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English-German translation for: forgotten
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Dictionary English German: forgotten

Translation 1 - 28 of 28

English German
ADJ   forgotten | more forgotten | most forgotten
VERB  to forget | forgot | forgotten ... 
SYNO   disregarded | forgotten
forgotten {adj} {past-p}
forgotten {adj}
forgotten {adj} {past-p}
verschwitzt [ugs.]
2 Words
half-forgotten {adj}halb vergessen
plumb forgotten {adj} {past-p} [coll.]völlig vergessen
self-forgotten {adj}selbstvergessen
to be forgottenin Vergessenheit geraten sein
to become forgottenvergessen gehen [bes. schweiz.] [regional] [in Vergessenheit geraten]
to have forgotten sth.etw. nicht mehr im Kopf haben
3 Words
sb. has / had forgottenjd. hat / hatte vergessen
the forgotten (ones)die Vergessenen {pl}
4 Words
proverb Long absent, soon forgotten.Aus den Augen, aus dem Sinn.
never-to-be-forgotten {adj}unvergesslich
to have forgotten the timedie Zeit vergessen haben
law right to be forgotten [GDPR]Recht {n} auf Vergessenwerden [DSGVO]
5+ Words
"You were there, too." "So I was - I'd forgotten.""Du warst auch da." "Stimmt ja! Hatte ich vergessen."
quote A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words. [author unknown; attributed to Albert Einstein]Ein Freund ist ein Mensch, der die Melodie deines Herzens kennt und sie dir vorspielt, wenn du sie vergessen hast. [Urheber unbekannt; Albert Einstein zugeschrieben]
as we had forgotten our moneyda wir unser Geld vergessen hatten
He has forgotten most of it.Er hat das meiste / Meiste vergessen.
He's written a book that I've forgotten the name of.Er hat ein Buch geschrieben, dessen Titel ich vergessen habe.
TrVocab. I have forgotten the word for ...Ich habe das Wort für ... vergessen.
In this connection it shouldn't be forgotten that ...Man darf dabei nicht vergessen, dass ...
It should not be forgotten that ...Man sollte nicht vergessen, dass ...
You seem to have forgotten that ...Du scheinst vergessen zu haben, dass ...
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Cave of Forgotten Dreams [Werner Herzog]Die Höhle der vergessenen Träume
lit. F Forgotten DreamsVergessene Träume [Stefan Zweig]
games F Prince of Persia: The Forgotten SandsPrince of Persia: Die vergessene Zeit
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A 2013-12-11: NB. "have forgotten"
Q 2012-10-22: you are missed but will never be forgotten
A 2012-06-14: Have you forgotten the link?
A 2012-02-26: forgotten or …
Q 2011-11-11: "it was you (who was) afraid to be forgotten"
A 2011-07-31: Just a moment, we have received a consignment what was either delivered th...
Q 2011-07-31: Just this moment, we have received a consignment at our warehouse that thi...
A 2011-05-18: Everything forgotten cries out for help in dreams (not a Redewendung)
A 2011-01-10: +if+ forgotten
Q 2010-09-22: I had all but forgotten sb.
A 2010-07-14: In that case it's "haven't forgotten"
Q 2010-07-06: I realised I'd completely forgotten to do it
A 2010-03-02: I'm sure a cunning attorney will find a half-forgotten case dating back to...
A 2010-02-14: ? self-forgotten
A 2010-01-18: Typo: I have really forgotten
A 2009-06-01: typo: forgotten !
A 2009-03-21: ... had +forgotten+ it \ auf treffende Weise > to the point, properly, fit...
A 2008-12-11: This one, e.g., obviously was totally forgotten like 37 years after its re...
Q 2008-10-17: A fantastic song by a great, but forgotten artist.
A 2008-10-02: Number 1 could also be, "Haven't you forgotten something?"

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