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English-German translation for: freezing
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Dictionary English German: freezing

Translation 1 - 50 of 102  >>

English German
ADJ   freezing | more freezing | most freezing
VERB  to freeze | froze | frozen
freezing | freezes
SYNO   freeze | freezing
freezing {adj} [coll.]
freezing {adj}
freezing {adj} {pres-p}
freezing {adj}unter Null [alt] [nachgestellt]
freezing {adj}unter null [nachgestellt]
freezing {adj} [coll.]zapfig [österr.] [schweiz.] [ugs.]
Gefrieren {n}
meteo. freezing [freezing point]
Gefrierpunkt {m}
Einfrieren {n}
zool. freezingSchreckstarre {f}
meteo. freezing [of a lake]Seegfrörni {f} [schweiz.]
2 Words: Others
above freezing {adv}über dem Gefrierpunkt
deep-freezing {adj}tiefkühlend
freezing cold {adj}eisigkalt [alt]
freezing cold {adj}eiskalt
freezing cold {adj}hundekalt [ugs.]
freezing cold {adj}saukalt [ugs.]
freezing cold {adj}schweinekalt [ugs.]
freezing cold {adj}eisig kalt
freezing on {adj} {pres-p}anfrierend
freezing up {adj} {pres-p}zufrierend
I'm freezing.Ich friere.
2 Words: Nouns
asset freezingBlockierung {f} von Guthaben
blast freezingLuftstromgefrieren {n}
automot. carburet freezingVergaservereisung {f}
meteo. contact freezingKontaktgefrieren {n}
FoodInd. deep freezingTiefgefrieren {n}
deep freezing [also: deep-freezing]Tiefkühlen {n}
FoodInd. double freezingDoppelgefrieren {n}
FoodInd. flash freezingSchockfrosten {n}
freezing agentKältemittel {n}
freezing agentKühlmittel {n}
tech. freezing cellGefrierzelle {f}
meteo. freezing coldEiseskälte {f}
freezing coldeisige Kälte {f}
meteo. freezing daysFrosttage {pl}
tools freezing deviceGefriergerät {n}
meteo. freezing foggefrierender Nebel {m}
law freezing injunction [Br.] [EU]dinglicher Arrest {m}
meteo. freezing level <FZLVL, FL>Nullgradgrenze {f}
geol. freezing limitGefriergrenze {f}
meteo. freezing lineNullgradgrenze {f}
freezing machineGefriermaschine {f}
meteo. freezing markGefrierpunkt {m}
freezing mixtureKältemischung {f}
freezing mixturesKältemischungen {pl}
law freezing orderSicherstellungsentscheidung {f}
freezing plantGefrieranlage {f}
ind. tech. freezing plantsGefrieranlagen {pl}
freezing pointErstarrungspunkt {m}
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A 2016-01-25: Freezing rain turns to ice as soon as it hits a surface,
A 2015-08-01: Should judge Owen point his Finger at Putin just the same, dürfte Relatio...
A 2015-04-02: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/apr/02/at-least-43-dead-as-russian-t...
A 2014-09-24: Wenn schon: Es +hat+ sechs Grad minus. > It's six below (zero / freezing).
A 2014-05-27: headcount freezing
A 2014-02-06: At least that's one thing I don't have to worry about with the freezing ra...
Q 2012-02-22: Oh, them freezing prepositions...
Q 2012-02-05: Anybody ready to join swimmers for their daily plunge in the freezing Serp...
Q 2011-12-12: freezing the system (comp.)
A 2009-01-01: no, not freezing at all, although twas a tad chilly today
A 2009-01-01: so you arent freezing even?
A 2008-12-20: Near Graz, near freezing and no snow here,
Q 2008-12-13: freezing your rastafarian nay-nays off
A 2007-11-25: am I being apostracised? my hands are freezing and my brain numb from this
A 2007-07-29: heat? what heat are you talking about, fudge? it's freezing over here
A 2007-05-27: I could - but I wouldn't want to imaging freezing cold :-)
A 2007-05-27: @esmeralda: it's not the heat, it's freezing! And you can't heat Australia...
A 2007-05-03: arrest in this case seems to mean "freezing order"
A 2006-09-25: Freezing (Einfrieren) ist gut. Blocking hat mehr mit "verhindern" zu tun.
A 2005-09-28: thta`s NOT fair, it is freezing here

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