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English-German translation for: fraught
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Dictionary English German: fraught

Translation 1 - 29 of 29

English German
ADJ   fraught | more fraught | most fraught
SYNO   fraught | pregnant
fraught {adj}
fraught {adj} [stressful]
fraught {prep}
voll [voller]
fraught {adj} [anxious]
angespannt [Person]
fraught {adj} [anxious]
fraught {adj} [relationship, etc.]
hektisch [Beziehung, usw.]
2 Words
fraught with {adj} {prep}voller [indekl.]
terror-fraught {adj} [horrible]grauenvoll
fraught negotiationsnervenaufreibende Verhandlungen {pl}
3 Words
fraught with danger {adj}gefahrenumwittert [geh.]
idiom fraught with danger {adj} [postpos.](sehr) gefahrvoll
fraught with danger {adj} [postpos.]voller Gefahren [nachgestellt]
fraught with meaning {adj} [postpos.]bedeutungsschwer
fraught with memories {adj} [postpos.]mit Erinnerung befrachtet
fraught with obstacles {adj} [postpos.]voller Hindernisse [nachgestellt]
fraught with problems {adj} [postpos.]problembehaftet
fraught with problems {adj} [postpos.]problembeladen
fraught with problems {adj} [postpos.](äußerst) problematisch
fraught with risk {adj} [postpos.]risikobehaftet
fraught with tension {adj} [postpos.]spannungsgeladen
fraught with tension {adj} [postpos.]voller Spannung [nachgestellt]
fraught with uncertainty {adj} [postpos.]mit großen Unsicherheiten behaftet
to be fraught with sth.mit etw. überfrachtet sein
to be fraught with sth. [with problems, errors, uncertainties, etc.]mit etw.Dat. behaftet sein [mit Problemen, Fehlern, Unsicherheiten etc.]
4 Words
fraught with difficulty / difficulties {adj} [postpos.]voller Schwierigkeiten [nachgestellt]
to be fraught with difficultiesvoller Schwierigkeiten stecken
to be fraught with problemsvoller Probleme stecken
silence fraught with menacebedrohliche Stille {f}
5+ Words
to be beset / fraught with dangervon Gefahren umwittert sein [geh.]
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A 2011-08-18: I'd stay away from the cherry-and-raisin analogy. It's fraught with danger.
A 2007-08-25: the area in front of the goal(keeper) was fraught with danger
A 2005-11-14: bound to be fraught
Q 2005-11-14: Bound to be fraught
Q 2004-11-23: schreckensschwanger - fraught with terror?

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• fraught
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fraught with danger
fraught with meaning
fraught with memories
fraught with obstacles
fraught with problems
fraught with risk
fraught with tension
fraught with uncertainty

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