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English-German translation for: fried
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Dictionary English German: fried

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ADJ   fried | more fried | most fried
VERB  to fry | fried | fried ... 
SYNO   deep-fried | fried
gastr. fried {adj} {past-p}
gebraten [in der Pfanne]
sb. fried
jd. briet
gastr. fried {adj} {past-p}
gebacken [in der Pfanne, in Fett, nicht im Ofen]
fried {adj} [Am.] [sl.]
beschickert [ugs.]
fried {adj} [e.g. fish, vegetables, herring]
Brat- [z. B. Fisch, Gemüse, Hering]
gastr. fried {adj} {past-p}
2 Words: Others
brain-fried {adj}überbelastet [mental]
gastr. deep-fried {adj} {past-p}frittiert
gastr. pan-fried {adj} {past-p}abgebräunt
gastr. pan-fried {adj} {past-p}in der Pfanne gebraten
gastr. stir-fried {adj}pfannengerührt
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. (fried) calamariCalamares {pl}
gastr. fried cheesegebackener Käse {m}
gastr. fried chickengebratenes Hähnchen {n}
gastr. fried chicken [Am.] [Southern fried chicken]Backhendl {n} [österr.] [ugs.]
gastr. fried chicken [Am.] [Southern fried chicken]Backhuhn {n} [österr.] [südd.]
gastr. fried chicken [in breadcrumbs]Brathähnchen {n}
gastr. fried chicken [roast chicken]Brathendl {n} [österr.] [südd.] [ugs.]
gastr. fried chicken {sg} [Am.] [breaded pieces of chicken]Backhendlstreifen {pl} [österr.] [südd.]
gastr. fried eggSetzei {n} [bes. nordd.]
gastr. fried eggSpiegelei {n}
gastr. fried eggStierenauge {n} [schweiz.] [Spiegelei]
gastr. fried eggplant [Am.] [Aus.]gebratene Aubergine {f}
gastr. fried eggsSpiegeleier {pl}
gastr. fried fishBackfisch {m} [gebratener Fisch]
gastr. fried fishBratfisch {m}
gastr. fried herringBrathering {m}
gastr. fried onionsRöstzwiebeln {pl}
gastr. fried onionsSchmelzzwiebeln {pl}
gastr. fried potatoesBrägele {pl} [schwäb.] [badisch] [Bratkartoffeln]
gastr. fried potatoesBratkartoffeln {pl}
gastr. fried potatoesRöstkartoffeln {pl}
gastr. fried ricegebratener Reis {m}
gastr. fried sausageBratwurst {f} [Dosenwurst]
gastr. fried vegetables {pl}Bratgemüse {n}
3 Words: Others
gastr. breadcrumbed and friedgebacken [österr.] [Fleisch, Champignons etc.]
sb. has / had friedjd. hat / hatte gebraten
gastr. Scrambled or fried?Rührei oder Spiegelei?
3 Words: Nouns
gastr. (fried) potato ballsKartoffelkugeln {pl}
gastr. breaded fried chickenBackhendl {n} [österr.] [südd.]
gastr. chicken fried steak [Am.] [fried beefsteak]paniertes Beefsteak {n}
gastr. deep-fried foodFrittiergut {n}
gastr. egg fried ricegebratener Reis mit Ei {m}
gastr. french-fried potatoesPommes frites {pl}
gastr. French-fried potatoesPommes frites {pl}
gastr. fried batter pearlBackerbse {f}
gastr. fried batter pearlsBackerbsen {pl}
gastr. fried batter pearlsBacknüssli {pl} [schweiz.] [Backerbsen]
gastr. fried batter pearlsSuppenperlen {pl} [schweiz.] [Backerbsen]
gastr. fried dough foods {pl}Fettgebackenes {n}
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A 2018-04-20: Erich Fried
A 2015-05-04: "frittiert" wouldn't be pan fried but "deep fried" oder "chicken fried chicken"
Q 2015-05-03: pan-fried chicken
A 2012-07-31: Cooked, fried, beat, knackered. All colloquial for 'utterly exhausted.'
A 2012-01-04: A similar thing, with differences.: simply known as +fried pies+
A 2011-10-17: wiener called frankfurter in vienna is fried in oil sometimes in a schlach...
A 2011-10-17: parker11 is right: Nürnberger need to be fried (not boiled!)
A 2011-06-09: Lisa, you're absolutely right. My brain is fried.
A 2011-03-28: fried ice cream
A 2011-03-26: fried ice cream
Q 2011-03-26: fried ice cream
A 2010-11-10: Bratwurst isn't (already) fried sausage, but sausage that you fry.
A 2010-08-23: Right you are. Briefly fried, by all means
A 2010-08-23: it's not fried .... - it's sauteed in butter .....
A 2010-08-23: First sauteed, then shortly fried in butter.
A 2010-03-22: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22pan-fried+meat%22&...
A 2010-03-22: quick-fried meat
A 2009-08-23: well -- fried green tomatoes just happens to be ONE film/book/audio-book i...
A 2009-03-31: Oven cheese, fried cheese o.ä. passt hier leider nicht
A 2009-02-24: Well, a Krapfen is a yeast dough dumpling, deep-fried in oil and tradition...

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