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English-German translation for: forfeit
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Dictionary English German: forfeit

Translation 1 - 31 of 31


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NOUN   a forfeit | forfeits
VERB  to forfeit | forfeited | forfeited ... 
SYNO   forfeit | forfeiture | forfeiture ... 
forfeit {adj}
verwirkt [Leben] [geh.]
to forfeit sth.
etw.Akk. einbüßen
to forfeit sth. [lose sth. or be deprived of sth. as a penalty for wrongdoing]
etw. verwirken [geh.] [etw. durch eigene Schuld einbüßen]
to forfeit sth.
etw. verlieren
to forfeit
to forfeit sth. [chance]
etw. verpassen [Chance]
to forfeit
aufgeben [sich geschlagen geben]
to forfeit sth.
etw.Akk. verunschicken [schweiz.] [einbüßen, verscherzen]
to forfeit sth.etw.Gen. verlustig gehen [Amtsspr.] [einbüßen, verlieren]
to forfeit sth.sichDat. etw. verscherzen
forfeit [e.g. in the game of forfeits]
Pfand {n} [regional auch {m}] [z. B. beim Pfänderspiel]
Verwirkung {f}
econ. law sports forfeit
Reugeld {n}
sports forfeit [penalty for a breach of the rules in a game]
Forfait {n}
law forfeitForfeit {n} [fachspr.] [Abstandssumme bei Vertragsrücktritt, Reuegeld]
sports forfeit [disciplinary measure]Forfait-Erklärung {f} [Forfait]
2 Words: Verbs
to forfeit sb.'s trustjds. Vertrauen verwirken [leicht geh.]
2 Words: Nouns
law forfeit clausekassatorische Klausel {f}
forfeit lossNiederlage {f} aufgrund eines Regelbruchs
forfeit moneyDraufgeld {n}
law forfeit moneyReuegeld {n}
forfeit winSieg {m} durch Aufgabe / Nichterscheinen
3 Words: Verbs
to forfeit a bondeine Kaution verwirken
idiom to forfeit a chanceeine Chance verspielen
comm. to forfeit customers' goodwilldie Gewogenheit der Kunden verlieren
law to forfeit one's bailnicht vor Gericht erscheinen
to forfeit one's life [literary]sein Leben verwirken [geh.]
to forfeit one's wordsein Wort verwirken
3 Words: Nouns
sports defeat by forfeit [forfeit defeat]Forfait-Niederlage {f}
4 Words: Verbs
to forfeit one's voting rightsein Stimmrecht verlieren
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Forfeit [Dick Francis]Hilflos / [früher] Jede Wette auf Mord
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A 2022-08-11: +forfeit+ wohl im Sinne von +forfeiture of choice > Einbuße / Verlust / Ve...
Q 2022-08-11: How about the winner gets the forfeit of choice from the loser.
Q 2017-02-12: to forfeit sth. to sb.
A 2011-04-23: The original owner of the rights forfeit those
Q 2010-09-08: consent to forfeit orders
A 2010-06-22: What did you use for to forfeit the game - #523352 ?
Q 2010-06-22: to win (lose) by forfeit
A 2010-06-08: 'to forfeit the game' = 'to lose by forfeit'
A 2010-06-08: To forfeit is to have a game recorded as your loss because you didn't play.
A 2010-06-08: Forfeit the game - it's not just to lose or to make a mistake,
Q 2010-06-08: to forfeit the game
Q 2010-06-08: forfeit
A 2008-01-04: forfeit order
A 2008-01-03: verlustig gehen: forfeit, lose
A 2006-03-24: forfeit

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