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Dictionary English German: frequently

Translation 1 - 45 of 45

English German
SYNO   frequently | oft | often ... 
frequently {adv}
frequently {adv}
vielfach [ugs.] [(recht) oft]
frequently {adv}
frequently {adv}
frequently {adv} [quite often]
öfters [österr.] [schweiz.] [sonst regional]
frequently {adv}
frequently {adv}
dutzendfach [fig.]
frequently {adv}des Öfteren [häufig]
frequently {adv}immer wieder
frequently {adv}nicht selten
2 Words: Others
exceptionally frequently {adv}ungewöhnlich häufig
frequently bought {adj}viel gekauft
frequently invoked {adj}vielbeschworen
frequently mentioned {adj}häufig genannt
frequently mentioned {adj}oft genannt
frequently mentioned {adj}viel genannt
more frequently {adv}häufiger
3 Words: Others
all too frequently {adv}allzu häufig
less frequently than {adv}seltener als
most frequently applied {adj} [postpos.]am häufigsten angewandt
most frequently mentioned {adj}meistgenannt
most frequently quoted {adj} [attr.]meistzitiert
most frequently sold {adj}am meisten verkauft
most frequently used {adj}meistverwendet
most frequently visited {adj}meistbesucht
sth. is frequently usedetw. wird oft benutzt
3 Words: Verbs
to be replaced frequentlyoft ersetzt werden
3 Words: Nouns
Internet frequently asked questions <FAQ, FAQs>FAQ {pl} [auch: FAQs]
Internet frequently asked questions <FAQ, FAQs>häufig gestellte Fragen {pl} <HGF> [Abk. selten]
Internet frequently asked questions <FAQ, FAQs>oft gestellte Fragen {pl} <OGF> [Abk. selten]
rail frequently stopping trainlangsamer Personenzug {m}
frequently-used termoft benutzte Bezeichnung {f}
4 Words: Others
more and more frequently {adv}immer häufiger
more frequently than ever {adv}häufiger als je zuvor
sb./sth. is frequently confused with sb./sth.jd./etw. wird oft mit jdm./etw. verwechselt
4 Words: Verbs
to be frequently confronted with sth.häufig mit etw.Dat. konfrontiert werden
4 Words: Nouns
a frequently heard argumentein oft gehörtes Argument {n}
a frequently heard argumentein oft zu hörendes Argument {n}
a frequently observed phenomenonein häufig beobachtetes Phänomen {n}
a frequently observed phenomenonein häufig zu beobachtendes Phänomen {n}
5+ Words: Others
frequently copied but never equalledoft kopiert, aber nie erreicht
Internet Read the frequently asked questions list! <RTFAQ>Lies die Liste der häufig gestellten Fragen!
She frequently catches a cold.Sie ist gerne erkältet. [ugs. für: Sie ist häufig erkältet.]
med. The most frequently isolated bacteria were members of the genera xyz.Die dominierenden Erregergattungen waren Vertreter der Genera xyz.
5+ Words: Nouns
med. people with frequently changing sexual partnersMenschen {pl} mit häufig wechselnden Sexualpartnern
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A 2020-09-29: Frequently, however, the idiom appears to be used in the literal sense
A 2019-05-30: Much more frequently +from me+ than +for me+
Q 2018-08-28: which version is correct or more frequently used?
A 2018-01-08: More frequently found as +biographizing+
A 2017-10-30: A possible counter-strategy: Frequently search for random words / terms / ...
A 2016-09-28: to act with ice-cold calculation \ much more frequently +with cold calculation+
A 2016-08-03: Aber ein "frequently quoted, quasi proverb-like statement" ist das nicht, oder?
Q 2015-12-14: Which one is more frequently used?
A 2015-09-24: +You frequently don’t know where you are going until you get there.+ What ...
A 2014-07-01: Fressnapf > food bowl <<< Not only would I prefer +food bowl+ - it is also...
A 2014-06-18: Usually: suffixed with; +suffixed by,+ while not as frequently used, is fa...
A 2013-06-05: *whether* contains "or not", as the only alternative, which makes it redun...
Q 2013-05-08: Which word is used more frequently in everyday speech? Thanks in advance.
A 2012-07-17: a) would refer to a "thief" b) more to an "answer" being solved. a) for re...
A 2012-04-24: Beg to differ - +allow(s) for+ crops up more frequently in the LINK I gave...
A 2012-03-08: And the more frequently used form is 'das Buchstabieren'.
A 2012-01-29: ⇒ "aus der Kurve fliegen" > "to skid off the bend"; more frequently +skid ...
A 2011-10-11: BTW: "Mit Karacho" is not so rare an expression and frequently used.
A 2011-05-21: Yes, you see "Thermophen" frequently in want ads and informal writing.
A 2011-03-03: http://www.morgansmithyes.co.uk/Frequently-Asked-Property-Questions.php

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