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English-German translation for: forth
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Dictionary English German: forth

Translation 1 - 50 of 120  >>

English German
SYNO   Forth | Forth River | away | forth ... 
forth {adv} [dated] [forward]
forth {adv}
forth {adv}
forth {adv}
2 Words: Others
breaking forth {adj} {pres-p}hervorbrechend
breaking forth {adj} {pres-p}losbrechend
2 Words: Verbs
to belch forthausstoßen
to blazon forthherausstreichen
to blossom forthweiterblühen
to bluster forthheraussprudeln
to break forthempordringen
to break forthhervorbrechen
to break forthlosbrechen
to break forthsich plötzlich erheben
to bring fortherbringen
to bring fortherzeugen
to bring forthhervorbringen
to bring forthzeitigen [geh.]
to bring forth sth.etw.Akk. voranbringen
to bring forth sth.etw. verkünden
to bring forth sth.etw. vortragen
to bring sb. forth [archaic or literary]jdn. gebären
to burst forthhervorbrechen
to burst forthhervorsprudeln
to call forthherbeirufen
to call forthhervorbringen
to call forthhervorrufen
to call forthwecken
to cast forthaussenden
to cast forthausstrahlen
to come forthherauskommen
to come forthhervorkommen
to conjure forthhervorzaubern
to drag forthhervorzerren
to flow (forth)hervorströmen
to give forth sth. [e.g. fragrance, smell]etw.Akk. verströmen [z. B. Duft, Geruch]
to give sth. forth [cry, groan, etc.]etw.Akk. von sich geben [Schrei, Stöhnen etc.]
to go forthhingehen
to gush (forth)hervorströmen
to hold fortheine Rede schwingen [ugs.]
to issue forth [literary]hervordringen [geh.]
to pour (forth)hervorströmen
to put forthhervorbringen
to put forth sth. [argument, idea]etw. vorbringen
to send forthfortschicken
to send forthhervorbringen
to send forth sb./sth. [e.g. a messenger, particle, odour]jdn./etw. aussenden [z. B. Boten, Teilchen, Gerüche]
to send forth sb./sth. [people or animals, e.g. a dove as messenger]jdn./etw. hinaussenden [Menschen oder Tiere, z. B. Brieftauben als Boten]
to set forth [begin a journey]ausziehen [in die Welt hinausgehen, sich auf den Weg machen] [bes. in Märchen]
to set sth. forthetw.Akk. ausführen [erläutern, darlegen]
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A 2020-11-15: ~ who ventures forth on your behalf
A 2020-10-26: a lecturing voice, a voice holding forth
A 2018-05-29: GB: There are warnings of gales in Viking / Forties / Cromarty / Forth / F...
A 2017-10-16: forth to - hin zu
A 2017-10-16: forth also noun .... obs.
Q 2017-10-16: issue forth
A 2017-06-28: @romy, "and so on" / "and so forth" VS "etc.".
A 2014-09-15: Brings forth
A 2013-08-31: Yes. ... bounced cheque .... all these fees for it, going back and forth .....
A 2013-04-22: move mouse back and forth, left and right, especially over the flowers are...
Q 2013-03-08: set forth
A 2012-11-21: Correct, these are undesirable slight and rapid back-and-forth shifts of a...
Q 2011-09-21: switching back and forth
A 2011-08-03: set forth/executed with my signature
A 2011-07-10: Wenn ich müde bin, reibe ich +mir+ die Augen. \ hin und her fahren > move ...
A 2011-03-31: Good to know - needn't bother much in this Forum any more as most of the s...
Q 2011-01-13: to pour forth
A 2011-01-13: fobbed off here = sth. dishonest, shoddy put forth to hide ignorance, inde...
Q 2010-11-17: Wilder and Lehman went back and forth for months
Q 2010-09-29: Going back and forth

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