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English-German translation for: fond
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Dictionary English German: fond

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ADJ   fond | fonder | fondest
NOUN   a fond | fonds
SYNO   fond | partial | adoring | doting ... 
NOUN   der Fond [Bratensaft; Rücksitz] | die Fonds
SYNO   Fleischsaft | Fond | Fond ... 
fond {adj}
fond {adj}
fond {adj} [loving]
fond {adj} [belief]
fond {adj} [dream, hope, wish]
sehnlich [nur attr.]
fond {adj} [dated for: foolish]
gastr. stock [broth e.g. for soup]
Fond {m} [Brühe z. B. für eine Suppe]
gastr. fond
Saucenbasis {f} [Fond, Bratensaft]
fin. [money set aside for a specific purpose] Fond {m} [FALSCH für: Fonds]
gastr. fond
Soßenbasis {f} [Fond, Bratensaft]
gastr. fond [caramelized drippings from meat juices, used to make gravy]
Fond {m} [Bratensaft von Fleisch od. Geflügel, für Saucenzubereitung]
2 Words: Others
au fond {adv}im Wesentlichen
au fond {adv} [rare] [literary]im Grunde [Redewendung]
2 Words: Nouns
automot. back seatFond {m}
foundation (for)Fond {m} (zu) [geh.] [Basis (für)]
automot. rear seatFond {m} [geh.]
3 Words: Others
fond of animals {adj} [postpos.]tierlieb
fond of arguing {adj} [postpos.]streitlustig
fond of children {adj} [postpos.]kinderlieb
fond of dancing {adj} [postpos.]tanzlustig
fond of reading {adj} [postpos.]lesefreudig
fond of traveling {adj} [postpos.] [Am.]reiselustig
travel fond of travelling {adj} [postpos.]reisefreudig
growing fond ofliebgewinnend
3 Words: Verbs
to be fond of sb.jdn. lieb behalten
to be fond of sb.jdn. lieb haben
to be fond of sb./sth.jdn./etw. gernhaben
to be fond of sb./sth.jdn./etw. mögen
to be fond of sb./sth.jdm./etw. zugeneigt sein
to be fond of sb./sth.jdn./etw. gern haben [alt]
to be fond of sb./sth.jdn./etw. gerne haben
to be fond of sb./sth.von jdm./etw. angetan sein
to be fond of sb./sth. [love]jdn./etw. lieben
to become fond of sb.sich in jdn. verlieben
to become fond of sb.Zuneigung zu jdm. fassen
to become fond of sb./sth.jdn./etw. liebgewinnen
to become fond of sb./sth.jdn./etw. lieb gewinnen
to grow fond of sb./sth.jdn./etw. liebgewinnen
to grow fond of sb./sth.jdn./etw. lieb gewinnen
to hug fond hopessich mit eitlen Hoffnungen tragen
4 Words: Others
fond of sweet things {adj} [postpos.]naschhaft
She's fond of him.Sie hat ihn gern.
4 Words: Verbs
to be fond of boozing [coll.]sauflustig sein [ugs.]
to be fond of companydie Geselligkeit lieben [auch: Geselligkeit lieben]
dance to be fond of dancinggern tanzen gehen
to be fond of doing sth.etw. gern tun
to be fond of doing sth.etw. gerne tun
to be fond of tipplingsauflustig sein [ugs.]
to be fond of tipplingtrinkfreudig sein
to be fond of tipplingtrinklustig sein
to be more fond of sth.etw. lieber haben
4 Words: Nouns
automot. back of a car [back seat]Fond {m}
5+ Words: Others
Are you fond of walking?Gehst du gerne spazieren?
theatre at the back of the stage {adv}im Fond der Bühne
Children are fond of mischief.Kinder stellen gerne etwas an.
fond of peace and quiet {adj}ruheliebend
He is fond of her.Er mag sie gern leiden.
He is fond of joking.Er macht gern Späße.
quote I am fond of pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals. [Winston Churchill] [also quoted as: I like pigs ...]Ich mag Schweine. Hunde schauen zu uns auf, Katzen auf uns herab. Schweine begegnen uns auf Augenhöhe.
I am fond of reading.Ich lese sehr gern.
idiom I am very fond of you.Ich bin dir grün. [ugs.] [Ich bin dir gewogen.]
The two are fond of each other.Die beiden mögen sich.
5+ Words: Verbs
to be fond of good livingdas gute Leben lieben
to give up a habit of which one has grown very fondeine lieb gewordene Gewohnheit ablegen
automot. to sit in the back (seat)im Fond sitzen
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F No Fond Return of Love [Barbara Pym]In feiner Gesellschaft
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Q 2018-11-07: very fond of him for it, if she thought so.
A 2015-01-02: au fond d'un bois
A 2014-03-26: he was fond of them beyond all measure, he was exceedingly fond of them
A 2012-06-20: +In fond memory+ is a phrase that's used when someone has died - In fond m...
A 2012-04-18: Faltenboden > pleat underlay \ fond de pli
A 2011-07-03: It's a cutsey way of saying you are fond of someone. It doesn't have to be...
A 2010-12-10: Gern gemachter Fehler für "Fond".
A 2010-03-18: Bin sehr für den Verweis von +Fond+ auf +Fonds+ bei den entsprechenden Bed...
A 2010-03-18: Man liest Fond für Fonds wirklich sehr oft,
A 2010-03-18: Fonds (fälschlich: Fond) [fin.] bzw. Fond (fälschlich: Fonds) [gastr.]
A 2010-03-18: Ich würde den Fond als Variante sehen wollen.
Q 2010-03-12: Anybody fond of East German dialects?
A 2009-12-21: A gourmand is fond of *good* food (which he/she eats to excess),
A 2009-07-15: "Im Fond" sagt man schon noch. Aber Du weißt, wie das ist, kaum hat man es...
A 2009-07-15: Ja, der Dackel im Fond war der Urwackelkopf...
A 2009-07-02: Actually, I am very fond of streamlined language - in certain areas
A 2009-05-11: It is easy to become fond of this ... / It is easy to like this ...
A 2009-02-16: Coming to think of it, I should strike out +fondness for / fond of childre...
A 2009-02-16: @Proteus: "fond of", but "fondness for"
A 2009-02-13: I do apologize for the typo and express my being fond of mwk's suggestion.

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