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English-German translation for: friends
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Dictionary English German: friends

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NOUN   a friend | friends
NOUN   der Friend | die Friends
Freunde {pl}
Bekannte {pl}
friends {pl} [collectively]
Freundeskreis {m}
friends [female]
Freundinnen {pl}
relig. the Friends [the members of the Society of Friends] [Quakers]die Quäker {pl}
2 Words: Others
among friends {adv}unter Freunden
among friends {adv}im Kreis von Freunden
among sb.'s friends {adv}in jds. Bekanntschaft
become friends {past-p}befreundet
between friendsunter Freunden
made friends {past-p}sich angefreundet
making friendsanfreundend
without friends {adj} [postpos.]freundlos
2 Words: Verbs
to be friendsbefreundet sein
to become friendssichAkk. anfreunden
to find friendsFreunde finden
to make friendsAnschluss finden
to make friendsFreundschaft schließen
to make friendsFreundschaften schließen
to make friendssich anfreunden
market. to recommend friendsFreundschaftswerbung betreiben [Freunde empfehlen]
to remain friendsFreunde bleiben
to select friendsFreunde aussuchen
to stay friendsFreunde bleiben
to visit friendsFreunde besuchen
2 Words: Nouns
business friendsGeschäftsfreunde {pl}
chief friendsHauptfreunde {pl}
childhood friendsFreunde {pl} aus der Kindheit
close friendsdicke Freunde {pl} [ugs.]
close friendsenge Freunde {pl}
closest friendsengste Freunde {pl}
college friendsStudienfreunde {pl}
family friendsFreunde {pl} der Familie
orn. feathered friends [coll.] [birds]gefiederte Freunde {pl} [Vögel]
female friendsFreundinnen {pl}
firm friendsfeste Freunde {pl}
Internet friends list [social networking]Freundesliste {f} [soziales Netzwerken]
friends' association [Br.]Förderverein {m}
psych. imaginary friendsFantasiefreunde {pl}
psych. imaginary friendsimaginäre Freunde {pl}
old friendsalte Duzfreunde {pl}
university friendsStudienfreunde {pl}
women friendsFreundinnen {pl}
3 Words: Others
among my friends {adv}unter meinen Freunden
best friends forever <bff>beste Freunde für immer
Friends of yours?Freunde von Ihnen? [formelle Anrede]
idiom market. Friends recruit friends.Freunde werben Freunde.
sb. became friends with sb.jd. befreundete sich mit jdm.
sb. becomes friends with sb.jd. befreundet sich mit jdm.
3 Words: Verbs
to be close friendseng befreundet sein
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A 2024-09-05: Okay, I see, interesting, aphoenix. So you can imagine to use the phrase i...
A 2023-06-17: Thanks, friends.
A 2022-03-31: Rolle (Bergbau) \ roll (mining) sind falsche Freunde / are false friends
A 2021-06-04: +Buchkredit+ in the sense of +loan+ and +book credit+ are false friends
A 2021-04-13: Beware of false friends!
A 2020-12-31: True friends are worth their weight in gold, relationships worth mere tuppence.
A 2020-12-30: True friends are worth their weight in gold.
A 2020-02-23: I am still hoping that MichaelK & friends jump in here...
Q 2019-03-06: An neue Freunde / to new friends
A 2018-09-17: Among the South German / Austrian nobility, close relatives and friends us...
A 2018-08-16: Thanks, Windfall, for the hint about false friends "drink" (EN) and "Drink...
A 2018-03-01: In the sixties American undergraduate friends of mine called it +barfing.+
A 2017-07-28: PS: At any rate +sich kümmern um+ is +to care for+ and NEVER +to care abou...
A 2017-02-16: Ask data-oblivious friends to order stuff for your through Amazon, and rei...
A 2017-01-11: Clinically precise language may be felt to be most inappropriate among int...
A 2015-09-22: There are also false friends in usage!
Q 2015-07-07: make new friends (translation)
A 2015-02-01: Totaler Blödsinn - NB +idiocy+ and +Idiotie+ are largely false friends as ...
Q 2015-01-23: my friends ended up/"kicked out" of homeschool
A 2014-10-21: false friends are lurking here

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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