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English-German translation for: freely
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Dictionary English German: freely

Translation 1 - 35 of 35

English German
freely {adv} [of one's own accord]
freely {adv}
freely {adv}
freely {adv}
freely {adv}
freely {adv}
med. pharm. freely {adv} <ad libitum, ad lib.>nach Belieben
2 Words: Others
chosen freely {adj}beliebig gewählt
freely accessible {adj}frei zugänglich
freely allocated {adj} {past-p}frei zugeordnet
freely chosen {adj} {past-p}frei gewählt
freely convertible {adj}frei konvertierbar
pol. freely elected {adj}freigewählt
freely falling {adj}frei fallend
freely offeredstark angeboten
freely programmable {adj}frei programmierbar
freely rotating {adj}frei rotierend
freely selectable {adj}frei wählbar
2 Words: Verbs
to admit sth. freelyetw.Akk. offen zugeben
to breathe freelyfrei durchatmen
to freely admit sth.etw.Akk. freimütig zugeben
to freely admit sth.etw.Akk. offen zugeben
to weep freelyden Tränen freien Lauf lassen [Redewendung]
3 Words: Others
freely adapted fromfrei nach
3 Words: Verbs
to be freely availablefrei zugänglich sein [verfügbar]
to be freely availablefrei zur Verfügung stehen
to breathe easily / freelybefreit aufatmen
to move about freelysichAkk. frei bewegen
to spend money freelyfreigebig sein
to spend money freelygroßzügig Geld ausgeben
4 Words: Others
The wine flowed freely.Der Wein floss in Strömen.
5+ Words: Others
..., until the levers can be moved freely...., bis die Hebel frei beweglich sind.
All children need a certain amount of leeway to be able to develop freely.Jedes Kind braucht einen gewissen Spielraum zur freien Entfaltung.
freely based on a novelfrei nach einem Roman
proverb You live freely if you haven't a reputation to lose.Ist der Ruf erst ruiniert, lebt man völlig ungeniert.
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Q 2023-06-19: German "frei sprechen" = speak without notes or speak freely or ...?
A 2015-09-15: freely: She holds in loving embrace all creatures who stir upon the earth.
A 2015-02-10: freely
A 2014-06-13: Freely formed German terms are not always neologisms, much less "false" co...
A 2014-04-11: You +adapt+ the offer +to+ certain circumstances, you +adjust+ it more freely
Q 2013-12-15: to adapt Goethe (freely) | frei nach Goethe {verb}
A 2013-09-20: Freely
A 2013-09-03: As a first consequence, industrial property rights belonging to X may be f...
A 2013-08-09: Somewhat freely translated: Perlen der Weisheit.
A 2013-07-22: Freely
Q 2013-06-24: in their own time .. which they freely chose
A 2013-01-02: Freely translated.
A 2012-10-25: Rather freely
A 2012-05-14: I suggest "moment" for "Augenblick". I translate the last two lines a bit ...
A 2012-05-09: more freely: Millennia of colorful history...
A 2012-04-16: Freely: For the following reasons, the existing state of the art provides ...
A 2012-01-05: My try, somewhat freely.
A 2011-06-08: Typo: freely
A 2011-02-14: freely configurable
A 2010-12-31: You may freely decide what to do with it.

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