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English-German translation for: food truck
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Dictionary English German: food truck

Translation 1 - 50 of 1324  >>

NOUN   a food truck | food trucks
automot. comm. gastr. food truck [mobile cook-and-serve vendor]Imbisswagen {m}
Partial Matches
to truckeintauschen
comm. to truckhausieren
to truckin Waren entlohnen
to truckverhandeln
transp. truckBrummi {m} [ugs.] [Lastkraftwagen <Lkw>]
automot. traffic transp. truckCamion {m} [schweiz.]
naut. truckFlaggenknopf {m}
transp. truckHandwagen {m}
transp. truckLastauto {n}
automot. traffic transp. truckLaster {m} [ugs.]
automot. traffic transp. truckLastkraftwagen {m} <LKW, Lkw>
automot. traffic transp. truckLastwagen {m}
automot. traffic transp. truckLkw {m}
transp. truckRollwagen {m}
transp. truckTruck {m}
FoodInd. truck [Am.](für den Markt bestimmtes) Gemüse {n}
truck [barter]Tauschhandel {m}
rail truck [Br.]offener Güterwagen {m}
truck [junk]Plunder {m}
sports truck [skateboard]Achse {f} [am Skateboard]
sports truck [skateboard]Truck {m} [Achse am Skateboard]
mil. army truckArmee-LKW {m}
mil. army truckArmeelaster {m} [ugs.]
automot. transp. articulated truckSattelschlepper {m}
automot. transp. articulated truckSattelzug {m}
bale truckBallenkarre {f} [Fördertechnik]
automot. Unverified box truckKoffer [Lastkraftwagen mit Kofferaufbau]
automot. FireResc brush truck[US-Spezialfahrzeug für Rettungs- und Katastropheneinsätze bes. in der freien Natur]
camera truckKamerafahrgestell {n}
camera truckKamerawagen {m}
agr. transp. cattle truckViehtransporter {m}
transp. cattle truckViehwagen {m}
rail cattle truckViehwaggon {m}
constr. tools cement truckBetonmischer {m} [LKW]
cement truckZementlaster {m} [ugs.]
delivery truckLieferwagen {m}
dump truckAutoschütter {m}
automot. transp. dump truckKipper {m}
transp. dump truckKipplaster {m} [ugs.]
automot. constr. dump truckMuldenkipper {m}
transp. electric truckElektrolastkraftwagen {m} <Elektro-LKW, Elektro-Lkw; E-LKW, E-Lkw>
transp. electric truckElektrolastwagen {m}
automot. flatbed truckPritschenwagen {m}
automot. transp. flatbed truckTieflader {m}
ind. forklift truckFlurförderfahrzeug {n}
forklift truckGabelstapler {m}
fuel truckTanklaster {m}
full truckvoller Laster {m} [ugs.] [vollgeladener Lkw]
giant truckMonstertruck {m} [ugs.] [riesiger Lkw]
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