating hormone <FSH>Follikel-stimulierendes Hormon {n} <FSH> [Rsv.]
med. follicle stimulating hormone <FSH>follikelstimulierendes Hormon {n} <FSH>
med. serum follicle-stimulating hormone levels <serum FSH levels>Serum-FSH-Werte {pl}
Partial Matches
stimulating {adj}ankurbelnd
stimulating {adj}anregend
stimulating {adj}anreizend
stimulating {adj} {pres-p}belebend
stimulating {adj}erregend
stimulating {adj}stimulierend
gastr. appetite-stimulating {adj}appetitanregend
intellectually stimulating {adj}geistreich
med. muscle-stimulating {adj}muskelstimulierend
performance-stimulating {adj}leistungsstimulierend
sexually stimulating {adj}sexuell erregend
biol. thyroid-stimulating {adj}thyreoideastimulierend
stimulating effectbelebende Wirkung {f}
stimulating factorantreibender Faktor {m}
stimulating forcebelebende Kraft {f}
econ. stimulating economic growth {adj}konjunkturfördernd
med. muscle-stimulating substancemuskelstimulierende Substanz {f}
med. muscle-stimulating substancesmuskelstimulierende Substanzen {pl}
econ. stimulating economic growthKonjunkturförderung {f}
intellectually stimulating {adj} [conversation, book]geistvoll
pharm. erythropoietin-stimulating agent <ESA>Erythropoese-stimulierende Substanz {f} <ESA>
biochem. thyroid-stimulating hormone <TSH>thyreoidstimulierendes Hormon {n} <TSH>
med. thyroidea stimulating hormone <TSH>Thyreotropin {n}
med. thyroidea stimulating hormone <TSH>Thyroidea-stimulierendes Hormon {n} <TSH>
to be stimulating to businessfür das Geschäft anregend sein
med. pharm. stimulating the blood flow {adj} [postpos.]durchblutungsfördernd
biol. interstitial cell-stimulating hormone <ICSH>luteinisierendes Hormon {n} <LH> [bei Männern]
med. follicleBläschen {n} mit Flüssigkeit [Follikel]
anat. follicleFollikel {m}
biol. granulocyte colony-stimulating factor <G-CSF>Granulozyten-Kolonie-stimulierender Faktor {m} <G-CSF>
bot. spec. follicle [fruit]Balgfrucht {f}
bot. follicle [fruit]Öffnungsfrucht {f} [Balgfrucht]
bot. follicle [fruit]Öffnungsfrüchtchen {n} [Balgfrucht]
anat. biol. zool. (ovarian) follicleEibläschen {n}
zool. bristle follicleBorstenfollikel {m}
dent. dental follicleDentalfollikel {m}
dent. dental follicleZahnfollikel {m}
dent. dental follicleZahnsäckchen {n}
anat. biol. follicle cellFollikelzelle {f}
med. follicle cystFollikelzyste {f}
biol. follicle epitheliumFollikelepithel {n}
biol. follicle epitheliumFollikelepithelium {n}
anat. follicle glandFollikeldrüse {f}
biol. follicle growthFollikelwachstum {n}
med. follicle persistenceFollikelpersistenz {f}
med. follicle punctureFollikelpunktion {f}
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