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English-German translation for: fox
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Dictionary English German: fox

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NOUN   a fox | foxes
VERB  to fox | foxed | foxed ... 
SYNO   Charles James Fox | Fox | Fox ... 
NOUN   der Fox | die Foxe
fox {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cub, family, fur, hunt, species]
Fuchs- [z. B. Welpe, Familie, Pelz, Jagd, Art]
oenol. foxy {adj}mit Fox-Ton [nachgestellt]
to fox sb. [coll.] [deceive, trick]
jdn. reinlegen [ugs.]
to fox sb. [coll.] [to baffle]
jdn. verblüffen
to fox [coll.] [to deceive]
to fox [coll.] [to baffle]
to fox [paper]stockfleckig werden
zool. T
Fuchs {m}
fox [Am.] [sl.] [attractive man]heißer Typ {m} [ugs.]
fox [Am.] [sl.] [attractive woman]heiße Braut {f} [ugs.]
fox [coll.] [a clever person]Fuchs {m} [ugs.] [ein durch seine Schläue und Gewitztheit andern überlegener Mensch]
dance foxtrotFox {m} [kurz für: Foxtrott]
2 Words: Nouns
hunting (red) foxRotrock {m} [Jägerspr.] [hum.] [Fuchs, Rotfuchs]
zool. bitch-foxFüchsin {f}
hist. mil. Desert Fox [nickname of Erwin Rommel]Wüstenfuchs {m} [Beiname von Erwin Rommel]
dance disco foxDiscofox {m}
zool. dog foxFuchsrüde {m}
hunting zool. female foxBätze {f} [Füchsin]
zool. female foxFähe {f} [weiblicher Fuchs]
flying fox [zip line]Seilrutsche {f}
sports flying fox [zip-line]Guerillarutsche {f} [österr.] [ugs.]
sports flying fox [zip-line]Seilbahn {f} [selten] [Seilrutsche]
sports flying fox [zip-line]Tyrolienne {f} [auch: Tirolienne] [schweiz.] [Seilrutsche]
zool. fox carcassFuchskadaver {m}
zool. fox cubFuchsjunges {n}
zool. fox cubFuchswelpe {m}
pharm. fox fatFuchsfett {n}
zool. fox furFuchsfell {n}
fox furFuchspelz {m}
fox fursFuchspelze {f}
geogr. Fox Glacier [Maori: Te Moeka o Tuawe]Fox-Gletscher {m}
hunting fox huntFuchsjagd {f} [einzelne Jagd]
hunting fox hunterFuchsjäger {m}
hunting fox huntingFuchsjagd {f} [das Jagen von Füchsen]
fox huntsFuchsjagden {pl}
hunting fox kitJungfuchs {m}
zool. fox motherFuchsmutter {f}
zool. fox pupFuchsjunges {n}
zool. fox speciesFuchsart {f}
zool. fox trailFuchsspur {f}
hunting fox trapFuchsfalle {f}
tech. fox wedgeKeilhalter {m}
tech. fox wedgeKeilhalterung {f}
zool. fox's brushFuchsschwanz {m}
zool. fox's burrowFuchsbau {m}
zool. fox's denFuchsbau {m}
med. Fox's signFox-Zeichen {n}
zool. fox's tailFuchsschwanz {m}
hunting zool. fox's tailLunte {f} [jägerspr.] [Fuchsschwanz]
zool. little foxFüchschen {n}
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A 2010-11-16: "had arranged to have Fox make the movie"
A 2010-09-06: @Lisa4dict: it's a World War I battlefield. Nothing but shell craters, fox...
A 2010-09-06: The hole here is a hole in the ground, like a shell crater or a fox hole.
Q 2010-08-04: German "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
A 2009-10-18: CRAZY LIKE A FOX
A 2009-01-07: Where fox and rabbit say good-night to one another: old Southern U.S. joke.
A 2008-10-02: Fire of the fox
A 2008-09-19: zu k) On the way we saw a big fox and heard a wild boar. Ist das besser?
A 2007-05-31: yes, an old fox is 'ausgefuchst'
A 2007-04-15: Thx fox:)
Q 2007-03-01: fox run to earth
A 2007-02-05: cunning fox - sly as a fox
A 2006-11-12: Definition of 'stone fox'
A 2006-11-12: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=stone+fox
Q 2006-11-12: stone fox
A 2006-09-22: Lippi, Bio-wolf. Lyrenkatze, Corsac fox. Mointain cat
A 2006-02-13: Fox-like is the only expression I have heard before in this contact. If yo...
A 2005-12-03: fox country
A 2005-11-18: fox hunting
A 2005-11-18: fox hunting

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